It's UWAweek 51


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 UWA week 38 (2nd semester, week 8) ↓
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10:04am Fri 20th Sep, ANONYMOUS

Hi, I tried running the run_game file, which gives me these errors. I think it may be a problem in the test files.

found agent: JassiAgent <class 'agents.Jassi_agent.JassiAgent'> found agent: BasicAgent <class 'agents.basic_agent.BasicAgent'> found agent: RandomAgent <class 'agents.random_agent.RandomAgent'> found agent: SatisfactoryAgent <class 'agents.satisfactory_agent.SatisfactoryAgent'>

starting game size=10, agents=[RandomAgent ran6, SatisfactoryAgent sat9, JassiAgent jas1, BasicAgent bas4, BasicAgent bas3, SatisfactoryAgent sat10, JassiAgent jas2, SatisfactoryAgent sat11, BasicAgent bas5, RandomAgent ran7] Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\jasjo\OneDrive - UWA\Year 2 Semester 2\CITS3011 Intelligent Agents\Project_TheResistance\", line 66, in game = Game(agents) File "C:\Users\jasjo\OneDrive - UWA\Year 2 Semester 2\CITS3011 Intelligent Agents\Project_TheResistance\", line 37, in init self.agents[agent_id].new_game(self.num_players,agent_id, spy_list) File "C:\Users\jasjo\OneDrive - UWA\Year 2 Semester 2\CITS3011 Intelligent Agents\Project_TheResistance\", line 66, in new_game self.time_limit(self.agent.new_game, number_of_players, player_number, spy_list) File "C:\Users\jasjo\OneDrive - UWA\Year 2 Semester 2\CITS3011 Intelligent Agents\Project_TheResistance\", line 47, in time_limit result = _time_limit(function, *args) File "C:\Users\jasjo\OneDrive - UWA\Year 2 Semester 2\CITS3011 Intelligent Agents\Project_TheResistance\", line 18, in wrapper signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handle_timeout) AttributeError: module 'signal' has no attribute 'SIGALRM'

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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