Computer Science and Software Engineering department's units enrolment retention (... patience) change over recent years
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This program provides a breakdown of enrolments in the School of Physics, Mathematics, and Computing in 2021.

Enrolments in Computer Science and Software Engineering in 2021
  • Data last collected: 4:01am Sat 6th Nov 2021
  • Total of 2788 students, undertaking 6753 enrolments (avg 2.4)
  • Figures include ENROLLED, INACTIVE, and UNCONFIRMED enrolments
  • Jump to:   Level-1    Level-2    Level-3    Level-4    Level-5    Level-8  

  • Select units and view:  or        
CITS1001-1  Software Engineering with Java (421)
CITS1001-2  Software Engineering with Java (243)
CITS1003-2  Introduction to Cybersecurity (440)
CITS2002-2  Systems Programming (321)
CITS2200-1  Data Structures and Algorithms (306)
CITS2211-2  Discrete Structures (186)
CITS2402-2  Introduction to Data Science (178)
CITS3001-2  Advanced Algorithms (153)
CITS3002-1  Computer Networks (210)
CITS3003-1  Graphics and Animation (155)
CITS3004-2  Cybersecurity (179)
CITS3200-2  Professional Computing (248)
CITS3401-1  Data Warehousing (133)
CITS3402-2  High Performance Computing (2)
CITS3403-1  Agile Web Development (241)
CITS4001-1  CSSE Research Project Part 1 (7)
CITS4001-2  CSSE Research Project Part 1 (5)
CITS4002-1  CSSE Research Project Part 2 (3)
CITS4002-2  CSSE Research Project Part 2 (6)
CITS4009-2  Computational Data Analysis (146)
CITS4012-2  Natural Language Processing (55)
CITS4402-1  Computer Vision (97)
CITS4403-1  Computational Modelling (1)
CITS4407-1  Open Source Tools and Scripting (125)
CITS5503-2  Cloud Computing (147)
CITS5504-1  Data Warehousing (89)
CITS5505-1  Agile Web Development (62)
CITS5506-2  The Internet of Things (62)
CITS5507-2  High Performance Computing (58)
CITS5508-1  Machine Learning (144)
CITS5553-2  Data Science Capstone Project (35)
CITS8920-RS1  Ph.D.Thesis (Computer Science) FT (27)
CITS8920-RS2  Ph.D.Thesis (Computer Science) FT (20)
CITS8920-RSSD  Ph.D.Thesis (Computer Science) FT (1)
CITS8921-RSSD  Ph.D.Thesis (Computer Science) PT (2)

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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