It's UWAweek 42 (2nd semester, week 12)


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 UWA week 35 (2nd semester, week 6) ↓
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10:29am Tue 27th Aug, Ashutosh A.

Hi, On Lms it is mentioned that the midsemester exam will cover all content from "Lecture notes/slides". Does this also include the powerpoints on SQL DDL and DML uploaded in Week 3? Those powerpoints include certain content which we have not yet covered in the labs/sql videos. Thanks

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2:44pm Tue 27th Aug, Mehwish N.

Already answered on forums: Content: - Theory: Everything that we will cover till the Lecture in week 6 (26 Aug 2024). Topics include: Introduction to Databases Relational Model Relational Algebra ER Modeling (Wk 4) Enhanced ER Modeling (Wk 5-6) - SQL: Everything that we will cover till week 6, including Labs 1,2 & 3. Topics include: DML: Use compound WHERE conditions. Use aggregate functions. Sort query results using ORDER BY. Group data using GROUP BY and HAVING. Use basic subqueries. DDL: CREATE TABLE UPDATE TABLE INSERT INTO DROP TABLE DELETE FROM

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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