It's UWAweek 44 (2nd semester, 1st exam week)


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 UWA week 22 (1st semester, study break) ↓
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While 'sed -E' and 'grep -E' support the extended regular expressions (ERE), which is the RE syntax of awk, any reasons why we stick to the basic regular expressions (BRE)? Firstly, 'buy 1 get 3' is appealing because the ERE syntax works in these commands, reducing the cognitive load when learning and using. Secondly, regarding the portability, I do not have a clue about the targeted operating system or whether we will log in to an ancient machine. Since in Ubuntu 23.04, those commands support the ERE, I think it should run well on other UNIX-like systems having software updated. Thirdly, the BRE is a little counter-intuitive. For example, some meta characters like '?', and '+' have to be backslashed to become quantifiers, but '*' does not have to. Someone who has not read the manual may fall into this pitfall, not understanding what goes wrong.

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

CRICOS Code: 00126G
Written by [email protected]
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