It's UWAweek 20 (1st semester, week 11)


This forum is provided to promote discussion amongst students enrolled in CITS1402 Relational Database Management Systems.

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 UWA week 19 (1st semester, week 10) ↓
SVG not supported 10:33am Wed 8th May, ANONYMOUS

Hi. I was just wondering when we create the view for pendingFee, do we need to include both the invoice status of "Completed" and "Bill sent" or just include "Bill sent"? Since "Completed" means that the customer hasn't paid the bill yet but the bill...

SVG not supported 7:01pm Tue 7th May, ANONYMOUS

when creating a new relation for the ContactPhoneNumbers, we have to add the PK of the customer entity to the new relation. Since, customer is a subclass of the client, would clientNumber be considered the PK for customer or it just doesn't have a PK...

SVG not supported 3:28pm Tue 7th May, ANONYMOUS

Hi, if anyone is looking for a partner for project 2 and also wants to do well please email me 242 0 4 t d n . w . d . u S n e u t m r i u c a s o h l e t o l l e t u b r b o s d r d t e P o u t m r o t j s o s ' a e a P ...

SVG not supported 12:24pm Tue 7th May, Benjamin O.

In our justifications for each entity's derivations, is it necessary good practise to indicate an alternative representation that could be made as well? For instance, when posting uniqueIdentifierCode as a foreign key for the Service entity, I've rea...

SVG not supported 11:54pm Mon 6th May, Nhat D.

Hello, I have 2 main questions Question 1 Discrepancies between the ERD and the text description. While doing the SQLite table code, I found out that some details are inconsistent between the ERD and the text description - There is no mention o...

SVG not supported 10:35am Mon 6th May, Mehwish N.

Yes, please write everything in one single file. Start with DROP table statements (to drop any existing tables in the database with the same name as your tables) Create tables (Using CREATE Table statements) Create Triggers (if required) Populate th...

 UWA week 18 (1st semester, week 9) ↓
SVG not supported 3:30pm Sun 5th May, ANONYMOUS

I know that we need to populate our tables with sample data to test them out, but do we need to submit said sample data as part of the wider .txt file or do we just need to provide the tables and required views?

SVG not supported 11:51am Sun 5th May, Bumsoo P.

Hi, In the invoice relation, I'm a bit lost how to get totalFEE (derived attribute) with in the table. Could you please provide a rough guidance on this?

SVG not supported 9:31am Sun 5th May, ANONYMOUS

How do we define the relationship between customer and patient when they are subclasses of superclass client? I see that the binary relationship type is one-to-many and needing to post a copy of the primary key attribute of parent (Customer) entity in...

SVG not supported 4:16pm Sat 4th May, ANONYMOUS

I have the same question, because if we can't make new ones then there's no reason to implement the Client superclass into the physical model, and its attributes should be just directly given to the Patient and Customer entities Also I'm pretty sure w...

SVG not supported 4:09pm Sat 4th May, Maira A.

Yes, you can.

SVG not supported 4:06pm Sat 4th May, Maira A.

Please adhere to the provided specification. While you can include additional attributes such as 'appointment id' for entity identification, ensure that your database maintains all relationships and constraints as outlined in the project sheet.

SVG not supported
extra attributes 👍x2  (all 3)
2:53pm Sat 4th May, Neethu M.

is it okay to add some extra attributes to identify and to make the entities more identifiable. like is it okay to create an attribute called Appointment ID in appointment table. Also, can there be tables without a primary key?

SVG not supported 2:09pm Sat 4th May, Maira A.

Hi Zhulin, I have copied this from the project sheet "At the end of an appointment, an invoice is generated." So, after every appointment an invoice is generated. Hope this helps.

SVG not supported 2:06pm Sat 4th May, Maira A.

It should be same as project 1, unless instructed otherwise. ANONYMOUS wrote

SVG not supported 2:02pm Sat 4th May, Maira A.

Yes,using underscores ( ) or camel case is fine. So, 'street address' can be represented as 'street address' or 'streetAddress'. ANONYMOUS wrote

SVG not supported 4:07pm Fri 3rd May, Zhulin L.

Hi there, I have a question about "Invoice Generated For Appointment" binary relationship. The multiplicity near Invoice is 0..1. Dose this mean that there are some appointments won't generate invoices??

SVG not supported 1:10am Fri 3rd May, ANONYMOUS

G'day professor, In Client entity, there is address attribute with sub attribute name street address, should it be streetAddress so with can work in SQL?

SVG not supported 9:31pm Thu 2nd May, ANONYMOUS

If we are working in partners, do we both submit a copy of our assignment? Or is it like Project 1 where only one partner submits

SVG not supported 5:14pm Thu 2nd May, ANONYMOUS

Hi, just wanted to clarify some doubts I had when attempting to create the views 3.List the current service fee for all the services when it is greater than 100. view name expensiveServices When creating the db, are we updating the "currentServiceFe...

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