It's UWAweek 45 (2nd semester, 2nd exam week)


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 UWA week 41 (2nd semester, week 11) ↓
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9:26am Thu 10th Oct, ANONYMOUS

> > (This issue occurs as, due to the Global LRU policy dictating that, as the RAM would be 'filled' up by process 1 and 2 (which evicts and replaces itself using the Local LRU policy), the 1st page of process 0 would be evicted and replaced by process 3, before process 0 can be reintroduced into RAM, (my current understanding for the LRU policies is, that I would iterate through ram, find the lowest last accessed time and replace that "slot" with the new frame from the new process. This is only really for reference in case I'm misunderstanding something)) > > > > I could just be totally misunderstanding the concept entirely as well, I'm not too sure, so any clarification would be helpful, thx > > Since RAM is full and there is no page of process 3 on RAM, we can't use local LRU to make room, we need to use global LRU, which means pg 0 of process 0 gets evicted to make room for pg 0 of process 3.
Yh, that was more for explaining my current understanding, and making sure that I am meant to remember the previous page.
> > If that's the case, are we meant to/allowed to have an extra structure/array to hold the current page of each process at a time? Or are we meant to just treat it as though we are starting from "page 0" again? > > You need to remember the last page you loaded for each process. It's up to you how to determine how to do that.
I think this part explains it well though. Thanks a lot for that, it clears it up a good bit.

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Computer Science and Software Engineering

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