It's UWAweek 42 (2nd semester, week 12)


This forum is provided to promote discussion amongst students enrolled in CITS5501 Software Testing and Quality Assurance. If posting a question, it's suggested you check first whether your question is answered in the unit Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list, and use the search box (on the right) to see if an answer to your question has already been posted.

Please consider offering answers and suggestions to help other students! And if you fix a problem by following a suggestion here, it would be great if other interested students could see a short "Great, fixed it!"  followup message.

Note that any posts must comply with the UWA Code of Conduct and the UWA Academic Conduct Policy. That means you should (a) treat everyone with respect and courtesy, and (b) not post your solutions to an assessment that's in progress.

If asking a programming question, it's recommended you read How do I ask a good question? If reporting or troubleshooting a bug in software used in the unit, it's recommend you read How to report bugs effectively.
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 UWA week 42 (2nd semester, week 12) ↓
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5:17pm Wed 16th Oct, Arran S.

Hi all,

I've received some submissions of challenge task attempts for the project, so wanted to clarify what sort of work is likely to attract bonus marks.

First of all, obviously make sure you submit what is asked for. If you're submitting links to code, make sure those work. If your submission is supposed to answer a question, make sure you do actually answer that question (and not other irrelevant ones).

Secondly, your answer should meet appropriate basic standards we expect of any coursework answers. For code, take a look at the rubric for (e.g.) code answers. Have you adhered to good coding guidelines? Is your code well-documented? If submitting a report - have you read the requirements for written reports? Have you properly cited sources you make use of? (The rubric for long answers may also be helpful - it is more focused on scenario-based questions, but still highlights some of the qualities markers are looking for.)

Lastly, bonus marks are completely at the discretion of the marker; in general, to attract bonus marks at all, you need to demonstrate an ability to go above and beyond the minimum knowledge needed to pass the unit – they're called "challenge" tasks because they're supposed to be challenging. In the case of a written report, you can assume the markers are familiar with the key papers in the area, and are expecting at a minimum to see discussion of them (and their limitations, if any).

I hope that helps, and best of luck with your submissions.



The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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