It's UWAweek 19 (1st semester, week 10)


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 UWA week 15 (1st semester, week 6) ↓
SVG not supported 12:45pm Fri 12th Apr, ANONYMOUS

For the first question. D is correct right? Since we are comparing Big O notation. Thought I'd just double check, thank you

 UWA week 14 (1st semester, non-teaching week) ↓
SVG not supported 2:21pm Thu 4th Apr, ANONYMOUS

Is it just me, or would none of the given answers work, as b d both have syntax errors, and the others don't capture the base case

 UWA week 13 (1st semester, week 5) ↓
SVG not supported 7:06pm Thu 28th Mar, Nico B.

I was having a similar issue, with errors from test submit run() when either RUNS 83, because then size 1. It was an AttributeError 'NoneType'. I had to correct the sorting algorithm to make sure that if len(runs) 1, it would return runs (as...

SVG not supported 3:54pm Thu 28th Mar, ANONYMOUS

the unit tests dont check for enumerate. I also dont think enumerate counts as a sorting function.

SVG not supported 2:43pm Thu 28th Mar, ANONYMOUS

The brief says we cannot use pythons in built functions for sorting does this include enumerate?

SVG not supported 9:37am Thu 28th Mar, Amitava D.

ANONYMOUS wrote Only materials from week 1-4

SVG not supported 9:36am Thu 28th Mar, Amitava D.

ANONYMOUS wrote Please submit and the python file, zipped together

SVG not supported 5:23pm Wed 27th Mar, ANONYMOUS

my code is passing all tests until i change the size variable to under 90 in the testing program do you think that this could be why? because before when i tested i was having failures but no errors until size was lower then I'm unsure if i...

SVG not supported 12:05pm Wed 27th Mar, ANONYMOUS

Hi, I have found an error in the testing code that may cause the code to crash on different seeds starting parameters. In test get rank time(), on line 103, the variable "size" is defined to be a random integer between 0 and SIZE inclusive. Later, on li...

SVG not supported 10:58am Wed 27th Mar, ANONYMOUS

yeah i'm having the same issue with mine. extremely confused as i've tried all logical variations, and tested with my own list of runs, but when it comes to the unit testing it fails. not able to make it to the lab today to get help unfortunately so ...

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Test 1 (29th 5pm) 👍x3  (both)
10:10am Wed 27th Mar, ANONYMOUS

Will this test include material from week 4 (starting the 18th) i.e. Amortized complexity, introduction to recursive data structures. Or just everything before? Cheers

SVG not supported 8:07am Wed 27th Mar, ANONYMOUS

is your code passing because my code 100 does this but it is asking for a different order e,g Traceback (most recent call last) File "C Users takud OneDrive Desktop lab2 test", line 99, in test submit run self.assertEqual(recei...

SVG not supported 9:37pm Tue 26th Mar, William R.

If the slower run is removed, then they wouldn't be submitting multiple runs.

SVG not supported 9:33pm Tue 26th Mar, William R.

I've talked to a couple of lab facilitators on this matter, one said just have the python file and answers file as separate files zipped together and another said to be safe put your answers in both and submit a zip with both. I'm more inclined to be ...

SVG not supported 9:30pm Tue 26th Mar, William R.

the output expected of get runs is a list of tuples in form (time, name), ranks are good I use them myself in a class for the entries but you need to convert them back into the (time, name) form for get runs.

SVG not supported 9:27pm Tue 26th Mar, William R.

You're overcomplicating it, it's just whichever is less in Name1 Name2 form comes first, which follows the encoding values where capitals come before lowercase letters. Apple apple, Bpple apple, and apple bpple as well ass Apple Bpple.

SVG not supported 8:59pm Tue 26th Mar, ANONYMOUS

Hi, I have a question regarding the submit run function of Lab 2. So it says that runners can submit multiple runs. I just wanted to confirm that suppose, one individual submits 2 running times. Do we keep both submissions in the leaderboard, or are ...

SVG not supported 6:40pm Tue 26th Mar, ANONYMOUS

In the lab it is specified when two runs have the same time that they should be 'tie-broken by runner name.' I'm having trouble with this, originally i thought it meant in Lexicographical order but my code keeps failing particularly when runs have ...

SVG not supported 6:09pm Tue 26th Mar, ANONYMOUS

We were asked to have ranks according to the Standard competition ranking ("1224" ranking) but when I add ranks to the list runs, i.e, when i add ( rank,time,name) to get runs function it doesnt pass the test as in the test it expects (time,rank) but...

SVG not supported 3:30pm Tue 26th Mar, ANONYMOUS

you need to upload because it has your answers which give you half the marks right?

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