It's UWAweek 38 (2nd semester, week 8)


This program provides a breakdown of enrolments in the School of Physics, Mathematics, and Computing in 2023.

Enrolments in Physics, Mathematics, and Computing in 2023
  • Data last collected: 6:14am Sat 25th Nov 2023
  • Total of 6393 students, undertaking 17105 enrolments (avg 2.7)
  • Figures include ENROLLED, INACTIVE, and UNCONFIRMED enrolments
  • Jump to:   Level-1    Level-2    Level-3    Level-4    Level-5  

  • Select units and view:  or        
PHYS1002-1  Modern Physics (21)
PHYS1002-2  Modern Physics (65)
CITS1003-1  Introduction to Cybersecurity (625)
MATH1011-1  Multivariable Calculus (491)
MATH1011-2  Multivariable Calculus (359)
MATH1012-1  Mathematical Theory and Methods (340)
MATH1012-2  Mathematical Theory and Methods (455)
MATH1013-1  Mathematical Analysis (24)
MATH1014-2  Algebra (51)
PHYS1021-1  Applied Physics A (58)
PHYS1030-1  Physics Bridging Unit (122)
PHYS1030-2  Physics Bridging Unit (79)
PHYS1100-1  Classical and Frontier Physics (30)
SCIE1121-1  Our Universe (81)
PHYS1200-2  Modern and Frontier Physics (27)
STAT1400-1  Statistics for Science (150)
STAT1400-2  Statistics for Science (156)
MATH1700-1  Forensic Mathematics (103)
MATH1720-1  Mathematics Fundamentals (317)
MATH1720-2  Mathematics Fundamentals (179)
CITS2002-2  Systems Programming (406)
PHYS2002-2  Many Particle Systems (84)
CITS2005-1  Object Oriented Programming (50)
MATH2021-1  Differential Equations (120)
CITS2200-1  Data Structures and Algorithms (319)
CITS2211-2  Discrete Structures (317)
SCIE2212-2  Our Place in Space (23)
STAT2401-1  Analysis of Experiments (223)
CITS2402-2  Introduction to Data Science (176)
STAT2402-2  Analysis of Observations (229)
MATH2501-1  Advanced Mathematical Methods (89)
CITS3001-2  Advanced Algorithms (212)
CITS3002-1  Computer Networks (202)
MATH3002-1  Network Science (61)
PHYS3002-2  Electrodynamics and Relativity (51)
CITS3003-1  Graphics and Animation (119)
PHYS3003-1  Astrophysics and Space Science (34)
PHYS3005-1  Quantum Computation (39)
CITS3005-2  Knowledge Representation (60)
CITS3006-2  Penetration Testing (56)
CITS3007-2  Secure Coding (159)
PHYS3011-2  Mathematical Physics (66)
PHYS3012-2  Topics in Contemporary Physics (25)
MATH3021-1  Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos (35)
MATH3024-2  Complex Systems (35)
MATH3032-2  Topology and Analysis (30)
MATH3033-2  Geometry (22)
STAT3062-1  Statistical Science (24)
STAT3064-2  Statistical Learning (108)
CITS3200-2  Professional Computing (244)
CITS3401-1  Data Warehousing (112)
STAT3401-1  Advanced Data Analysis (21)
CITS3402-2  High Performance Computing (7)
CITS3403-1  Agile Web Development (277)
MINE3503-1  Surface Mining (5)
CITS4009-2  Computational Data Analysis (313)
PHYS4010-1  Symmetry Principles in Physics (11)
CITS4012-1  Natural Language Processing (93)
MATH4021-1  Dynamical Systems (7)
MATH4022-2  Theoretical Mechanics (8)
PHYS4022-2  Advanced Quantum Computing (10)
MATH4023-2  Mathematical Optimisation (8)
MATH4031-1  Algebra (5)
STAT4064-1  Applied Predictive Modelling (49)
CITS4402-1  Computer Vision (70)
CITS4403-2  Computational Modelling (71)
CITS4407-1  Open Source Tools and Scripting (233)
PHYS4415-1  Special Topics in Physics I (11)
PHYS4418-2  Cosmological Physics (13)
CITS5017-2  Deep Learning (29)
STAT5061-2  Statistical Data Science (12)
PHYS5401-1  Medical Imaging Physics (32)
PHYS5403-2  Radiotherapy Physics (10)
CITS5503-2  Cloud Computing (153)
CITS5504-1  Data Warehousing (83)
CITS5505-1  Agile Web Development (45)
CITS5506-2  The Internet of Things (163)
GENG5507-1  Risk, Reliability and Safety (203)
CITS5507-2  High Performance Computing (45)
GENG5507-2  Risk, Reliability and Safety (224)
CITS5508-1  Machine Learning (128)
PHYS5510-2  Special Topics in Physics II (2)
PHYS5512-2  Physics Reading Unit (1)
CITS5553-2  Data Science Capstone Project (57)

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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