It's UWAweek 38 (2nd semester, week 8)


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 UWA week 38 (2nd semester, week 8) ↓
SVG not supported 7:53pm Tue 17th Sep, ANONYMOUS

Just making sure, is regex.h permitted? We have used some regex for string parsing. As far as I know, it is considered a system-provided (POSIX) library.

SVG not supported 5:01pm Tue 17th Sep, Joshua N.

ANONYMOUS wrote WSL stands for "Windows Subsystem for Linux". So Linux.

SVG not supported 4:08pm Tue 17th Sep, ANONYMOUS

CITS2002 Project 1 2024 Student1 STUDENT-NUMBER1 NAME-1 Student2 STUDENT-NUMBER2 NAME-2 Platform Linux (or Apple) Hi, if I have been using windows but have been writing my code in VSC with WSL, should I indicate windows or L...

SVG not supported 4:08pm Tue 17th Sep, ANONYMOUS

I used a random number 24096 to test question 5 from the mid-semester test, and for both options a and d the output was 9 (which is the correct output in both cases). Can anyone tell me why option d is wrong or is their two solutions?

SVG not supported 3:37pm Tue 17th Sep, Joshua N.

Just multiply x by 1 in the code. e.g. x x 1; and the error warning will go away.

SVG not supported 3:34pm Tue 17th Sep, Joshua N.

Maybe my answer to this question will answer your question https run help2002?p np opt U344 hl arg0 Let me know.

SVG not supported 3:30pm Tue 17th Sep, Joshua N.

ANONYMOUS wrote I mean a lot of the advice given on the forum is based off the project requirements and clarifications Chris made, so it really depends on which advice you are talking about. A rule of thumb for assumptions is If you make an assumpti...

SVG not supported 3:19pm Tue 17th Sep, Joshua N.

ANONYMOUS wrote Seems good so far. Just make sure to delete the output.c file and the executable when you are done.

SVG not supported 2:01pm Tue 17th Sep, ANONYMOUS

Is it correct that the syntax assumptions in the report do not have to align with the advice given on this help forum? Such as if global variables, variable reassignment and parameter checking have already been implemented, they can be listed as assum...

SVG not supported 1:26pm Tue 17th Sep, Sean G.

I have a question regarding the project, specifically point 8 within the assignment brief The variables arg0, arg1, and so on, provide access to the program's command-line arguments which provide real-valued number...

SVG not supported 6:44am Tue 17th Sep, ANONYMOUS

Hello, I just wanted to check if I'm on the right track The runml.c program 1) reads the .ml text file 2) translates the .ml text into valid C syntax 3) writes the translated C syntax into an output.c file 4) then complies and runs the output.c file this ...

SVG not supported 5:35am Tue 17th Sep, Joshua N.

ANONYMOUS wrote Answered here https run help2002?p np opt U278 hl website

SVG not supported 5:35am Tue 17th Sep, Joshua N.

ANONYMOUS wrote This is a statement, so yes. pqr will be zero so it won't matter. sas will cause the error, since there are two identifiers followed after each other in a statement, which is invalid syntax.

SVG not supported 3:45am Tue 17th Sep, ANONYMOUS

In an assignment expression, will I be tested on intricate cases like sas abc - 2.4 pqr Error ?

SVG not supported 9:29pm Mon 16th Sep, Samay G.

I recall that on my question on this thread (https run help2002?p np opt U308) it was proposed that we compile code without -Werror, but even if we just use -Wall it also throws all warnings, is that expected and fine? Here i...

SVG not supported 8:33pm Mon 16th Sep, Joshua N.

ANONYMOUS wrote Hi sorry, you are right. I misread what he said. Thanks for letting everyone know.

SVG not supported 3:43pm Mon 16th Sep, ANONYMOUS

I am OP, I just wanted to comment i've read the post you linked and it appears Chris said the opposite for anybody else who see's this. I have hence implemented the ability to check user inputs.

SVG not supported 2:23pm Mon 16th Sep, ANONYMOUS

ANONYMOUS wrote It does seem like this question is an issue with semantics ( which has happened before (https run help2002?p np opt U463 year 2019)) and being such a minute detail of the system call. It seems, at least, possi...

SVG not supported 1:23pm Mon 16th Sep, ANONYMOUS

Hi, will we be getting a way to test whether our program is valid?

SVG not supported 1:21pm Mon 16th Sep, ANONYMOUS

ANONYMOUS wrote Thanks for the link. However, unless I'm misinterpreting it, that thread ended unresolved too. Dr. McDonald's only contribution in that thread was a non-answer (below) All the other messages seem to be speculation, where the same argu...

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