It's UWAweek 51


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 UWA week 26 (mid-year break) ↓
Is is acceptable for requesting reevaluation of assignment 2 (both)
8:04pm Fri 28th Jun ANONYMOUS
24 hours later ANONYMOUS

What tool is used to test Project 2? (all 3)
2:00pm Fri 28th Jun ANONYMOUS
1 min later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
68 mins later Michael W.

 UWA week 23 (1st semester, 1st exam week) ↓
Assignment 2 marks (all 3)
9:03am Sun 9th Jun ANONYMOUS
10 hours later Michael W.
17 days later ANONYMOUS

Regarding final examination (both)
2:55pm Thu 6th Jun ANONYMOUS
12 mins later Michael W.

Pen, Pencil, or Pen + Pencil in Final Exam?
5:43pm Wed 5th Jun ANONYMOUS

Never use KEYDEF like `-k 1nr` when you call `sort`! (all 4)
4:11pm Mon 3rd Jun  👍x1 ANONYMOUS
50 hours later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
71 hours later Michael W.
71 hours later Michael W.

Question about 2022 solution (all 3)
1:54pm Mon 3rd Jun ANONYMOUS
22 hours later ANONYMOUS
22 hours later Michael W.

 UWA week 22 (1st semester, study break) ↓
Regarding Lab 9 answers (all 3)
9:25am Sun 2nd Jun Eusha K.
4 mins later Michael W.
11 mins later Eusha K.  O.P.

Why do we still use the basic regular expressions in grep and sed? (all 3)
11:38pm Tue 28th May Junyu Z.
37 hours later ANONYMOUS
40 hours later  👍x1 Michael W.

Regarding Assignment 2 Marks (all 3)
10:45pm Tue 28th May ANONYMOUS
41 hours later Michael W.
5 days later ANONYMOUS

Doubt regarding the PPT slides (all 3)
5:23am Tue 28th May ANONYMOUS
4 hours later Michael W.
13 hours later ANONYMOUS  O.P.

 UWA week 21 (1st semester, week 12) ↓
Final Exam (all 6)
12:18pm Thu 23rd May ANONYMOUS
20 hours later Michael W.
24 hours later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
26 hours later Michael W.
54 hours later ANONYMOUS
71 hours later Michael W.

Enquiry about Late submissions (both)
11:41am Thu 23rd May Ruilei W.
20 hours later Michael W.

Lecture of 22 May (both)
11:06am Wed 22nd May ANONYMOUS
9 mins later Michael W.

Sample Final Exam question (both)
9:01am Tue 21st May ANONYMOUS
54 mins later Michael W.

Late submission (all 3)
3:28am Tue 21st May ANONYMOUS
6 hours later Michael W.
56 hours later Ruilei W.

Lecture for Shell Functions and Make/Makefiles (both)
10:44pm Mon 20th May ANONYMOUS
11 hours later Michael W.

Using bc Ass2 (both)
3:58pm Mon 20th May Evan W.
17 hours later Michael W.

Late submissions (all 3)
12:52pm Mon 20th May  👍x1 Andre R.
10 hours later  👍x1 Alexandra H.
20 hours later Michael W.

 UWA week 20 (1st semester, week 11) ↓
Are we supposed to combine the rows which have same country code and year in each of 3 files (all 5)
8:15pm Sun 19th May ANONYMOUS
13 hours later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
15 hours later Michael W.
15 hours later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
37 hours later Michael W.

Last of the Ass1 marked scripts and results posted (all 4)
7:30pm Sun 19th May Michael W.
3 hours later Md K.
16 hours later Michael W.  O.P.
18 days later Yuang G.

Join tsv file (both)
6:08pm Sun 19th May Yuanhao N.
20 hours later  👍x1 ANONYMOUS

Sample1.xlsx Conflicts with Assignment2 Overview (both)
3:29pm Sun 19th May Kaichao Z.
11 mins later Michael W.

Ass2 Cleaned File - Header or No Header (both)
2:34pm Sun 19th May Evan W.
45 mins later Michael W.

Git logs (both)
1:16pm Sat 18th May ANONYMOUS
26 hours later Michael W.

regarding usage of github in assignment 2 (all 4)
11:05pm Fri 17th May ANONYMOUS
12 hours later ANONYMOUS
15 hours later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
40 hours later Michael W.

Pls confirm that sample2.tsv data is correct (all 6)
5:31pm Fri 17th May ANONYMOUS
18 hours later ANONYMOUS
45 hours later Michael W.
47 hours later ANONYMOUS
47 hours later ANONYMOUS
48 hours later Zexu D.

Assignment 1 Feedback (all 5)
5:08pm Fri 17th May ANONYMOUS
18 hours later ANONYMOUS
23 hours later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
46 hours later Michael W.
47 hours later ANONYMOUS  O.P.

1st assignment marks (both)
5:01pm Fri 17th May  👍x1 ANONYMOUS
46 hours later Michael W.

Assignment 2: Data Cleaning Ouput Consultation (all 3)
9:38am Fri 17th May Kaichao Z.
3 hours later  👍x1 Kaichao Z.  O.P.
53 hours later Michael W.

Assign2 output after cleaning stage (both)
7:22pm Thu 16th May  👍x1 ANONYMOUS
40 hours later  👍x1 ANONYMOUS

Question about Assignment 2 (all 3)
7:20pm Thu 16th May  👍x1 Lyu L.
75 mins later Xiaoyu S.
54 hours later  👍x1 Runzhi Z.

Doubt regarding carriage return in input files
7:17pm Thu 16th May ANONYMOUS

Doubt regarding stderr (all 3)
6:16pm Thu 16th May ANONYMOUS
41 hours later ANONYMOUS
69 hours later  👍x1 Michael W.

CITS4407 (both)
5:27pm Thu 16th May Jinyoung L.
42 hours later  👍x2 ANONYMOUS

Error handle in Assignment 2 (all 3)
4:10pm Thu 16th May Zexu D.
43 hours later ANONYMOUS
71 hours later Michael W.

Some questions about Assignment2
3:29pm Thu 16th May Jingtong P.

assignment 1 marks (all 3)
12:10pm Thu 16th May Eusha K.
59 mins later Michael W.
27 hours later Eusha K.  O.P.

Numerical values (both)
11:40am Thu 16th May ANONYMOUS
2 hours later Michael W.

display of cleaned output file (all 4)
10:59am Thu 16th May ANONYMOUS
3 hours later Michael W.
27 hours later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
4 days later Michael W.

about assignment 2 data cleaning] (both)
11:50pm Wed 15th May ANONYMOUS
14 hours later Michael W.

AWK Use in Assignment 2 (both)
11:21pm Wed 15th May Runzhi Z.
14 hours later Michael W.

Assign2 questions (both)
8:21pm Wed 15th May Boya Z.
17 hours later Michael W.

About the mark of ass1 (both)
5:45pm Wed 15th May ANONYMOUS
103 mins later Michael W.

Markdown contents (both)
2:37pm Wed 15th May ANONYMOUS
23 mins later Michael W.

submission for assignment 2 (both)
1:12pm Wed 15th May ANONYMOUS
35 mins later Michael W.

About assignment 2 (all 3)
1:04pm Wed 15th May Eusha K.
46 mins later Michael W.
90 mins later ANONYMOUS

Ass 1marks (all 3)
11:25am Wed 15th May ANONYMOUS
2 mins later Michael W.
21 mins later ANONYMOUS  O.P.

Input of best_predictor (both)
8:04pm Tue 14th May ANONYMOUS
15 hours later Michael W.

Some questions about examples (both)
4:14pm Tue 14th May ANONYMOUS
3 hours later Michael W.

Lines With Wrong Number Of Cells (both)
1:50pm Tue 14th May Evan W.
2 hours later Michael W.

sample output values (all 5)
11:13am Tue 14th May ANONYMOUS
12 mins later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
4 hours later Michael W.
5 hours later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
7 hours later Michael W.

tsv, or standoutput , what is the expected input for best_predictor? (all 6)
9:52am Tue 14th May ANONYMOUS
56 mins later Michael W.
2 hours later  👍x1 ANONYMOUS
6 hours later Michael W.
8 hours later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
9 hours later Michael W.

Assignment 2 year data cleaning (both)
9:20am Tue 14th May ANONYMOUS
1 min later Michael W.

Should we ignore the OWID data (both)
7:37pm Mon 13th May  👍x1 Chensu Y.
13 hours later  👍x1 Michael W.

tsv, or stdout , what is the expected input for best_predictor? (both)
6:25pm Mon 13th May ANONYMOUS
14 hours later Michael W.

Clarification inquiry on Data Cleaning - Assignment 2 (all 4)
3:19pm Mon 13th May ANONYMOUS
17 hours later  👍x1 Michael W.
20 hours later Kaichao Z.
24 hours later Michael W.

Ass2 Input Data Column Headers (all 4)
2:40pm Mon 13th May Evan W.
23 mins later Michael W.
23 hours later Evan W.  O.P.
25 hours later Michael W.

Consistency of Population and Ladder Score across files (both)
2:01pm Mon 13th May Evan W.
60 mins later Michael W.

Clarification on Output File (all 5)
1:06pm Mon 13th May ANONYMOUS
4 mins later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
8 mins later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
10 mins later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
109 mins later Michael W.

Lab 8 AWK answers (both)
10:03am Mon 13th May ANONYMOUS
4 hours later Michael W.

lab 8 and 9 ans (both)
8:31am Mon 13th May ANONYMOUS
6 hours later Michael W.

 UWA week 19 (1st semester, week 10) ↓
doubts about temporary file|calculation accuracy (both)
9:35pm Sun 12th May Zhiyang X.
17 hours later Michael W.

What if a country in one file but not a another file (all 5)
9:29pm Sun 12th May Zhenlong M.
13 hours later Zhenlong M.  O.P.
14 hours later Zhenlong M.  O.P.
17 hours later Michael W.
6 days later ANONYMOUS

Doubt regarding usage of Associative arrays
5:18pm Sun 12th May ANONYMOUS

Project2: Need clarification on reporting lines (both)
4:12pm Sun 12th May Md C.
22 hours later Michael W.

3rd filter in Assignmet (all 5)
1:00pm Sun 12th May ANONYMOUS
11 mins later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
14 mins later Michael W.
26 mins later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
25 hours later Michael W.

About the description of best_predictor (both)
2:51am Sun 12th May ANONYMOUS
7 hours later Michael W.

input tsv file name (both)
1:45pm Sat 11th May ANONYMOUS
20 hours later Michael W.

what's the specific name for the cleaned datafile produced by cantril_data_cleaning (both)
11:54am Sat 11th May Zhenlong M.
22 hours later Michael W.

to include a correlation for any country there be at least 3 predictor-value, Cantril-value pairs (both)
6:39pm Fri 10th May Zhenlong M.
5 hours later Zhenlong M.  O.P.

Clarification of Assignment 2's demand (all 3)
1:52pm Fri 10th May  👍x1 Zexu D.
2 hours later Runzhi Z.
44 hours later Michael W.

Usage of GIT in Project-2 (all 3)
12:04pm Fri 10th May ANONYMOUS
57 mins later  👍x1 Michael W.
85 mins later ANONYMOUS  O.P.

Output file (all 4)
11:48am Fri 10th May ANONYMOUS
76 mins later  👍x1 Michael W.
32 hours later  👍x1 ANONYMOUS  O.P.
46 hours later Michael W.

Sample1 seems not available (both)
12:11am Fri 10th May Zhiyang X.
8 hours later Michael W.

Assignment 2 clarification 09May (both)
10:27pm Thu 9th May Zhenlong M.
10 hours later Michael W.

Doubt in Project-2 (all 3)
1:00pm Thu 9th May ANONYMOUS
20 hours later  👍x1 Michael W.
4 days later Evan W.

Validity of sample2.tsv file data (all 5)
7:46pm Wed 8th May ANONYMOUS
108 mins later Michael W.
4 hours later Md C.
13 hours later ANONYMOUS
37 hours later Michael W.

Question about input file
3:45pm Wed 8th May ANONYMOUS

Question about file input (all 4)
3:35pm Wed 8th May  👍x1 ANONYMOUS
13 mins later Michael W.
20 hours later Zexu D.
90 hours later Michael W.

Clarity of Statement in Assignment-2 (all 3)
12:50pm Wed 8th May  👍x1 ANONYMOUS
20 hours later Ming G.
92 hours later Michael W.

Clarity Regarding a Statement in Project-2 (all 4)
11:42am Wed 8th May ANONYMOUS
29 mins later Michael W.
43 mins later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
93 hours later Michael W.

wrong or invalid cell value in assignment 2 (all 4)
10:50pm Tue 7th May Zhiyang X.
13 hours later Michael W.
17 hours later Zhiyang X.  O.P.
4 days later Michael W.

Assignment Deadline (both)
1:43pm Tue 7th May ANONYMOUS
22 hours later  👍x1 Michael W.

Divide by Zero in Pearson Correlation Calculation
1:42pm Tue 7th May ANONYMOUS

Assignment 2 clarification (all 3)
12:10pm Tue 7th May ANONYMOUS
28 mins later Ziyuan D.
23 hours later  👍x2 Michael W.

 UWA week 18 (1st semester, week 9) ↓
lab 7 answers (all 3)
11:40pm Sun 5th May ANONYMOUS
11 hours later Michael W.
21 hours later Michael W.

USE of advance function in Assignment 2 (all 4)
4:19pm Sun 5th May ANONYMOUS
18 hours later Michael W.
41 hours later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
42 hours later Michael W.

Assignment data (all 5)
12:51pm Sun 5th May ANONYMOUS
21 hours later Michael W.
22 hours later Zexu D.
32 hours later Michael W.
47 hours later Zexu D.

Using Git for assignment 2 (both)
12:39pm Sun 5th May Rabea B.
22 hours later Michael W.

L9 Shell arithmetic - find (both)
8:11pm Sat 4th May Suan C.
38 hours later Michael W.

Lab8-Q6.4 Data Missing (both)
12:38pm Sat 4th May Kaichao Z.
8 mins later Kaichao Z.  O.P.

string concatenation in awk (all 3)
9:31pm Thu 2nd May Eusha K.
85 hours later  👍x1 Michael W.
4 days later Eusha K.  O.P.

Assignment 2 (all 4)
8:00pm Wed 1st May ANONYMOUS
64 hours later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
4 days later Michael W.
14 days later Jingtong P.

Optional Online Test (all 6)
10:48pm Tue 30th Apr Suan C.
13 mins later Michael W.
10 hours later Ming G.
93 hours later Suan C.  O.P.
5 days later Michael W.
5 days later Michael W.

 UWA week 17 (1st semester, week 8) ↓
could we get marking details about the optional test? (all 4)
12:27pm Fri 26th Apr Ziyuan D.
16 mins later  👍x1 Michael W.
11 hours later  👍x1 ANONYMOUS
5 days later  👍x1 Michael W.

unable to watch 22 April lecture recording (all 5)
10:34am Fri 26th Apr  👍x1 ANONYMOUS
13 hours later Eusha K.
30 hours later Zexu D.
4 days later  👍x1 Ziyuan D.
4 days later Michael W.

Lab answers (both)
10:27am Fri 26th Apr ANONYMOUS
76 mins later Michael W.

Disappeared Lab7 Directory? (both)
5:27pm Thu 25th Apr Kaichao Z.
18 hours later  👍x1 Michael W.

Exam enquire (both)
8:38am Wed 24th Apr ANONYMOUS
111 mins later Michael W.

Lab 6, Q1: What does is the effect of "-r"?
2:49pm Tue 23rd Apr ANONYMOUS

Should we consider invalid or wrong values in .csv file
3:17pm Mon 22nd Apr ANONYMOUS

Clarification Needed on Submission Requirements for Assign_1 (both)
1:31pm Mon 22nd Apr Yu A.
67 mins later Michael W.

Assignment 1 output (both)
11:09am Mon 22nd Apr ANONYMOUS
7 mins later Michael W.

Country Code case sensitivity
9:21am Mon 22nd Apr ANONYMOUS

 UWA week 16 (1st semester, week 7) ↓
4:08pm Sun 21st Apr ANONYMOUS

Submission enquire (all 6)
1:14pm Sun 21st Apr ANONYMOUS
7 mins later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
3 hours later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
3 hours later Michael W.
4 hours later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
21 hours later Michael W.

Dependant Script Execution (all 3)
10:21pm Sat 20th Apr ANONYMOUS
10 hours later Michael W.
16 hours later ANONYMOUS  O.P.

Searching csv file (both)
5:43pm Sat 20th Apr ANONYMOUS
3 hours later  👍x1 Michael W.

Clarification on Script Execution Command Format (both)
3:05am Sat 20th Apr Anandhu R.
11 hours later Michael W.

Assessing whether a year is in the past or future (all 4)
11:50am Fri 19th Apr  👍x1 Alexandra H.
2 hours later Michael W.
2 hours later Michael W.
45 hours later Alexandra H.  O.P.

CITS 4407 Assignment regard case sensitivity (all 4)
9:27am Fri 19th Apr ANONYMOUS
4 hours later Michael W.
7 hours later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
55 hours later Michael W.

CITS4407 Assignment (all 4)
7:37am Fri 19th Apr ANONYMOUS
66 mins later  👍x1 Michael W.
13 hours later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
34 hours later ANONYMOUS  O.P.

Online test (both)
11:56pm Thu 18th Apr Zichen Z.
8 hours later Michael W.

Week-7 Lab Solutions (both)
1:04pm Thu 18th Apr ANONYMOUS
54 mins later Michael W.

17042024 Lecture11 (both)
10:01pm Wed 17th Apr Suan C.
27 mins later Michael W.

using commands in assignment (both)
4:38pm Wed 17th Apr ANONYMOUS
4 hours later Michael W.

ass doubts (all 5)
4:28pm Wed 17th Apr ANONYMOUS
4 hours later Michael W.
14 hours later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
18 hours later  👍x1 ANONYMOUS
19 hours later Michael W.

Error messages, and case-sensitive related issues. (all 6)
10:26pm Tue 16th Apr ANONYMOUS
21 hours later Michael W.
37 hours later ANONYMOUS
37 hours later Michael W.
39 hours later ANONYMOUS
5 days later Michael W.

Some questions about Sample Queries in Assignment 1 (all 6)
8:52pm Tue 16th Apr ANONYMOUS
17 mins later ANONYMOUS
23 mins later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
37 mins later  👍x1 ANONYMOUS
23 hours later Michael W.
23 hours later Michael W.

Questions about the final exam (inspired by the mid-semester one) (both)
4:42pm Tue 16th Apr ANONYMOUS
27 hours later Michael W.

Midsemester self-assessment test (all 7)
1:52pm Mon 15th Apr Kaichao Z.
1 min later Michael W.
6 mins later Michael W.
15 mins later Michael W.
22 mins later  👍x1 Kaichao Z.  O.P.
8 hours later Eusha K.
53 hours later Michael W.

 UWA week 15 (1st semester, week 6) ↓
How to deal with same values when finding the maximum percentage (both)
5:44pm Sun 14th Apr Junyu Z.
20 hours later Michael W.

"Clarification on Column Order in Assignment 1 Test Files" (all 3)
6:32pm Thu 11th Apr Aadil V.
1 min later Aadil V.  O.P.
71 mins later Michael W.

Some Questions about Assignment 1 (all 4)
12:29am Thu 11th Apr Runzhi Z.
9 hours later Michael W.
16 hours later Eusha K.
19 hours later Michael W.

Case Insensitice (both)
12:55pm Wed 10th Apr ANONYMOUS
2 hours later Michael W.

Updated PDF of L8 (while loop) (all 5)
3:56pm Mon 8th Apr  👍x1 Michael W.
41 hours later Eusha K.
47 hours later Michael W.  O.P.
54 hours later Eusha K.
69 hours later Nathan R.

FAQ Assignment 1: What is an error, and how are errors to be handled?
3:04pm Mon 8th Apr Michael W.

doubts in assignment (all 4)
9:28am Mon 8th Apr ANONYMOUS
40 mins later Michael W.
9 days later ANONYMOUS  O.P.
9 days later Michael W.

Assignment doubts (both)
9:27am Mon 8th Apr ANONYMOUS
45 mins later Michael W.

Assign 1 direcotry naming & script permission (both)
12:47am Mon 8th Apr ANONYMOUS
9 hours later Michael W.

Does Male / Female include both sexes record as well (all 3)
12:42am Mon 8th Apr Kushan J.
9 hours later Michael W.
16 hours later Kushan J.  O.P.

 UWA week 14 (1st semester, non-teaching week) ↓
Inquiry Regarding Example Output Format (both)
9:42pm Sun 7th Apr Chao D.
12 hours later  👍x1 Michael W.

Zip or gz file for assignment1? (both)
2:51pm Sat 6th Apr ANONYMOUS
30 mins later Michael W.

Advanced Linux commands (both)
5:02pm Fri 5th Apr Rabea B.
22 hours later Michael W.

Assignment 1: Use of BC (all 15)
2:30pm Mon 1st Apr Nathan R.
21 hours later Michael W.
21 hours later ANONYMOUS
21 hours later Michael W.
27 hours later ANONYMOUS
30 hours later Michael W.
48 hours later Suman I.
48 hours later ANONYMOUS
49 hours later Michael W.
49 hours later Michael W.
64 hours later Nathan R.  O.P.
67 hours later Michael W.
70 hours later ANONYMOUS
72 hours later Michael W.
9 days later Nathan R.  O.P.

 UWA week 13 (1st semester, week 5) ↓
run a DIY script (both)
11:32pm Fri 29th Mar Baoyue Z.
84 hours later Michael W.

Not able to submit assignment (both)
10:33am Wed 27th Mar ANONYMOUS
89 mins later Michael W.

Lab answers availability (both)
1:51am Wed 27th Mar ANONYMOUS
9 hours later  👍x2 Alexandra H.

lab4 (both)
9:54pm Tue 26th Mar Suan C.
14 hours later Michael W.

/dev/.... (all 4)
9:06pm Tue 26th Mar Suan C.
18 hours later Michael W.
9 days later Suan C.  O.P.
9 days later Michael W.

Wed 27th. Chat about Ass1 + debugging trick
10:21am Mon 25th Mar Michael W.

Shell: can't run the shell directlly (all 3)
2:15am Mon 25th Mar Zichen Z.
31 hours later Michael W.
46 hours later Zichen Z.  O.P.

 UWA week 12 (1st semester, week 4) ↓
Assignment 1 doubts (both)
11:14am Sat 23rd Mar ANONYMOUS
70 hours later Michael W.

Assignment 1 Questions
4:47pm Fri 22nd Mar Weng C.

12:49pm Fri 22nd Mar ANONYMOUS

about assignment1 dataset (all 3)
12:10am Fri 22nd Mar ANONYMOUS
9 hours later ANONYMOUS
9 hours later Michael W.

Assignment 1 Query (both)
5:44pm Wed 20th Mar ANONYMOUS
3 hours later  👍x1 Michael W.

Big hint for Assignment 1
10:43pm Tue 19th Mar Michael W.

L5 Variables (both)
8:56pm Tue 19th Mar Suan C.
98 mins later Michael W.

FAQ Assignment 1: Output form (all 3)
9:55am Tue 19th Mar  👍x3 Michael W.
38 hours later Eusha K.
47 hours later  👍x2 Michael W.  O.P.

Lab2 Q8,14 Count in Plaintext (both)
12:33am Mon 18th Mar Kaichao Z.
33 hours later Michael W.

 UWA week 11 (1st semester, week 3) ↓
Assignment 1 Sample Queries (all 4)
11:00pm Sat 16th Mar  👍x1 Weng C.
18 hours later Michael W.
24 hours later Weng C.  O.P.
58 hours later Michael W.

VIM error (all 3)
9:35pm Sat 16th Mar Suan C.
107 mins later Weng C.
20 hours later Michael W.

Welcome to helpOSTS (all 3)
5:24pm Sat 16th Mar  👍x7 Michael W.
10 hours later Zexu D.
24 hours later Michael W.  O.P.

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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