Please consider offering answers and suggestions to help other students!
And if you fix a problem by following a suggestion here,
it would be great if other interested students could see a short
"Great, fixed it!" followup message.
Hey, I am getting 2 of the tests wrong.
I think there is an issue with the question.
I am getting the answer, but the message is not exactly the same with the expected output.
I get my output as "Unexpected sqlite3 error Error near line 14 " and in ...
In question 3 of lab 5, I have managed to write a code which has correct expected results for 3 4 tests. However, one of the test is
DELETE FROM po items WHERE job id '002' AND po id 'HHH';
DELETE FROM pos WHERE job id '002' AND po id 'HH...
At the earliest it would have to wait until after everyone has finished, and any students that may have requested extensions resits of the exam. It would also give out the answers to all of the questions which would potentially make them unusable in ...
I think the question means
Write an SQL query to find the purchase order IDs (po id) whose total cost of ordered items exceeds the average price of all items. Include the po id and the total cost for each purchase order that meets this condition. ...
I've been working on lab 5 Q7
However the answer the checker expects doesn't seem to filter by average price or use subqueries at all. It just lists the grouped total price for each po id. In fact I only managed to solve this question by writing ...
I found the test difficult, particularly the last few questions. I got four correct and gave up in the end, it was too stressful. I did not study triggers, however could we have some remedial follow up for it? I cannot be the only one that found ...
I am not able to pass Q8, as I am getting the difference (this is the only difference)
as below
HireID Date PolicyType Cost
Hireid Date Policytype Cost
The only difference is HireID vs Hireid, and Po...
This having been the first forum post I've read, I can only agree on the following
- Thanks to the unit coordinator and lab facilitators
Mehwish is clearly a caring educator, and it is reflected in group communications.
I wrote a perhaps harshly word...
So I do think that Dr Nasim and the teaching staff's response to the issues yesterday was effective in restoring the integrity of the project, and I believe that due to the adjustments (such as removing the penalty from the quiz), most students would...
I do agree. I think there was some miscommunications that caused confusion and conflicting beliefs, but at the end of the day, I think the teaching staff did well to accomodate these issues effectively so that the issues did not disadvantage us. Ther...
I second this, while communication was not the clearest and there were some mistakes with the assessment (which is perfectly understandable, we're all human), any issues I had were resolved relatively quickly via email (which was explicitly mentioned...
After everything, somehow I agree with you.
I am actually one of the student who complained earlier. However, after reading the justification of not providing schema and data is to prevent student finishing using AI to finish everything it make sense,...
Hi, I just wanted to know when we will get the marks for the first part of take home test (MCQs?).
Asking because we can get marks instantly for SQL part, not it is not the case for MCQ part, I wonder why.