It's UWAweek 42 (2nd semester, week 12)


This forum is provided to promote discussion amongst students enrolled in CITS1402 Relational Database Management Systems.

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 UWA week 40 (2nd semester, week 10) ↓
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12:10pm Tue 1st Oct, Mehwish N.

> Hi > > I have the following questions related to part-2 > > 1- On Moodle, the deadline appears as Friday, 4 October 2024, 12:00 AM. The announcement page says 3rd Oct Midnight. which one is correct?
Sorry, it is off by 60 seconds. It is 03 Oct 11:59 pm.
> > 2- I understand it is not mandatory, however if I want to have some test cases defined for my model and test the model, in what form the results should be submitted? ( what will be preferred?) > - as a screenshot(s) > - simple word file with input on left, output on right > - a small video? > - some txt with sql commands that can be tested by teaching staff?
If you want, you can put a screenshot, but it is not required. No videos please :). We are going to invite about 10% students for an interview. If you have a thorough submission, it will be helpful.
> > 3- When we submit the model on Moodle, will the server run our model and provide feedback if it has passed any test cases? or it will be tested / run by teaching staff manually? > will we get any feedback for the model / description? > As I understand marking is only for take-home test. does that mean, Par-2 is only to qualify to sit in the exam and wont be tested?
Between 03 October and the submission of take-home test, it is understandable that your approach and thinking may evolve. However, if we decide to call someone for an interview, I do not expect to see an empty submission or minimal submission that does either does not make sense or students are not able to explain it. My suggestion to all students is to do the maximum amount of work they can do and submit it by the deadline. And yes, submission is important to qualify for the take-home test.
> > Thanks

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