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I am not able to pass Q8, as I am getting the difference (this is the only difference)
as below
HireID Date PolicyType Cost
Hireid Date Policytype Cost
The only difference is HireID vs Hireid, and Po...
On the Lecture wk 10, Slide 28-29 mentions the following
(a) If column in view is based on an aggregate function
Column may appear only in SELECT and ORDER BY
clauses of queries that access view.
Column may not be used in WHERE nor be an ar...
When we insert a new hire to HiredVehicle, what value should we put into the foreign key depotID(returned to)?
From the relationship, it cannot be NULL.
Am I understanding correctly? - the value (DepotID for returned to) will be updated when client...
but the HiredVehicle is identified by (clientID, startDate), or (regNum, startDate), and one client can only hire one car on the same day. (according to Case study).
Can anyone please advise why it is a 1 relationship as HireVehicle (1..1) and Invoice (0.. ).
I would think it should be a 1 1 relationship because a single hired vehicle identified by (regNum, Date) can only be associated with zero or one Invoic...
I am having trouble to understand the questions too. In particular, the second part.
In the given data (po items), IRN appears on the two rows as below
004 CCC IRN 4
006 GGG IRN 2
and IWS appears on one row as below
002 AAA IWS 2
In which situation, both...
From the lectures,
"Column names in HAVING clause must also appear in the GROUP BY list or be contained
within an aggregate function."
The solution uses
HAVING count(cust id) 2 and city OR phone IS NOT NULL
However, column city, phone are ...