It's UWAweek 30 (2nd semester, week 1)


This forum is provided to promote discussion amongst students enrolled in CITS3007 Secure Coding. If posting a question, it's suggested you check first whether your question is answered in the unit Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list, and use the search box (on the right) to see if an answer to your question has already been posted.

Please consider offering answers and suggestions to help other students! And if you fix a problem by following a suggestion here, it would be great if other interested students could see a short "Great, fixed it!"  followup message.

Note that any posts must comply with the UWA Code of Conduct and the UWA Academic Conduct Policy. That means you should (a) treat everyone with respect and courtesy, and (b) not post your solutions to an assessment that's in progress.

If asking a programming question, it's recommended you read How do I ask a good question? If reporting or troubleshooting a bug in software used in the unit, it's recommend you read How to report bugs effectively.
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 UWA week 27 (mid-year break) ↓
Marks released
2:09pm Fri 5th Jul the unit in general Arran S.

 UWA week 23 (1st semester, 1st exam week) ↓
Information for exam tomorrow (both)
6:12pm Wed 5th Jun final exam  👍x2 Arran S.
7 mins later final exam ANONYMOUS

Final exam clarification (all 5)
12:16am Wed 5th Jun final exam ANONYMOUS
10 hours later final exam ANONYMOUS
12 hours later final exam ANONYMOUS
13 hours later final exam ANONYMOUS
19 hours later final exam ANONYMOUS  O.P.

Project Marks (both)
8:20pm Mon 3rd Jun project  👍x3 Joel W.
16 hours later project Arran S.

Week 4 Quiz Answers (both)
10:47am Mon 3rd Jun final exam ANONYMOUS
25 hours later final exam Arran S.

IPC Lecture (both)
10:30am Mon 3rd Jun final exam ANONYMOUS
25 hours later final exam Arran S.

 UWA week 22 (1st semester, study break) ↓
IDE access in exam (both)
6:13pm Sat 1st Jun final exam ANONYMOUS
65 hours later final exam Arran S.

Lab 10 sample solutions (all 3)
8:13pm Thu 30th May ANONYMOUS
18 hours later Arran S.
35 hours later ANONYMOUS  O.P.

Exam venue LMS link
2:37pm Tue 28th May final exam  👍x2 Arran S.

 UWA week 21 (1st semester, week 12) ↓
Exam Notes (both)
9:53am Sat 25th May final exam ANONYMOUS
53 hours later final exam Arran S.

stdout vs stderr in project (all 4)
5:36pm Thu 23rd May project ANONYMOUS
30 mins later project  👍x1 Arran S.
4 hours later project ANONYMOUS  O.P.
19 hours later project  👍x1 Arran S.

Submission of Code (all 7)
5:02pm Thu 23rd May project Shashwat A.
3 mins later project Gemma L.
6 mins later project Shashwat A.  O.P.
8 mins later project Joshua T.
35 mins later project Arran S.
41 mins later project Shashwat A.  O.P.
49 mins later project Arran S.

Project (both)
1:17pm Thu 23rd May ANONYMOUS
4 hours later Arran S.

Stderr output (both)
9:40pm Wed 22nd May project ANONYMOUS
14 hours later project Arran S.

Setting Up Clang Static Analyzers (both)
8:11pm Wed 22nd May ANONYMOUS
16 hours later Arran S.

Caesar key from cli - reject or % out-of-range values? (all 3)
8:01pm Wed 22nd May project  👍x1 ANONYMOUS
16 hours later project Arran S.
16 hours later project ANONYMOUS  O.P.

Cli function (all 5)
12:53pm Wed 22nd May ANONYMOUS
37 mins later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
2 hours later Arran S.
2 hours later Arran S.
7 hours later ANONYMOUS  O.P.

How to check if a string is null terminated? (all 3)
12:32pm Wed 22nd May the C language ANONYMOUS
97 mins later the C language Arran S.
7 hours later the C language ANONYMOUS  O.P.

Helper functions in the project? (all 4)
9:55am Wed 22nd May ANONYMOUS
8 mins later Arran S.
15 mins later Arran S.
92 mins later ANONYMOUS  O.P.

Vigenere logic for string containing digits (all 3)
7:03pm Tue 21st May project ANONYMOUS
2 mins later project ANONYMOUS  O.P.
20 hours later project Arran S.

Revision lecture tomorrow
5:10pm Tue 21st May lectures Arran S.

assert() and returning 1 (both)
2:56pm Tue 21st May project Luke G.
45 mins later project Arran S.

Vigenere key edge cases (both)
2:27pm Tue 21st May project Hugo S.
25 mins later project Arran S.

Request for explanation on q.21 mid-sem (all 5)
1:23pm Tue 21st May Arran S.
18 mins later ANONYMOUS
44 mins later Arran S.  O.P.
4 hours later Siyu Y.
4 hours later Arran S.  O.P.

Submission of Header and C files (both)
1:05pm Tue 21st May project  👍x1 ANONYMOUS
57 mins later project Arran S.

Question for porject (both)
11:59am Tue 21st May ANONYMOUS
105 mins later Arran S.

Caesar-decrypt question (all 4)
9:42am Tue 21st May project ANONYMOUS
3 hours later project Arran S.
8 hours later project ANONYMOUS  O.P.
29 hours later project Arran S.

Project Clarification (both)
10:37pm Mon 20th May project ANONYMOUS
14 hours later project  👍x2 Arran S.

Couple Questions (all 4)
3:59pm Mon 20th May project Spencer K.
4 mins later project Spencer K.  O.P.
53 mins later project Arran S.
64 mins later project Arran S.

Labs in week 12 (both)
3:08pm Mon 20th May labs ANONYMOUS
88 mins later labs Arran S.

Mid-semester marks available on csmarks (both)
1:25pm Mon 20th May tests and quizzes Arran S.
4 hours later tests and quizzes Arran S.  O.P.

AddressSanitizerL endless loop (all 3)
11:55am Mon 20th May project ANONYMOUS
87 mins later project  👍x1 Arran S.
22 hours later project ANONYMOUS  O.P.

 UWA week 20 (1st semester, week 11) ↓
Moodle (all 5)
5:40pm Sun 19th May project  👍x5 ANONYMOUS
19 hours later project  👍x1 Arran S.
30 hours later project ANONYMOUS
43 hours later project Arran S.
43 hours later project Arran S.

Revised project spec available; project tips
1:34pm Tue 14th May project Arran S.

 UWA week 19 (1st semester, week 10) ↓
Preconditions Query (both)
4:26pm Sun 12th May project ANONYMOUS
20 hours later project Arran S.

"variable-sized object may not be initialized" error when launching (both)
6:26pm Thu 9th May project ANONYMOUS
15 hours later project Arran S.

Replacement for Tues 9am lab
2:35pm Tue 7th May labs Arran S.

Exam venue
1:29pm Tue 7th May final exam Arran S.

Revised project spec - coming soon
4:08pm Mon 6th May Arran S.

 UWA week 18 (1st semester, week 9) ↓
General Understanding (all 8)
4:22pm Sun 5th May project ANONYMOUS
20 hours later project Arran S.
44 hours later project ANONYMOUS
44 hours later project Arran S.
45 hours later project ANONYMOUS
47 hours later project Arran S.
75 hours later project ANONYMOUS  O.P.
89 hours later project Arran S.

Key in the vigenere functions (both)
11:38am Sun 5th May project ANONYMOUS
25 hours later project Arran S.

Potential crypto.h typo (all 7)
7:30pm Fri 3rd May project Hugo S.
42 hours later project Taylah K.
42 hours later project ANONYMOUS
65 hours later project Arran S.
65 hours later project Arran S.
85 hours later project Taylah K.
87 hours later project Arran S.

Encrypt range (all 8)
10:54am Fri 3rd May project ANONYMOUS
2 hours later project Arran S.
2 hours later project ANONYMOUS  O.P.
3 hours later project Arran S.
24 hours later project ANONYMOUS
27 hours later project ANONYMOUS
73 hours later project Arran S.
73 hours later project Arran S.

Project spec available on website
7:37am Fri 3rd May project Arran S.

Project release (both)
1:20pm Tue 30th Apr project  👍x4 Hugo S.
51 mins later project Arran S.

 UWA week 17 (1st semester, week 8) ↓
Week seven and eight lecture slides. (both)
2:26pm Mon 22nd Apr ANONYMOUS
63 mins later Arran S.

 UWA week 16 (1st semester, week 7) ↓
You too can discover a vulnerability
4:59pm Wed 17th Apr trivia Arran S.

Mid-sem test now visible
4:34pm Wed 17th Apr tests and quizzes Arran S.

No office hours today
11:42am Wed 17th Apr the unit in general Arran S.

Lab 5 ZSH issues (all 4)
3:40pm Tue 16th Apr labs ANONYMOUS
1 min later labs ANONYMOUS  O.P.
18 hours later labs Arran S.
52 hours later labs ANONYMOUS  O.P.

 UWA week 15 (1st semester, week 6) ↓
Lab timetable
12:35pm Tue 9th Apr labs Arran S.

Details about upcoming mid-sem and project
11:00am Tue 9th Apr the unit in general Arran S.

 UWA week 14 (1st semester, non-teaching week) ↓
Linux backdoor discovered over weekend
5:34pm Wed 3rd Apr software security in the news Arran S.

 UWA week 13 (1st semester, week 5) ↓
Thursday 8am labs
5:18pm Wed 27th Mar labs Arran S.

 UWA week 12 (1st semester, week 4) ↓
Quiz marks (all 3)
5:36pm Thu 21st Mar tests and quizzes Arran S.
5 days later tests and quizzes Arran S.  O.P.
6 days later tests and quizzes Arran S.  O.P.

Reminder regarding test conduct
10:44am Thu 21st Mar tests and quizzes Arran S.

No office hours today; Moodle quiz
 ✅10:12am Wed 20th Mar tests and quizzes Arran S.

Lecture two question - buf code. (both)
3:13pm Mon 18th Mar lectures ANONYMOUS
22 hours later lectures Arran S.

Necessity of readings. (both)
3:10pm Mon 18th Mar the unit in general ANONYMOUS
21 hours later the unit in general Arran S.

 UWA week 11 (1st semester, week 3) ↓
Reminder - first assessment next week
4:44pm Thu 14th Mar tests and quizzes Arran S.

Exceptions - maybe not such a good idea
2:29pm Wed 13th Mar trivia Arran S.

 UWA week 10 (1st semester, week 2) ↓
Lab answers. (both)
10:38pm Wed 6th Mar labs ANONYMOUS
 ✅12 hours later labs Arran S.

week 2 slides up
9:19am Wed 6th Mar lectures Arran S.

VM for M-series Mac (all 9)
10:44pm Tue 5th Mar labs ANONYMOUS
 ✅10 hours later labs  👍x1 Arran S.
6 days later labs  👍x1 Henuka D.
6 days later labs  👍x1 Arran S.
8 days later labs Haoyuan W.
11 days later labs  👍x1 Henuka D.
12 days later labs Henuka D.
13 days later labs Arran S.
13 days later labs Arran S.

Linux Kernel Version (both)
9:41am Tue 5th Mar labs ANONYMOUS
3 hours later labs  👍x1 Arran S.

 UWA week 9 (1st semester, week 1) ↓
Undefined behaviour and security bugs in Rust code
6:15pm Thu 29th Feb trivia  👍x1 Arran S.

Lecture slides for this week are available
12:21pm Mon 26th Feb lectures Arran S.

Welcome to CITS3007
4:37pm Fri 23rd Feb the unit in general Arran S.

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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