> I would also like to know what the first student asked: Hey, looking back on lecture material, for kruskals algorithm the complexity is O((n+m)log(n)), where n = vertices and m = edges.
> It states that all the MST union operations result in complexity of nlog(n), but I can't find where this is explained, as appearance of log(n) always suggests some halving shenanigans that to my knowledge aren't expanded upon in the lectures.////
> this is what I found in the lecture but couldn't find anything else on getting closer to nlogn:
> Partition-Based
> Implementation
> Partition-based version of
> Kruskal’s Algorithm
> Cluster merges as unions
> Cluster locations as finds
> Running time O((n + m) log n)
> Priority Queue operations: O(m log n)
> Union-Find operations: O(n log n)
> Thank you
Could not understand your question.