It's UWAweek 38 (2nd semester, week 8)

research projects

The department of Computer Science and Software Engineering offers a number of one- and two-semester research projects for students in their third or fourth year of their bachelor degrees, or in the final year of their coursework Masters degrees.

Bachelor of Science(Honours), Bachelor of Advanced Computer Science(Honours), Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours)

Students undertaking any of these courses will enrol in the 12 point unit CITS4010, followed by the 12 point unit CITS4011. Students may commence with CITS4010 in either 1st or 2nd semester, but must complete CITS4010 and CITS4011 in successive semesters.

CITS4010 is assessed through the completion of a literature review and a research project proposal. CITS4011 is then assessed through a seminar presentation and a final research dissertation.

All students (and projects) are required to have a primary project supervsior who is a member of academic staff in Computer Science and Software Engineering. Some students will also have a secondary supervisor, who may be a member of UWA academic staff, a postgraduate student of the primary supervisor, or from industry. On occassion, students have had three supervisors.

Visit the CSSE Research Projects website for details about prospective supervisors and the research projects that they are offering.

Masters of Data Science

More to come...

Visit the CSSE Research Projects website for details about prospective supervisors and the research projects that they are offering.

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

CRICOS Code: 00126G
Written by [email protected]
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