It's UWAweek 42 (2nd semester, week 12)


This forum is provided to promote discussion amongst students enrolled in CITS5501 Software Testing and Quality Assurance. If posting a question, it's suggested you check first whether your question is answered in the unit Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list, and use the search box (on the right) to see if an answer to your question has already been posted.

Please consider offering answers and suggestions to help other students! And if you fix a problem by following a suggestion here, it would be great if other interested students could see a short "Great, fixed it!"  followup message.

Note that any posts must comply with the UWA Code of Conduct and the UWA Academic Conduct Policy. That means you should (a) treat everyone with respect and courtesy, and (b) not post your solutions to an assessment that's in progress.

If asking a programming question, it's recommended you read How do I ask a good question? If reporting or troubleshooting a bug in software used in the unit, it's recommend you read How to report bugs effectively.
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5:07pm Tue 13th Aug, Arran S.


So, the lab facilitators are a great resource for answering questions like this. In fact, they're the main resource: I've mentioned in the lectures and on the website that if you have questions about the lab material, or are uncertain about how to do something, the lab facilitators should be your first port of call. And if you do come up with a question they can't answer, the facilitators will typically pass your query onto me.

Therefore I strongly recommend you attend a lab in person to get an answer to your question. This also has the advantage that you're more likely to remember it later, too: if you think about and discuss a topic, studies show that you'll have much better recall of it compared to simply reading an answer. I'd also recommend you review the slides for this week's lecture (and listen to the lecture, if you can), as recommended in the lab worksheet itself. The answer to your question is likely contained in the slides, and discussed during the lecture.

Also, I'd ask that everyone using the forum, when asking a question, take the trouble to explain where they've already looked and why it didn't help. If you've already looked at the lecture slides, but something about them didn't make sense, then I need to know that so I can improve them. But if you haven't looked at them, then they are a good place to look first.

I hope that's of assistance - let me know if anything is unclear.



There is a stack with push as a method. The question is: "If we wanted to model push as a function, what sort of function would we use? How about pop?"

It is a little confusing for me since push is already a function, what does it mean by model it as a function? and by "what sort of function", I am not really sure about what it is asking for.

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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