> What is the traditional file system semantics? is this the same as the "read, write, append" command in the Linux File System? Hence, this will create an issue about the address space that the target's pointing to? Or the problem asks more about the potential issue of seemingly "idempotent" operations that lead to some issues if implemented without "file locking" assuming the UDP protocol the operations are done over UDP, making it unable to see whether the operations are done, crashed, or halted by the client(s), ended in a deadlock? (timeout might solve it)
The matter of what are traditional file-system semantics should already be quite clear to you. What do we expect a file-system to do for us - to reliably store and transfer/copy data, not losing any data, not replicating any data. How do RPCs support these requirements in an environment where any request or reply can be lost, and any remote host can crash and reboot.