It's UWAweek 42 (2nd semester, week 12)


This forum is provided to promote discussion amongst students enrolled in CITS1402 Relational Database Management Systems.

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7:10pm Tue 10th Sep, Jichunyang L.

> 1. I understand we cannot put FKs as a listed attribute on the ER diagram/attribute dictionary, but what if this FK would be a part of a PK? Is it okay to not have an attribute identified as the PK or do we have to find some other PK?
PK and FK can be the same, but it is not a best practice. Can you find a better FK in your table?
> > 2. In the occerence column in the data dictionaries, is it advised to have a specific example or to use entity names? So far I have been using entity names e.g., 'vehicle resides in depot', but I feel a more specific example e.g., 'ford focus resides in depot 01' is clearer to the reader.
No. You can have your own decision.
> > 3. Should we include an alias that is the same as the entity name if there are no aliases? Or just leave it blank?
It can be blank.
> > Apologies if any of these have already been answered in the forums, I couldn't seem to find any answers on these.

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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