It's UWAweek 51


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 UWA week 42 (2nd semester, week 12) ↓
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11:52am Tue 15th Oct, Andrew G.

> It in the project description it says that too small font sizes may get no mark, is a font size of 11 reasonable, I would like to use this font size.
The full statement from the description is "If it is illegibly formatted (tiny font, for example) or otherwise unintelligible, it may not receive a mark." I do not believe anyone could honestly claim that 11-point font on an A4 page is illegible. It is a pretty standard font size. This is one factor of the page limit, which is intended as a human-understandable limit on information content. There is no reason for your report to be unreasonably long or detailed. That is just bad communication. I do not like giving word count limits as they are hard to enforce and encourage bad writing. Page limits are generally better received, but some students then try to submit 6-point text or something to try to cram in 4 times as many words. This rule simply allows us to discard any report where a student has done such a silly thing. Just write an honest document meant to communicate and convince me of your understanding of the topic clearly and succinctly and you will be fine.

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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Written by [email protected]
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