It's UWAweek 51


This forum is provided to promote discussion amongst students enrolled in CITS5501 Software Testing and Quality Assurance. If posting a question, it's suggested you check first whether your question is answered in the unit Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list, and use the search box (on the right) to see if an answer to your question has already been posted.

Please consider offering answers and suggestions to help other students! And if you fix a problem by following a suggestion here, it would be great if other interested students could see a short "Great, fixed it!"  followup message.

Note that any posts must comply with the UWA Code of Conduct and the UWA Academic Conduct Policy. That means you should (a) treat everyone with respect and courtesy, and (b) not post your solutions to an assessment that's in progress.

If asking a programming question, it's recommended you read How do I ask a good question? If reporting or troubleshooting a bug in software used in the unit, it's recommend you read How to report bugs effectively.
There are 51 active topics since, like, forever
Showing 209 of 139 articles.
Currently no other people reading this forum.

Late Project Marks (both)
12:17pm Wed 27th Nov project ANONYMOUS
109 mins later project Arran S.

Supplementary exam (both)
8:28am Mon 25th Nov ANONYMOUS
33 hours later Arran S.

On-time project marks available (all 6)
8:18am Tue 12th Nov project  👍x1 Arran S.
3 hours later project ANONYMOUS
4 hours later project  👍x1 ANONYMOUS
5 hours later project Arran S.  O.P.
5 hours later project ANONYMOUS
5 hours later project ANONYMOUS

 UWA week 45 (2nd semester, 2nd exam week) ↓
Exam question 1 total marks (all 7)
11:27am Thu 7th Nov  👍x1 ANONYMOUS
14 mins later  👍x1 ANONYMOUS
112 mins later  👍x1 Arran S.
20 hours later final exam ANONYMOUS
21 hours later final exam ANONYMOUS
22 hours later final exam  👍x1 ANONYMOUS  O.P.
28 hours later final exam Arran S.

Help Forum Deleted (all 6)
4:22pm Wed 6th Nov  👍x1 ANONYMOUS
26 mins later Arran S.
40 mins later  👍x7 ANONYMOUS  O.P.
65 mins later Arran S.
22 hours later ANONYMOUS
24 hours later Arran S.

 UWA week 42 (2nd semester, week 12) ↓
Testing Area for Q8
8:51pm Mon 14th Oct project Callum B.

Project submission area open (both)
5:05pm Mon 14th Oct project Arran S.
50 mins later project ANONYMOUS

mid-sem long answer question clarification (both)
1:03pm Mon 14th Oct tests and quizzes ANONYMOUS
53 mins later tests and quizzes Arran S.

Question 8 (all 3)
12:43pm Mon 14th Oct project ANONYMOUS
1 min later project Arran S.
11 hours later project ANONYMOUS

Mid-sem negative marking (all 3)
12:05pm Mon 14th Oct tests and quizzes Abhinav R.
7 mins later tests and quizzes Arran S.
2 hours later tests and quizzes Arran S.

Mid-semester results with feedback available (both)
11:42am Mon 14th Oct Arran S.
2 hours later ANONYMOUS

 UWA week 41 (2nd semester, week 11) ↓
Q7 Test Cases (all 13)
7:12pm Thu 10th Oct project Allen A.
18 hours later project Arran S.
20 hours later project ANONYMOUS
21 hours later project Arran S.
21 hours later project ANONYMOUS
21 hours later project Arran S.
22 hours later project Joshua N.
74 hours later project Gihad C.
89 hours later project Arran S.
89 hours later project Arran S.
89 hours later project Joshua N.
89 hours later project Joshua N.
89 hours later project Arran S.

Updated project spec available (all 3)
3:08pm Wed 9th Oct project Arran S.
78 hours later project ANONYMOUS
4 days later project Arran S.  O.P.

Q1 Project Wording (both)
2:43pm Wed 9th Oct project ANONYMOUS
11 mins later project Arran S.

Q3 - Semantic constraints (both)
7:14pm Tue 8th Oct Jiandong W.
19 hours later Arran S.

BNF Playground memory limits + alternative
3:14pm Tue 8th Oct project Arran S.

Project testing area on Moodle, project updates (both)
10:28am Tue 8th Oct project Arran S.
6 days later project Karla I.

Requiry about the final exam (all 5)
9:37am Mon 7th Oct final exam ANONYMOUS
6 hours later final exam Arran S.
23 hours later final exam ANONYMOUS  O.P.
24 hours later final exam Arran S.
25 hours later final exam ANONYMOUS  O.P.

 UWA week 40 (2nd semester, week 10) ↓
Referencing other questions (all 3)
8:02pm Sun 6th Oct project ANONYMOUS
19 hours later project Arran S.
64 hours later project ANONYMOUS  O.P.

 UWA week 39 (2nd semester, week 9) ↓
Q1 BNF playground memory error (all 5)
3:57pm Fri 27th Sep project Joshua N.
57 mins later project Arran S.
5 days later project Joshua N.  O.P.
6 days later project Joshua N.  O.P.
6 days later project Arran S.

Question 1 Clarification (both)
3:30pm Fri 27th Sep project Callum B.
72 mins later project Arran S.

Project question 3 (both)
3:16pm Fri 27th Sep project ANONYMOUS
3 mins later project Arran S.

Domolect 1.7 (all 3)
12:59pm Fri 27th Sep project ANONYMOUS
110 mins later project Arran S.
13 days later project ANONYMOUS

Project spec available
3:24pm Thu 26th Sep project Arran S.

Peer Review Moodle Questions (both)
7:40pm Wed 25th Sep the unit in general Joshua N.
19 hours later the unit in general Arran S.

 UWA week 38 (2nd semester, week 8) ↓
Lecture 7c, quality assurance (both)
2:17pm Wed 18th Sep lectures ANONYMOUS
26 hours later lectures Arran S.

 UWA week 37 (2nd semester, week 7) ↓
Solution of lab6 -Making clauses active (all 4)
10:33am Thu 12th Sep labs Xia C.
28 hours later labs Arran S.
33 hours later labs ANONYMOUS
4 days later labs Arran S.

A question in lab 3 (all 5)
8:38am Wed 11th Sep ANONYMOUS
6 hours later Arran S.
7 hours later Arran S.
7 hours later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
7 hours later Arran S.

prime path (all 4)
4:29pm Tue 10th Sep lectures Kazi I.
5 hours later labs ANONYMOUS
21 hours later lectures Arran S.
21 hours later labs Arran S.

ISP characteristics stack lab 3 (both)
1:56pm Tue 10th Sep ANONYMOUS
24 hours later Arran S.

 UWA week 36 (2nd semester, mid-semester break) ↓
lecture05b (both)
10:14pm Mon 2nd Sep lectures ANONYMOUS
13 hours later lectures Arran S.

Mid Sem test date and venue confirmation (both)
9:08pm Mon 2nd Sep ANONYMOUS
14 hours later Arran S.

 UWA week 35 (2nd semester, week 6) ↓
Test and exam format (all 3)
10:12am Fri 30th Aug tests and quizzes Arran S.
2 hours later tests and quizzes ANONYMOUS
4 hours later tests and quizzes Arran S.  O.P.

RACC for numerical clauses (all 3)
8:58pm Thu 29th Aug lectures ANONYMOUS
12 hours later lectures Arran S.
11 days later lectures ANONYMOUS  O.P.

Consultations today
1:47pm Thu 29th Aug the unit in general Arran S.

Clarification on anonymous posts
5:30pm Wed 28th Aug Arran S.

Mid-sem test coverage (both)
3:41pm Wed 28th Aug tests and quizzes ANONYMOUS
101 mins later tests and quizzes Arran S.

 UWA week 34 (2nd semester, week 5) ↓
Feedback regarding the quiz (all 3)
12:12pm Wed 21st Aug ANONYMOUS
24 hours later ANONYMOUS
29 hours later Arran S.

Quiz marks available
5:35pm Tue 20th Aug tests and quizzes Arran S.

Labs and lecture slides up for this week
6:15pm Mon 19th Aug labs Arran S.

 UWA week 33 (2nd semester, week 4) ↓
Can't access to week4 quiz anymore (both)
8:10pm Sun 18th Aug Jinqiang L.
22 hours later Arran S.

quiz password (both)
12:16am Thu 15th Aug tests and quizzes ANONYMOUS
7 mins later tests and quizzes ANONYMOUS

lab3 Q2 a (both)
2:14pm Tue 13th Aug labs ANONYMOUS
2 hours later labs Arran S.

 UWA week 32 (2nd semester, week 3) ↓
Weeks covered by Quiz (all 4)
2:48pm Fri 9th Aug tests and quizzes Joshua N.
73 hours later tests and quizzes Arran S.
73 hours later tests and quizzes Joshua N.  O.P.
74 hours later tests and quizzes Arran S.

Lab1 tests (both)
3:24pm Wed 7th Aug ANONYMOUS
20 hours later Arran S.

Lab worksheet for this week
1:47pm Mon 5th Aug labs Arran S.

 UWA week 31 (2nd semester, week 2) ↓
Can I bring my Bluetooth accessories with me on the final exam. (both)
9:24am Fri 2nd Aug final exam Chen S.
4 hours later final exam Arran S.

Cannot add 5501 on moodle (all 3)
9:53am Tue 30th Jul Gawen H.
44 mins later Arran S.
79 mins later Gawen H.  O.P.

Labs start this week
6:05pm Mon 29th Jul labs Arran S.

 UWA week 30 (2nd semester, week 1) ↓
Labs this semester
5:02pm Mon 22nd Jul labs Arran S.

Welcome to CITS5501
10:50am Mon 22nd Jul Arran S.

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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