It's UWAweek 38 (2nd semester, week 8)


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 UWA week 38 (2nd semester, week 8) ↓
SVG not supported 2:27pm Thu 19th Sep, Andrew G.

The CITS3011 Project has been released, please see the Project link in the sidebar on LMS for more information.

SVG not supported 8:20pm Thu 19th Sep, Andrew G.

I encourage you to begin by playing some games or watching recordings of people playing to make sure you are comfortable with the rules and mechanics. A quick search of youtube surfaced this (https g QRczGzXqw)

SVG not supported 7:15pm Thu 19th Sep, ANONYMOUS

Understood thanks. I was not attempting to reverse engineer a solution from the provided code, rather just trying to get a gauge on how to approach a problem of this nature. It's a little daunting and I'm not sure where to begin. But I'll avoid readin...

SVG not supported 6:30pm Thu 19th Sep, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote Hi, Per the tutorial and the warning in the project spec, there is no reason for you to read or understand BasicAgent and SatisfactoryAgent, and I (softly) discourage you from doing so. Specifically, you are implicitly and explicitly fo...

SVG not supported 6:12pm Thu 19th Sep, ANONYMOUS

Hi all, I'm trying to understand the code for the satisfactory agent and I'm confused by the is spy() method. According to the rules of the game, only spies can know who other spies are. However, in the provided code, we are allowed to pass in p...

 UWA week 37 (2nd semester, week 7) ↓
SVG not supported 3:30pm Tue 10th Sep, Andrew G.

I expect it to only require English explanation. It can't hurt and may be advisable to be comfortable writing pseudocode if you need it to explain your solution, but I would say no question requires it.

SVG not supported 12:08pm Tue 10th Sep, Samantha P.

Hi there, The details of the mid-semester test say it will be on LMS in written multiple-choice, etc. format. Will the written component include coding pseudocode or just plain English explanations? Thanks

 UWA week 35 (2nd semester, week 6) ↓
SVG not supported 2:08pm Wed 28th Aug, Andrew G.

Details about the Mid-Semester Test have been released on LMS. See the link in the sidebar.

SVG not supported 2:07pm Wed 28th Aug, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote Details of the Mid-Semester test have now been released on LMS

SVG not supported 7:26pm Tue 27th Aug, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote I hope to release information on the Mid-Semester Test and sample questions in the lecture this week (exactly two weeks before the test), but if I am not able to finalize some information by then I will release it as soon as possible ...

SVG not supported 11:14am Mon 26th Aug, Andrew G.

Tim has kindly re-recorded his lecture and uploaded it.

 UWA week 34 (2nd semester, week 5) ↓
SVG not supported 11:04am Fri 23rd Aug, ANONYMOUS

Will the mid sem be short answer questions or multichoice?

SVG not supported 11:15am Thu 22nd Aug, Samantha P.

Hi there, I think this weeks lecture by Dr Tim French has no audio. I understand some of the content in the unit is new, but are there any previous recordings of the content available? Thanks, Sam

 UWA week 31 (2nd semester, week 2) ↓
SVG not supported 4:51pm Thu 1st Aug, Andrew G.

Another minor error The printer transposes the map along the diagonal. It should be k (c, 9 - r) .

SVG not supported 4:36pm Thu 1st Aug, Andrew G.

SPOILERS for Lab 1 below In the tutorial on 2024-08-01, we discussed various approaches to solving Lab 1 (MazeAgent), and implemented some of these as we worked our way to a solution. Unfortunately, and in traditional form for live coding, my final im...

SVG not supported 10:34am Thu 1st Aug, Andrew G.

Due to a CAS misconfiguration, only three of our four labs have been available for allocation. I have asked the teaching ops team to make the Monday 15 00 lab available. Students are welcome to attend any and as many labs as they wish, but if labs bec...

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