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1.for q4 of the written portion,i used case since we only have to sort by fName if the lname is the same?is that accepted or do we have to use order by only?
2.for q7 of written portion,i used and equijoin instead of a left join but i have specified t...
is it half mcqs and theory or full theory(as in written sql code)?also,is doing past papers from one search a good practice?(also is boyce codd form and tree based indexing included in the topics we need to know?)
Would it be possible to provide any more sample papers for the final exam?I feel like the previous year papers arent updated to match the current syllabus.Also wondering whether the final exam could ask us to draw a ER diagram?(just want to know whet...
I have a few questions regarding what can be tested in the final exam
1.For joins,we only need to know how to perform a left outer join?(no need to know how to perform a right outer join etc.)
2.I also have another question regarding the use of where ...
Dr Nasim,
I have a few questions for the project
- Is driversNum in the PersonalClient referring to the drivers licence number?or is it referring to the number of nominated drivers?
- What does cName in the CompanyClient entity refer to?Does it refer t...
I would really appreciate it if i could get some clarifications regarding the project? I have 4 questions
1.Why would make and model in the VehicleType be the primary keys? Any two cars could have the same make and model(eg. Both cars are Hondas a...
hi,i have a question regarding the project.This statement is unclear in the last paragraph 'The details of such representatives are recorded as though they were person clients'.
In the given project
1. can there be relationships between more than one entity?For example;can there be a hired relationship between vehicles and depot? as well as between vehicles and client?Can we infer and add extra relationships on our own?
For our midterm and when drawing ER diagrams in general,do we have to know and use these arrows?Additionally,when writing down the multiplicity(1.. etc.) do we need to write it on top of the arrow or under the entity?Thanks for your help
I was doing this question and Im a bit confused on what answer is correct.When I was doing cartesian product of A,B from R and A,C from T it gives 8 tuples.However,we can also remove the 2 repeated tuples(1222 and 2222) which will give us 6 distin...