It's UWAweek 51


This forum is provided to promote discussion amongst students enrolled in CITS3011 Intelligent Agents.

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 UWA week 39 (2nd semester, week 9) ↓
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12:17pm Thu 26th Sep, Andrew G.

> > Hey, if we wanted to try to make some kind of learning agent are we allowed to use the run_game / run_tournament code. I intuitively want to think we can, but just wanted to make sure.
Absolutely. Some students seem to have hyper-focused on the warning in the project and misinterpreted it. It says: WARNING: The reference agents BasicAgent and SatisfactoryAgent have been provided to enable you to assess your code, but if we have reason to believe that you have plagiarized from these agents (for example, just submitting SatisfactoryAgent in order to beat RandomAgent and BasicAgent), you may receive no mark. You should be able to complete this project without even looking at the implementations of these agents. Your agent must be your own original work, as always. This very explicitly only applies to the agents, not to all the code. Your task is to produce an agent, and what I am saying is that if you take one of the agents I have given you, tweak it, and submit it back to me, that will be considered plagiarism and you may get no mark, since you didn't actually design your own agent. I have not even forbidden people from reading the code for these agents, but it does logically follow that there is no good reason to read the code for these agents, as they should not inform your design anyway, and if they do, you are just risking plagiarism. So you can read the code if you like and are confident you will find another much different strategy, but if you read it and end up just reproducing a variant of SatisfactoryAgent, that's on you. Reading and reusing the code from the game simulator itself cannot risk plagiarism in any way I can see, as it is not an agent, and any agent you manage to build using it will be your own work. It's just the rules of the game, after all, which your agent must know!

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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