Please consider offering answers and suggestions to help other students!
And if you fix a problem by following a suggestion here,
it would be great if other interested students could see a short
"Great, fixed it!" followup message.
Hi Michael,
For the upcoming auditor meeting (week12), do groups just present their product to the auditor (demo the product)? It's more of a demo meeting, no sprint meeting group review etc?
And for the mentor meeting, do we also demo the product to t...
Hi Michael,
In a hypothetical situation where our new team leader is filling in the weekly timesheet incorrectly (not matching per-person-tab hours to individual-booked-hours correctly, entering general-tasks-hours for 1 person rather than 6, etc) wou...
Hi Michael,
Just checking, for the first question in the Sprint 2 self reflection
"What roles have you undertaken in the team thus far?"
Is this from the start of the project, i.e. roles in sprint 1 2 or just the roles in sprint 2?
Hi Michael,
For the Sprint 2 'demonstration with the client meeting', are all group members required to be present? Or just a representative(s) of the team?
Hi Michael,
Is the auditor meeting meant to take place next week (week 5), or the week after (week 6)? Your recent email indicates it is next week, but the timetable (https units CITS3200 timetable.html) has it listed as 'du...
Hi Michael,
As an indicator to the level of detail we should give, how much are we expected to write on the Sprint 1 personal reflection? (1 page, more?, etc)
Also, can you confirm if time spent on these reflections are bookable hours that go in the 'r...