It's UWAweek 51


Many famous Computer Science textbooks begin at Chapter 0, so we will, too.
From here you may find information about events in our department, and links to some frequently accessed tools.

That green swan at left? It first appeared in UWA Computer Science in 1979, in the login banner of the DEC RSTS/E operating system [1, 2] on ADM-3A terminals [3].

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General information (login to see more):
unit information
Provides informal information on coursework units, the software used in each unit, and recommendations on choosing a laptop computer.
General announcements, information about industry visitors, prospective employers, and presentations of interest to all.

csse-feedback (login required)
Discuss and offer feedback about the teaching and resources within our Department, and participate in future Student/Staff Liaison meetings.

View today's enrolments, view enrolment retention, and its change across years.
View assessment deadlines, submit assignments and projects for marking, and received feedback on marked work.
csmarks (login required)
View your marks, per-unit histograms, and statistics, and view feedback on your marked work.
LMS enables staff to publish lecture notes, manage interactive learning modules, and to set up assignments, and quizzes.

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

CRICOS Code: 00126G
Written by [email protected]
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Last modified  5:54AM Jul 29 2023
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