It's UWAweek 51


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 UWA week 38 (2nd semester, week 8) ↓
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11:32am Fri 20th Sep, ANONYMOUS

Just wanted to ask, in reference to project: * how many more lectures until we have enough knowledge to sufficiently compare the techniques that can be used? or * are we supposed to research techniques? or * are we good to start now? I feel we've literally just started looking at AI uncertainty techniques in recent lecture, and I didn't want to start project until time we are "intended" to start it. Thanks

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11:38am Fri 20th Sep, Andrew G.

> > Just wanted to ask, in reference to project: > * how many more lectures until we have enough knowledge to sufficiently compare the techniques that can be used? or > * are we supposed to research techniques? or > * are we good to start now? > > I feel we've literally just started looking at AI uncertainty techniques in recent lecture, and I didn't want to start project until time we are "intended" to start it. > > Thanks
You are good to start now. As the project description says you are expected to *research* the problem and develop a solution. This is a third-level unit with relatively open-ended assessment. You likely will be able to reasonably using only content covered in the lectures, but you are expected to research more broadly. I will particularly draw your attention to the 4th learning outcome stated for this unit in the handbook: Students are able to... (4) research a relevant area of interest and effectively communicate the results through scientific writing and experimental analysis.

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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