It's UWAweek 23 (1st semester, 1st exam week)


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If asking a programming question, it's recommended you read How do I ask a good question? If reporting or troubleshooting a bug in software used in the unit, it's recommend you read How to report bugs effectively.
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 UWA week 21 (1st semester, week 12) ↓
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11:55am Mon 20th May, ANONYMOUS

Hey everyone, hope your doing well :) I have a query about this address sanitizer error (AddressSanitizer:DEADLYSIGNAL). I keep getting this error in my code, even after I have continuously tested it over and over again. Interestingly, I tried running the address sanitizer on an empty code "int main(void){}" and the error continues to come up, even with this empty code... I was just wondering if anyone had any idea whats going on and how to fix this? Thanks!

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1:23pm Mon 20th May, Arran S.


If anyone has suggestions for addressing this problem, feel free to post.

It's not something I'm able to assist with at the moment, as there is not nearly enough information to go on – the name of the signal that caused an error isn't sufficient, you'll need to show exactly what command line (and environment variables) you are running your program with, and the full output of the sanitizer. If you compile your code with the "-g" option, then the sanitizer output will normally give exact line numbers and function names, which would likely help to narrow down what's causing the problem.

If you're getting this error with an empty main(), that does suggest you're running your program in an unusual way, but I can't tell what it is.




Hey everyone, hope your doing well :)

I have a query about this address sanitizer error (AddressSanitizer:DEADLYSIGNAL). I keep getting this error in my code, even after I have continuously tested it over and over again.

Interestingly, I tried running the address sanitizer on an empty code "int main(void){}" and the error continues to come up, even with this empty code...

I was just wondering if anyone had any idea whats going on and how to fix this? Thanks!

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10:22am Tue 21st May, ANONYMOUS

Hi, thanks for the response.

I believe its probably a problem with my environment so I will test using Vagrant and see what happens. Thanks again!

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