It's UWAweek 51


This forum is provided to promote discussion amongst students enrolled in CITS3002 Computer Networks.

Please consider offering answers and suggestions to help other students! And if you fix a problem by following a suggestion here, it would be great if other interested students could see a short "Great, fixed it!"  followup message. How do I ask a good question?

There are 194 active topics since Time began
Showing 505 of 503 articles.
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 UWA week 26 (mid-year break) ↓
Project marks now available, exams completed
9:12am Fri 28th Jun project  👍x1 Christopher M.

Project Marks - Deferred Exam (both)
5:36pm Wed 26th Jun Henry H.
3 hours later  👍x1 Susheel U.

 UWA week 23 (1st semester, 1st exam week) ↓
Pseudo Code
5:15pm Fri 7th Jun final exam ANONYMOUS

TCP Security Questions
10:15am Fri 7th Jun ANONYMOUS

Static NAT
9:47am Fri 7th Jun ANONYMOUS

Client/Server Scaling Definition (both)
10:18pm Thu 6th Jun final exam ANONYMOUS
12 hours later final exam ANONYMOUS

Tutorial 1
5:14pm Thu 6th Jun final exam ANONYMOUS

2016 Q1b)
3:18pm Thu 6th Jun final exam ANONYMOUS

Concurrent vs. Iterative Servers (all 3)
2:34pm Thu 6th Jun ANONYMOUS
20 hours later ANONYMOUS
41 hours later Armaan J.

IPv4 Address Properties (all 3)
11:31am Thu 6th Jun ANONYMOUS
19 hours later Christopher M.
22 hours later  👍x1 ANONYMOUS  O.P.

2023 Q1 Pseudo Code (both)
11:09am Thu 6th Jun  👍x1 ANONYMOUS
19 hours later Christopher M.

Project marks (all 3)
4:35am Thu 6th Jun project  👍x2 Christopher M.
17 days later ANONYMOUS
19 days later  👍x2 Christopher M.  O.P.

2023 4a (all 4)
10:15pm Wed 5th Jun final exam ANONYMOUS
6 hours later final exam Christopher M.
19 hours later final exam ANONYMOUS
32 hours later final exam Christopher M.

2023 Exam Question 2a (both)
4:11pm Wed 5th Jun final exam ANONYMOUS
64 mins later final exam Christopher M.

Smurf DDOS (both)
3:11pm Wed 5th Jun ANONYMOUS
2 hours later Christopher M.

RPC Server/Client Code (both)
4:32pm Tue 4th Jun ANONYMOUS
24 hours later Christopher M.

Project Marks Release (all 3)
1:18pm Mon 3rd Jun project  👍x4 ANONYMOUS
3 hours later project  👍x1 ANONYMOUS
18 hours later project Christopher M.

 UWA week 22 (1st semester, study break) ↓
EXAM 2023 q4b (all 4)
11:04pm Fri 31st May final exam ANONYMOUS
87 hours later final exam  👍x1 Christopher M.
5 days later final exam ANONYMOUS
6 days later final exam Christopher M.

SSL & VPN examinable?
9:08pm Fri 31st May final exam ANONYMOUS

what do we need to know about IEEE 802.11 (both)
3:55pm Thu 30th May final exam ANONYMOUS
4 days later final exam Christopher M.

2023 Exam Question 1 (all 3)
6:36pm Tue 28th May final exam ANONYMOUS
74 hours later final exam Oliver F.
6 days later final exam Christopher M.

Lecture 10 PDF (both)
8:10pm Mon 27th May lectures ANONYMOUS
18 hours later lectures ANONYMOUS  O.P.

Project Demo Location 27/05/2024 (all 3)
9:55am Mon 27th May project  👍x2 Jansen C.
2 hours later project ANONYMOUS
24 hours later project ANONYMOUS

 UWA week 21 (1st semester, week 12) ↓
Strange demo experience (both)
10:39am Thu 23rd May project ANONYMOUS
2 hours later project ANONYMOUS

booking a demonstration time (all 3)
11:19am Mon 20th May project ANONYMOUS
25 hours later project ANONYMOUS
31 hours later project Elliot W.

 UWA week 20 (1st semester, week 11) ↓
Marking - Based on Demo?
2:18pm Sun 19th May project  👍x1 ANONYMOUS

Week 11 lecture (both)
5:42pm Sat 18th May lectures ANONYMOUS
95 mins later lectures William R.

How to connect to multiple ports? (both)
5:57pm Thu 16th May ANONYMOUS
55 mins later ANONYMOUS  O.P.

Project demo venue (all 5)
1:48pm Thu 16th May project ANONYMOUS
74 hours later project  👍x2 ANONYMOUS
9 days later project ANONYMOUS
9 days later project ANONYMOUS
9 days later project ANONYMOUS

Which files to submit (all 4)
9:43am Thu 16th May project ANONYMOUS
4 hours later project William R.
26 hours later project ANONYMOUS
28 hours later project William R.

Project Essay + Q's
1:22am Thu 16th May project  👍x4 ANONYMOUS

Project Sign-Up Sheet
5:09pm Wed 15th May project Jasper P.

Project Demo Booking Form (both)
3:16pm Wed 15th May ANONYMOUS
115 mins later Jasper P.

Format of Route Response
10:40am Wed 15th May project ANONYMOUS

3rd Party Frameworks
12:41am Wed 15th May project ANONYMOUS

Timetable Be Changed in Server (both)
11:27pm Tue 14th May ANONYMOUS
38 hours later William R.

is the fastest route required? (both)
10:12pm Tue 14th May project ANONYMOUS
39 hours later project William R.

Issue with TCP requests from 2nd computer
5:43pm Tue 14th May project ANONYMOUS

Station adjacency
12:28pm Tue 14th May project ANONYMOUS

Station Names Before Startup (both)
5:47pm Mon 13th May ANONYMOUS
68 hours later William R.

Mid-semester test marks finally available
5:35pm Mon 13th May mid-semester test  👍x4 Christopher M.

Station neighbours if they have no departure info
12:10pm Mon 13th May ANONYMOUS

how to test on multiple computers (all 3)
10:26am Mon 13th May project ANONYMOUS
3 hours later project William R.
3 hours later project William R.

 UWA week 19 (1st semester, week 10) ↓
mark allocation for fastest (both)
10:30pm Sun 12th May project ANONYMOUS
9 hours later project Christopher M.

gzip python (both)
7:19pm Sun 12th May project ANONYMOUS
12 hours later project Christopher M.

Storing information (all 3)
5:46pm Sun 12th May project ANONYMOUS
6 mins later project Christopher M.
15 mins later project ANONYMOUS  O.P.

using sendto() to return result of search (both)
4:53pm Sun 12th May ANONYMOUS
2 mins later Christopher M.

Which path to return? (all 6)
1:29pm Sun 12th May project ANONYMOUS
2 hours later project Christopher M.
11 hours later project ANONYMOUS  O.P.
54 hours later project ANONYMOUS
69 hours later project ANONYMOUS
95 hours later project ANONYMOUS

Project Due Date (all 4)
12:32pm Sun 12th May project  👍x12 ANONYMOUS
3 hours later project  👍x4 ANONYMOUS
4 hours later project ANONYMOUS
4 hours later project Christopher M.

Favicon requests (both)
4:31pm Sat 11th May  👍x2 ANONYMOUS
23 hours later  👍x1 Christopher M.

Python vs C Implementation (both)
3:19pm Sat 11th May project ANONYMOUS
25 hours later project Christopher M.

Neighbouring station name format (all 4)
1:04pm Sat 11th May ANONYMOUS
27 hours later Christopher M.
42 hours later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
43 hours later Christopher M.

Testing for networks project (both)
2:10pm Fri 10th May project ANONYMOUS
2 hours later project Christopher M.

Implementation speed (all 4)
12:25pm Fri 10th May project ANONYMOUS
24 mins later project Daniel J.
4 hours later project Christopher M.
4 hours later project Christopher M.

Neighbour names (all 9)
6:27pm Thu 9th May project ANONYMOUS
14 mins later project Christopher M.
5 hours later project ANONYMOUS
8 hours later project Christopher M.
15 hours later project ANONYMOUS
16 hours later project Christopher M.
16 hours later project Christopher M.
20 hours later project ANONYMOUS
21 hours later project Christopher M.

about the interview (both)
2:25pm Thu 9th May project ANONYMOUS
2 hours later project  👍x1 Christopher M.

C and Python Implementations (both)
2:12pm Thu 9th May project ANONYMOUS
2 hours later project Christopher M.

handling unreliable UDP (both)
12:52pm Thu 9th May ANONYMOUS
4 hours later Christopher M.

Using temp socket for udp request (both)
12:33pm Thu 9th May Jasper P.
4 hours later Christopher M.

Did the one station know the name of all station (all 4)
4:15pm Tue 7th May project Jiayi C.
12 hours later project Christopher M.
5 days later project Henry H.
5 days later project Christopher M.

Sending data to other stations (all 4)
3:06pm Tue 7th May ANONYMOUS
13 hours later Christopher M.
20 hours later ANONYMOUS
20 hours later Christopher M.

Threading - Project question (both)
2:22pm Tue 7th May project ANONYMOUS
6 mins later project  👍x1 Christopher M.

project question  (both)
11:31am Tue 7th May project ANONYMOUS
86 mins later project Christopher M.

base64 (both)
11:27pm Mon 6th May project ANONYMOUS
9 hours later project Christopher M.

Query about fork() (both)
4:03pm Mon 6th May project  👍x2 ANONYMOUS
16 hours later project Christopher M.

Council to phase out apostrophe use on street signs
6:15am Mon 6th May just interesting  👍x1 Christopher M.

 UWA week 18 (1st semester, week 9) ↓ functionality (both)
11:42pm Sun 5th May ANONYMOUS
6 hours later Christopher M.

Struggling to connect 2 computers on the same network (all 5)
5:42pm Sun 5th May project ANONYMOUS
12 hours later project Christopher M.
22 hours later project ANONYMOUS  O.P.
23 hours later project ANONYMOUS  O.P.
89 hours later project Thomas M.

The first Bluetooth connection with a satellite
9:34am Sun 5th May networks in the news Christopher M.

In case you missed May the 4th
9:31am Sun 5th May just interesting Christopher M.

The role of private IP and mac addresses (both)
9:07pm Sat 4th May lectures ANONYMOUS
11 hours later lectures  👍x1 Christopher M.

Threads (both)
11:05am Sat 4th May project ANONYMOUS
20 hours later project Christopher M.

serialization libraries (both)
4:45pm Fri 3rd May ANONYMOUS
38 hours later Christopher M.

Seeking project partner
1:55pm Fri 3rd May students seeking project partners Jakem P.

why is there & (both)
11:45am Fri 3rd May project ANONYMOUS
43 hours later project Christopher M.

input and response HTML (all 4)
2:51pm Thu 2nd May project ANONYMOUS
64 hours later project  👍x1 Christopher M.
78 hours later project ANONYMOUS  O.P.
87 hours later project Christopher M.

Problem with station adjacency (both)
2:44pm Thu 2nd May project ANONYMOUS
66 hours later project Christopher M.

Times available for midsem paper pickup (all 3)
9:41am Thu 2nd May mid-semester test ANONYMOUS
22 mins later mid-semester test  👍x1 Christopher M.
72 mins later mid-semester test ANONYMOUS  O.P.

The BASIC programming language turns 60
5:53am Thu 2nd May just interesting Christopher M.

data file cannot be seen (all 6)
6:29pm Wed 1st May project ANONYMOUS
8 mins later project ANONYMOUS  O.P.
71 mins later project ANONYMOUS  O.P.
11 hours later project Christopher M.
11 hours later project Christopher M.
11 hours later project Christopher M.

Unreliable UDP (all 6)
4:03pm Wed 1st May project ANONYMOUS
13 hours later project Christopher M.
21 hours later project ANONYMOUS  O.P.
25 hours later project Christopher M.
45 hours later project Cameron L.
86 hours later project Christopher M.

Project Partner
3:10pm Wed 1st May students seeking project partners Joshua O.

Looking for a project partner or group
11:12pm Tue 30th Apr students seeking project partners Flynn H.

Can bus transfers be made within the minute? (all 4)
9:43pm Tue 30th Apr project Ethan vB.
9 mins later project Ethan vB.  O.P.
8 hours later project Christopher M.
8 hours later project Christopher M.

How complex should our UDP error detection be? (both)
8:47pm Tue 30th Apr project ANONYMOUS
9 hours later project Christopher M.

Script to convert timetable files into JSON (both)
4:42pm Tue 30th Apr project ANONYMOUS
13 hours later project Christopher M.

Project Clarification
 ✅2:51pm Tue 30th Apr project Lee O.

Executing py script (both)
1:27pm Tue 30th Apr project ANONYMOUS
1 min later project Christopher M.

How to close the servers once started from the shell script (both)
12:46pm Tue 30th Apr project ANONYMOUS
31 mins later project Christopher M.

Project get command line arguments (all 3)
12:00pm Tue 30th Apr project ANONYMOUS
76 mins later project Christopher M.
83 mins later project ANONYMOUS  O.P.

Looking for project group.
8:28pm Mon 29th Apr students seeking project partners Alan L.

Project Compilers (all 4)
2:52pm Mon 29th Apr project ANONYMOUS
19 hours later project Christopher M.
26 hours later project ANONYMOUS  O.P.
62 hours later project Christopher M.

Looking for project partner or group
1:12pm Mon 29th Apr students seeking project partners Michael B.

HTML file for project (all 4)
11:47am Mon 29th Apr project ANONYMOUS
26 hours later project Christopher M.
48 hours later project ANONYMOUS  O.P.
50 hours later project Christopher M.

 UWA week 17 (1st semester, week 8) ↓
8:04pm Sun 28th Apr students seeking project partners Thomas M.

Looking for a project group
2:47pm Sun 28th Apr students seeking project partners Malachy M.

asyncio for python servers (both)
7:06pm Sat 27th Apr project Christofle S.
10 hours later project Christopher M.

Question about UDP ACKs (both)
2:21pm Sat 27th Apr project ANONYMOUS
14 hours later project Christopher M.

Maximizing Wi-Fi Performance Using Game Theory
4:05am Sat 27th Apr networks in the news Christopher M.

Millions of IPs remain infected by USB worm
4:03am Sat 27th Apr networks in the news  👍x1 Christopher M.

2 Project Partners Needed
7:09pm Fri 26th Apr students seeking project partners Paransh P.

Station name (both)
3:32pm Fri 26th Apr project ANONYMOUS
24 mins later project Christopher M.

An update on the presentation of CITS3002
8:18am Fri 26th Apr the unit in general Christopher M.

Test Your Knowledge of Internet Acronyms
7:05am Fri 26th Apr just interesting Christopher M.

Ubuntu Linux has been updated - DO NOT update yours!
7:02am Fri 26th Apr the unit in general  👍x1 Christopher M.

NASA reconnects with Voyager-1 after 5 months
6:44am Fri 26th Apr networks in the news Christopher M.

9:13pm Thu 25th Apr students seeking project partners Thomas M.

Can't reach destination in one day - wait overnight or not? (all 5)
8:44pm Thu 25th Apr project Ethan vB.
10 hours later project  👍x1 Christopher M.
13 hours later project ANONYMOUS
14 hours later project Ethan vB.  O.P.
18 hours later project  👍x1 Christopher M.

Looking for Sophie from Monday 2pm tute (all 3)
6:08pm Thu 25th Apr students seeking project partners Hannah M.
3 hours later students seeking project partners Thomas M.
3 hours later students seeking project partners Thomas M.

Clarification on the prokect (both)
3:58pm Thu 25th Apr project ANONYMOUS
14 hours later project Christopher M.

Project Partners wanted
6:48am Thu 25th Apr students seeking project partners ANONYMOUS

Up-to-date timetable information (both)
5:10pm Wed 24th Apr project ANONYMOUS
14 hours later project Christopher M.

For TCP AND UDP (all 3)
2:12pm Wed 24th Apr project ANONYMOUS
6 hours later project William R.
17 hours later project Christopher M.

Assorted questions about the project. (both)
11:43am Wed 24th Apr project ANONYMOUS
20 hours later project Christopher M.

2 more project partners needed (both)
11:19am Wed 24th Apr students seeking project partners ANONYMOUS
27 hours later students seeking project partners ANONYMOUS  O.P.

Looking for Group
10:45am Wed 24th Apr students seeking project partners Kwan C.

Group for Project (both)
9:31am Wed 24th Apr students seeking project partners Joshua T.
67 mins later students seeking project partners Joshua T.  O.P.

Looking to make/find a group for the project.
11:02pm Tue 23rd Apr students seeking project partners James D.

Looking for project partner. (both)
3:45pm Tue 23rd Apr students seeking project partners ANONYMOUS
2 hours later students seeking project partners Rishwanth K.

looking for group for project (both)
12:15pm Tue 23rd Apr students seeking project partners Fatimah A.
4 hours later students seeking project partners Fatimah A.  O.P.

Project Clarification: the fastest journey (both)
10:18am Tue 23rd Apr project ANONYMOUS
96 mins later project Christopher M.

Question about what each station knows. (both)
12:17am Tue 23rd Apr project ANONYMOUS
5 hours later project Christopher M.

Looking for 2 project partners (both)
8:44pm Mon 22nd Apr students seeking project partners Simon E.
37 hours later students seeking project partners Simon E.  O.P.

Getting Started (all 7)
7:53pm Mon 22nd Apr project ANONYMOUS
6 mins later project ANONYMOUS  O.P.
10 hours later project Christopher M.
10 hours later project Christopher M.
11 hours later project ANONYMOUS  O.P.
11 hours later project ANONYMOUS  O.P.
12 hours later project Christopher M.

Seeking a team for the project (both)
7:22pm Mon 22nd Apr students seeking project partners ANONYMOUS
22 hours later students seeking project partners ANONYMOUS  O.P.

Two project partners (both)
4:34pm Mon 22nd Apr students seeking project partners ANONYMOUS
2 hours later students seeking project partners ANONYMOUS  O.P.

Looking for one group project member
4:32pm Mon 22nd Apr students seeking project partners ANONYMOUS

Looking for one more group member
3:19pm Mon 22nd Apr students seeking project partners Giovanni G.

Looking for 2 more Project Partners (both)
12:25pm Mon 22nd Apr students seeking project partners Jansen C.
25 hours later students seeking project partners Jansen C.  O.P.

Good Luck Chris! (both)
10:29am Mon 22nd Apr the unit in general  👍x24 Leon T.
19 hours later the unit in general  👍x4 Christopher M.

Looking for 1 more group member (all 3)
10:25am Mon 22nd Apr students seeking project partners Cooper T.
61 mins later students seeking project partners ANONYMOUS
82 mins later students seeking project partners Cooper T.  O.P.

 UWA week 16 (1st semester, week 7) ↓
Looking for a group
9:16pm Sun 21st Apr students seeking project partners Leonardo AS.

Seeking Project Partners (both)
10:10pm Sat 20th Apr students seeking project partners ANONYMOUS
45 hours later students seeking project partners ANONYMOUS

2 more partners
9:57pm Sat 20th Apr students seeking project partners ANONYMOUS

looking for two more partners (both)
2:54pm Sat 20th Apr students seeking project partners ANONYMOUS
26 hours later students seeking project partners ANONYMOUS  O.P.

Looking for Project partners (both)
10:16pm Thu 18th Apr students seeking project partners ANONYMOUS
14 hours later students seeking project partners ANONYMOUS  O.P.

Max group size for project (both)
6:25pm Wed 17th Apr project ANONYMOUS
8 hours later project Christopher M.

Need two more partners (both)
3:12pm Wed 17th Apr students seeking project partners ANONYMOUS
16 hours later students seeking project partners ANONYMOUS  O.P.

Project Partners (all 4)
2:27pm Mon 15th Apr students seeking project partners ANONYMOUS
31 hours later students seeking project partners ANONYMOUS
4 days later students seeking project partners ANONYMOUS
4 days later students seeking project partners ANONYMOUS

 UWA week 15 (1st semester, week 6) ↓
solution to tute 3 q2c (both)
10:20pm Tue 9th Apr the unit in general ANONYMOUS
5 hours later the unit in general Christopher M.

I have spare E-books for anyone who needs them
5:06pm Tue 9th Apr ANONYMOUS

Are we told how many marks a given question is in the actual paper? (all 3)
3:41pm Tue 9th Apr ANONYMOUS
3 hours later  👍x1 Christopher M.
9 days later ANONYMOUS  O.P.

Q17 (both)
10:14am Tue 9th Apr mid-semester test ANONYMOUS
8 hours later mid-semester test Christopher M.

Question 15 (both)
10:58pm Mon 8th Apr mid-semester test ANONYMOUS
6 hours later mid-semester test Christopher M.

Error detection in physical layer (both)
10:36pm Mon 8th Apr lectures ANONYMOUS
7 hours later lectures Christopher M.

Marking (all 3)
9:24pm Mon 8th Apr mid-semester test ANONYMOUS
7 hours later mid-semester test Christopher M.
40 days later ANONYMOUS

Load Shedding (both)
12:21pm Mon 8th Apr lectures ANONYMOUS
16 hours later lectures Christopher M.

Mid-semester test reminders
8:13am Mon 8th Apr mid-semester test Christopher M.

 UWA week 14 (1st semester, non-teaching week) ↓
Leaky bucket vs Token Bucket Algorithm (both)
5:54pm Sat 6th Apr  👍x1 ANONYMOUS
42 hours later Christopher M.

Q on Leaky Bucket Algo (all 3)
12:00pm Sat 6th Apr lectures ANONYMOUS
28 hours later lectures ANONYMOUS
47 hours later lectures Christopher M.

Lab 3 Piggybacking Solutions
11:15pm Thu 4th Apr ANONYMOUS

CNET Display Error
8:55pm Thu 4th Apr ANONYMOUS

Mid sem Q (all 4)
4:29pm Thu 4th Apr ANONYMOUS
29 hours later ANONYMOUS
73 hours later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
90 hours later Christopher M.

Mid sem question on signal encoding (both)
12:49pm Thu 4th Apr ANONYMOUS
89 mins later Ryan M.

midsem questions (both)
10:11am Thu 4th Apr mid-semester test ANONYMOUS
4 days later mid-semester test Christopher M.

Lab 3 Piggybacking implementation (both)
7:48pm Tue 2nd Apr ANONYMOUS
32 hours later Christopher M.

Midsem practice q11 (both)
6:15pm Tue 2nd Apr mid-semester test ANONYMOUS
33 hours later mid-semester test Christopher M.

CRC (both)
5:52pm Tue 2nd Apr mid-semester test ANONYMOUS
 ✅25 mins later mid-semester test  👍x1 ANONYMOUS

Tutorial 3 Q2c (both)
12:05pm Mon 1st Apr the unit in general ANONYMOUS
21 hours later the unit in general Christopher M.

 UWA week 13 (1st semester, week 5) ↓
Link to flooding examples in Lecture 5 (both)
10:13am Fri 29th Mar ANONYMOUS
95 hours later Christopher M.

Mid-semester test, April 10th
6:14am Wed 27th Mar mid-semester test Christopher M.

Tutorial at 1PM Mondays cancelled
6:04am Wed 27th Mar the unit in general Christopher M.

Project partner wanted (both)
4:08pm Tue 26th Mar students seeking project partners  👍x2 ANONYMOUS
25 days later project ANONYMOUS

lab4 Q2 prioritise retransmit or new transmit (all 4)
1:21pm Tue 26th Mar labs ANONYMOUS
81 mins later labs Christopher M.
95 mins later labs ANONYMOUS  O.P.
25 hours later labs Christopher M.

Lab 2 Q5 Different Solution (all 4)
3:34am Tue 26th Mar Henry H.
11 hours later  👍x1 Christopher M.
13 hours later Henry H.  O.P.
35 hours later  👍x1 Christopher M.

Data Bits and Parity Bits in Hamming Code (both)
12:34pm Mon 25th Mar ANONYMOUS
25 hours later Christopher M.

 UWA week 12 (1st semester, week 4) ↓
Segmentation Fault WLS2 (all 4)
1:39pm Sun 24th Mar cnet installation ANONYMOUS
15 hours later cnet installation Christopher M.
23 hours later cnet installation ANONYMOUS  O.P.
48 hours later cnet installation Christopher M.

midsem question (both)
11:28am Fri 22nd Mar ANONYMOUS
5 days later Christopher M.

Question 13 (both)
8:39am Thu 21st Mar mid-semester test ANONYMOUS
13 mins later mid-semester test Christopher M.

Lab2: Negative Acknowledgement (both)
6:46pm Wed 20th Mar ANONYMOUS
14 hours later Christopher M.

CRC's Examinable? (both)
3:27pm Tue 19th Mar mid-semester test ANONYMOUS
41 hours later mid-semester test Christopher M.

Lab session on Tuesday 19th, 4-6pm
2:53pm Tue 19th Mar the unit in general Christopher M.

Question about piggybacking (both)
12:25pm Tue 19th Mar labs ANONYMOUS
4 hours later labs  👍x1 Christopher M.

Recalculating Checksum in Receiver for acknowledgement (all 6)
11:43pm Mon 18th Mar Henry H.
5 hours later  👍x1 Christopher M.
11 hours later Henry H.  O.P.
16 hours later Christopher M.
20 hours later Henry H.  O.P.
57 hours later  👍x1 Christopher M.

X-server GUI not appearing
3:20pm Mon 18th Mar cnet installation ANONYMOUS

implementation of piggybacking (both)
1:08pm Mon 18th Mar ANONYMOUS
2 hours later Christopher M.

Changes in classes this week (Mon 18th...)
3:50am Mon 18th Mar the unit in general Christopher M.

 UWA week 11 (1st semester, week 3) ↓
cant run cnet install script (all 3)
4:59pm Fri 15th Mar cnet installation  👍x1 ANONYMOUS
21 mins later cnet installation  👍x1 Christopher M.
22 hours later cnet installation  👍x1 ANONYMOUS  O.P.

Cant open the X-server GUI
6:42pm Thu 14th Mar labs ANONYMOUS

Troubles with upgrading ubuntu (both)
5:19pm Thu 14th Mar ANONYMOUS
1 min later ANONYMOUS  O.P.

Lab 2 Topology query (all 4)
3:21pm Thu 14th Mar labs Cameron L.
6 mins later labs Christopher M.
6 mins later labs Cameron L.  O.P.
34 mins later labs Cameron L.  O.P.

cnet problems on Intel-based macOS? (all 3)
12:35pm Thu 14th Mar cnet installation Christopher M.
2 hours later cnet installation ANONYMOUS
2 hours later cnet installation Christopher M.  O.P.

Error: you do not have permission to write to the directory /usr/local/bin (all 6)
1:09pm Wed 13th Mar ANONYMOUS
25 mins later Uzziah S.
49 mins later  👍x1 Dang L.
4 hours later  👍x1 Ryan M.
5 hours later Dang L.
19 hours later Christopher M.

No Consultation session today, Wed 13th
3:42am Wed 13th Mar the unit in general Christopher M.

cp: cannot stat 'cnet-Linux-x86_64': No such file or directory (both)
6:23pm Tue 12th Mar labs William S.
4 mins later labs Christopher M.

10:31pm Mon 11th Mar ANONYMOUS
11 hours later Ye H.
13 hours later Christopher M.
16 hours later Ye H.
91 hours later ANONYMOUS
6 days later Daniel L.

Lab02 q1 (all 6)
2:09pm Mon 11th Mar ANONYMOUS
2 hours later Christopher M.
2 hours later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
67 hours later Jack B.
68 hours later Christopher M.
4 days later ANONYMOUS

Error: Unable to initialize GTK+, is DISPLAY set properly? (all 8)
1:37pm Mon 11th Mar labs ANONYMOUS
2 hours later labs Christopher M.
6 hours later labs ANONYMOUS
22 hours later labs Christopher M.
26 hours later labs ANONYMOUS  O.P.
26 hours later labs  👍x3 Uzziah S.
27 hours later labs ANONYMOUS  O.P.
38 hours later labs Christopher M.

 UWA week 10 (1st semester, week 2) ↓
Library not loaded - Apple Silicon (all 21)
3:19pm Sun 10th Mar cnet installation  👍x2 ANONYMOUS
6 mins later cnet installation Christopher M.
26 mins later cnet installation  👍x1 ANONYMOUS  O.P.
88 mins later cnet installation Christopher M.
93 mins later cnet installation ANONYMOUS  O.P.
39 hours later cnet installation Christopher M.
45 hours later cnet installation ANONYMOUS  O.P.
47 hours later cnet installation Jasper P.
50 hours later cnet installation Jasper P.
60 hours later cnet installation Christopher M.
65 hours later cnet installation Jasper P.
89 hours later cnet installation ANONYMOUS
89 hours later cnet installation  👍x1 Christopher M.
91 hours later cnet installation  👍x2 Ryan M.
93 hours later cnet installation Milan B.
5 days later cnet installation Davin D.
5 days later cnet installation Christopher M.
8 days later cnet installation Henuka D.
10 days later cnet installation Christopher M.
15 days later cnet installation Henuka D.
15 days later cnet installation Christopher M.

Missing shared object file - WSL-2 on Windows-11 (all 10)
2:54pm Sun 10th Mar cnet installation ANONYMOUS
11 mins later cnet installation Christopher M.
12 mins later cnet installation ANONYMOUS  O.P.
20 mins later cnet installation Christopher M.
35 mins later cnet installation ANONYMOUS  O.P.
13 hours later cnet installation Christopher M.
18 hours later cnet installation ANONYMOUS
18 hours later cnet installation ANONYMOUS  O.P.
18 hours later cnet installation ANONYMOUS  O.P.
21 hours later cnet installation Christopher M. script unavailable (all 6)
1:27pm Sun 10th Mar cnet installation ANONYMOUS
8 mins later cnet installation Christopher M.
24 mins later cnet installation ANONYMOUS  O.P.
25 mins later cnet installation Christopher M.
2 hours later cnet installation ANONYMOUS  O.P.
3 hours later cnet installation Christopher M.

Labsheet-2 is available
8:26am Sun 10th Mar labs Christopher M.

Sample solutions/discussion available for Labsheet-1
8:00am Sun 10th Mar labs Christopher M.

Hamming Code Calculation (all 3)
8:32pm Thu 7th Mar ANONYMOUS
15 hours later Christopher M.
4 days later ANONYMOUS  O.P.

Lab 1 Questio 4 (all 3)
1:12pm Thu 7th Mar labs Sebastian G.
22 hours later labs Christopher M.
77 hours later labs Sebastian G.  O.P.

Tutorial sheet 1 available
9:31am Thu 7th Mar Christopher M.

NRZ-L and NRZ-I offer no possible synchronization (all 4)
9:16pm Wed 6th Mar ANONYMOUS
12 hours later Christopher M.
23 hours later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
43 days later ANONYMOUS

The cloud under the sea (both)
3:31am Wed 6th Mar networks in the news Christopher M.
78 hours later networks in the news ANONYMOUS

Hamming Codes (all 3)
4:55pm Tue 5th Mar the unit in general ANONYMOUS
10 hours later the unit in general Christopher M.
42 hours later the unit in general ANONYMOUS  O.P.

NBN set to become five times faster ‘at no extra cost’
9:24am Tue 5th Mar networks in the news Christopher M.

 UWA week 9 (1st semester, week 1) ↓
Readings for Week 2 (all 3)
12:12pm Sun 3rd Mar the unit in general ANONYMOUS
100 mins later the unit in general  👍x1 Christopher M.
2 hours later the unit in general ANONYMOUS  O.P.

CITS3002 page down (all 8)
9:13am Fri 1st Mar the unit in general  👍x1 Luke G.
30 mins later the unit in general Johnson C.
73 mins later the unit in general Christopher M.
3 hours later the unit in general Christopher M.
4 hours later the unit in general ANONYMOUS
4 hours later the unit in general Christopher M.
4 hours later the unit in general ANONYMOUS
52 hours later the unit in general Christopher M.

Basic software not so simple (both)
3:12am Fri 1st Mar just interesting Christopher M.
58 hours later just interesting Christopher M.  O.P.

Seeking Python tutors for the Girls Programming Network
6:04am Fri 23rd Feb Christopher M.

Welcome to Computer Networks '3002 for 2024
5:16am Fri 23rd Feb the unit in general  👍x1 Christopher M.

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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