It's UWAweek 50


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 UWA week 43 (2nd semester, study break) ↓
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8:37pm Thu 24th Oct, Joshua N.

> I would've said that it's because every process calls exit(), either implicitly or explicitly. But I can see it being related to stdin/out/err too.
I would personally say exit would apply better because technically you can just make a program that does nothing and so doesn't use I/O but I/O is still a good answer.
> Would have been nice to get the sample answers to the past exams, it's much more helpful when you can actually check your work.
I know how you feel, but according to research, it is linked to better exam performance (although students have lower confidence entering the exam). Because students discuss their understanding with others and search harder for the answers, it reinforces concepts and the answers to the questions stay in their mind longer. So, Amitava isn't doing it to be mean.

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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