It's UWAweek 51


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 UWA week 44 (2nd semester, 1st exam week) ↓
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9:03pm Sun 3rd Nov, Amos V.

For anyone who cares, I made up some practice questions: Lets consider the game "2048", a puzzle game where numbered a slid up, down, left or right on a 4x4 grid. The game starts with tiles with either the number 2 or 4 and the goal is to eventually get the sum of 2048 by sliding like-numbered tiles to each other. more "2" and "4" tiles appear as the game progresses and if the board fills up that the player can no longer merge two like tiles to each other then the game is over. The player can only merge two like tiles if they are adjacent to each other. If the player does reach 2048, the game can be played indefinitely until the board fills up and no valid moves are available. 1) Describe how this game could be modelled as a sequential decision problem (SDP) by defining the states, actions, transition model, terminal states, and reward structure for an agent tasked with playing "2048." 2) For the game "2048" (ending when the agent reaches a tile with value 2048), discuss which uninformed search strategy would be most suitable to find an optimal sequence of moves. Evaluate the following strategies in terms of completeness, optimality, time complexity, and space complexity 3) Propose an A* heuristic for this game. Assess your proposed heuristic's admissibility and monotonicity. Additionally, propose a reduction process to reduce the branching factor of the game tree. How effective is this reduction process when implemented with your proposed A* heuristic? Feel free to expand on these questions. I know it's a little late but it's worth a shot. Good luck! :)

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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