It's UWAweek 51


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1:20pm Tue 24th Sep, Andrew G.

"Wei Hong" [email protected] wrote:

"Andrew Gozzard" [email protected] wrote:

I encourage you to begin by playing some games or watching recordings of people playing to make sure you are comfortable with the rules and mechanics. A quick search of youtube surfaced this: (

Hi, I would like to clarify about your rubric stating "Consistently outperforms hidden reference agent", and I have assessed the code of "", where there is a "def is_spy(self)", do you expect "spies to outperforms the resistance, higher spies win rate" or the other way round, "resistance outperforms the spies, higher resistance win rate"? Thank you for the response.


For future reference. Please make a new thread for a new topic such as this, rather than extending an old one.

Your agent will play games as both spy and loyalist. Your agent's win rate is what is being assessed. It would not make any sense for an agent playing as a spy to maximize the resistance's win rate, nor for a loyalist agent to maximize the spies', would it? Your objective is to win the game you have been put in.


The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

CRICOS Code: 00126G
Written by [email protected]
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