It's UWAweek 51


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 UWA week 42 (2nd semester, week 12) ↓
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8:53pm Tue 15th Oct, ANONYMOUS

Hello, The game rules states voting occurs publically so I'm assuming I can get access to who voted for and against certain missions? The vote_outcome() function which has "votes" as a parameter states that "votes" is a dict that maps player indexes to booleans. But when I print it just gives me a list of indexes? I'm not sure if im interpreting it incorrectly? Also are all the functions ending in "outcome" called after their respective thing has finished? Eg is vote_outcome() called by the agent handler after each vote? Thanks.

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10:44am Wed 16th Oct, ANONYMOUS

Yea it incorrectly states that "votes" is a dictionary. I am interpreting it as a list of players who voted in favour of the mission

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11:24am Wed 16th Oct, Andrew G.

Please see the previous thread about this, and my response there:

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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