It's UWAweek 42 (2nd semester, week 12)


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 UWA week 42 (2nd semester, week 12) ↓
SVG not supported 5:36pm Thu 17th Oct, Arran S.

Hi all, After 11 59pm tonight, a separate submission area should come online for students who have a permitted extension, or who just didn't make an on-time submission. If think you should have access to it and don't, send me an email tomorrow to let m...

SVG not supported 5:13pm Thu 17th Oct, Arran S.

Hi, The average mark was 60 90 (66.67 ). I'll upload the marks to csmarks once they're finalised, and you should be able to see graphs of the marks distribution. The average reported on csmarks might differ from what I've stated here, as it includes ma...

SVG not supported 1:49pm Thu 17th Oct, Arran S.

Sorry, I missed this. Yes, there were - I added a testbed spot for checking that your Java code compiles and has at least one Te t i t - b t i o s n t i g m r h n t e f n l s b i s o r a d e . i f r f o h t I v t t d h r , a t i c u e ...

SVG not supported 1:47pm Thu 17th Oct, Arran S.

Hi Joshua, I can't think of any good reason to use another annotation. If you're using some other annotation, you may have misunderstood when it's appropriate. I'd suggest dropping into one of the timetabled lab sessions, and asking one of the lab teac...

SVG not supported 1:43pm Thu 17th Oct, Arran S.

Hi, Using the project spec and basic general knowledge about how testing works, you should already know what the answer to this question is. Demonstrating that you understand this is part of the project. Cheers Arran ANONYMOUS wrote

SVG not supported 1:38pm Thu 17th Oct, Arran S.

Hi, What do you think, and why? What would make the most sense? Cheers Arran

SVG not supported 1:37pm Thu 17th Oct, Arran S.

Hi, That's a normal occurrence, no. If an image has been properly included, it should be visible on review. So you'll need to get the image working, or rewrite your answer if you cannot. One thing you could try is to check the HTML source to make sure ...

SVG not supported 5:17pm Wed 16th Oct, Arran S.

Hi all, I've received some submissions of challenge task attempts for the project, so wanted to clarify what sort of work is likely to attract bonus marks. First of all, obviously make sure you submit what is asked for. If you're submitting links to co...

SVG not supported 2:01pm Wed 16th Oct, Arran S.

Can you check again? Let me know if it's not visible.

SVG not supported 3:04pm Tue 15th Oct, Arran S.


SVG not supported 3:03pm Tue 15th Oct, Arran S.

Two test cases is enough.

SVG not supported 3:02pm Tue 15th Oct, Arran S.

It's usually better to use the cits5501 address. For testing approaches, just put those in a README.

SVG not supported 2:57pm Tue 15th Oct, Arran S.

Yes there are - I'm sorry about today's lab, there was a miscommunication about who'd be covering it. I'll set up an online slot tomorrow on Teams to make up for the missed lab. Cheers Arran

SVG not supported 9:47am Tue 15th Oct, Arran S.

I've copied over the question 8 box from the final submissions area to the testbed. It compiles your code, and checks that at least one method in your class has a " Te t n o a i n o i o ' e u c r a n w e h r y u v o e t o e t o t i g o r c ...

SVG not supported 9:44am Tue 15th Oct, Arran S.

No, you can resubmit as many times as you like before the deadline. I don't imagine it should take long to paste all your answers in, though. When I tried, it took me about 5 minutes. Cheers Arran

SVG not supported 5:05pm Mon 14th Oct, Arran S.

Hi all, The project submission area is available on Moodle it's labelled "Project final submission". I hope to also have a Java code test in the testing sandbox, shortly. Cheers Aran

SVG not supported 2:27pm Mon 14th Oct, Arran S.

This should now be corrected. It looks like for one specific question, the incorrect option was recorded in Moodle as being worth "-100 ", when it should've been recorded as being worth "0". Cheers Arran

SVG not supported 1:57pm Mon 14th Oct, Arran S.

That looks correct to me. "RACC" is a type of coverage used for logic-based testing, so it cannot apply to ISP. Possible levels of choice for ISP include "base choice", "all combinations". (There are also a few other ISP coverage levels mentioned in ...

SVG not supported 12:44pm Mon 14th Oct, Arran S.

Yes, that's correct. cheers Arran ANONYMOUS wrote

SVG not supported 12:44pm Mon 14th Oct, Arran S.

Gihad might be using the term "partition" loosely, in the sense of "a partitioning". So a partitioning of some domain X might give us two (or more) partitions.

SVG not supported 12:36pm Mon 14th Oct, Arran S.

Thanks, you are correct. Rather than make a further correction, I'll have to rely on people using their judgement to work out which previous question is being referred to. cheers Arran ANONYMOUS wrote

SVG not supported 12:32pm Mon 14th Oct, Arran S.

Hi Gihad, Yes, if we're testing some method (or constructor) myMethod that takes in some reference type MyClass , then we can assume that any instances of MyClass are validly constructed if they aren't, then either there's a bug in the const...

SVG not supported 12:18pm Mon 14th Oct, Arran S.

In cases where a class consists of "plain old data" (https wiki Passive data structure) i.e., the class doesn't do any significant abstraction or information hiding then partitioning up a parameter of that class will amoun...

SVG not supported 12:12pm Mon 14th Oct, Arran S.

Hi Abhinav, That's definitely an error questions shouldn't have negative marks. I don't know which question "question 22" is every student gets questions in a different order, and in fact a slightly different selection of questions but if ...

SVG not supported 11:42am Mon 14th Oct, Arran S.

Hi all, The mid-semester results should be visible on Moodle (with feedback), and should be reflected in csmarks shortly. Cheers Arran

 UWA week 41 (2nd semester, week 11) ↓
SVG not supported 4:37pm Fri 11th Oct, Arran S.

No worries. Hopefully I'll be able to upload the changed version today. cheers Arran

SVG not supported 4:25pm Fri 11th Oct, Arran S.

Hi, Thanks for the detailed question. I think your reasoning is valid - it's difficult to come up with many sensible partitions, based on the general principles we've looked at in class. A constructor with a more complex behaviour (e.g. exceptions bein...

SVG not supported 1:47pm Fri 11th Oct, Arran S.

Hi Allen. Unfortunately, I can't answer that. It's up to you to apply what we've covered in lectures and labs, make use of the prescribed reading, and demonstrate in the project that you know what you should be testing. If I say exactly what students ...

SVG not supported 3:08pm Wed 9th Oct, Arran S.

Hi all, I've uploaded a revised project specification (https assessment project), incorporating some of the changes people have suggested on the forum many thanks to everyone who posted corrections. The changes shouldn't have...

SVG not supported 2:55pm Wed 9th Oct, Arran S.

It's up to you to use your best judgement in interpreting the spec. At least one of the interpretations you've mentioned, though, sounds like it is flatly contradicted by the project spec, and so shouldn't ever be a consideration. If you can email me...

SVG not supported 2:50pm Wed 9th Oct, Arran S.

Hi Jiandong, Yes, that's a reasonable assumption. Cheers, Arran

SVG not supported 3:14pm Tue 8th Oct, Arran S.

Hi all, It was pointed out previously prev that the BNF Playground has very low memory limits it can usually parse grammars of at most around a dozen rules before exhausting memory and displaying an error. The Moodle project testing area doesn't...

SVG not supported 10:28am Tue 8th Oct, Arran S.

Hi all, The project testing area should be visible on Moodle now it's got spaces where you can try out your answers for questions 1 2 (grammar plus grammar coverage tests), and test the different editor options for the long English answers. The g...

SVG not supported 10:18am Tue 8th Oct, Arran S.

Thanks for that that information actually has changed, so I'll update it on the website. The page can be handwritten or typed this year's exam is being run by the Exams Office rather than by me, and their standard instructions for a page of no...

SVG not supported 3:55pm Mon 7th Oct, Arran S.

Hi, Can you say where you've looked for an answer so far? If there's conflicting information and this sometimes does happen, as the exam format does change from year to year it's very helpful if you can state exactly what sources you're using,...

SVG not supported 3:51pm Mon 7th Oct, Arran S.

Hi, In question 3, you're asked to comment on your answer from question 2, so it makes sense to refer back to your question 2 answer. Since there's one test case per line, you can just refer to "test case 1", "test case 2", etc. And you will also want...

 UWA week 40 (2nd semester, week 10) ↓
SVG not supported 12:29pm Fri 4th Oct, Arran S.

No worries. I'll likely release it anyhow, as I'm using it for Moodle.

 UWA week 39 (2nd semester, week 9) ↓
SVG not supported 4:54pm Fri 27th Sep, Arran S.

I'll see if I can clarify the spec wording a bit - the intention is that you only need to provide the "augmented" parts. Anything that was already in the original Domolect grammar, you can just refer to in your submitted grammar as if it were alrea...

SVG not supported 4:43pm Fri 27th Sep, Arran S.

Hi Callum, Good questions. In relation to whether optionality requires additional metasymbols, beyond what BNF provides just the vertical bar (" ") is already sufficient to expression optional elements of a language can you see why? In BNF b...

SVG not supported 3:20pm Fri 27th Sep, Arran S.

ANONYMOUS wrote That should be "question 2", yes. It's a maximum limit - if the question can be adequately answered more briefly, that's fine. Cheers Arran

SVG not supported 2:50pm Fri 27th Sep, Arran S.

ANONYMOUS wrote Hi, No, you don't. As the project spec says, you can just assume that they are available, and for testing purposes are considered to have just one production. If using the BNF playground - which doesn't permit undefined non-terminals - ...

SVG not supported 3:24pm Thu 26th Sep, Arran S.

Hi all, My apologies for the later release than expected there were some delays ensuring the project spec seemed clear and internally consistent but the project spec is now available at nbsp; https assessment project I'v...

SVG not supported 3:12pm Thu 26th Sep, Arran S.

Hi Joshua - Okey doke. I will get it set up by the study break, so that any students who want to make an attempt can do so. Cheers Arran

 UWA week 38 (2nd semester, week 8) ↓
SVG not supported 4:17pm Thu 19th Sep, Arran S.

ANONYMOUS wrote Hi, The material on formal methods is more important, so I didn't cover Lecture 7c in this week's lecture, and won't be covering it next week. Static analysis (which overlaps somewhat with formal methods) and "lightweight" formal method...

SVG not supported 4:16pm Mon 16th Sep, Arran S.

Hi, Thanks for pointing that out You are correct - the method needs a return type, which should be void in this case. I'll add that. It might be worth pointing out that documentation testing , which was mentioned in lectures, is a good way of avoid...

 UWA week 37 (2nd semester, week 7) ↓
SVG not supported 3:18pm Fri 13th Sep, Arran S.

Hi Xia, You're correct. The expression should actually contain the clause m a, not m a. Then the assignment "m a 0" will result in m a evaluating to false, which is what is required. I'll correct that on the lab sheet shortly. Thanks Arran

SVG not supported 4:22pm Wed 11th Sep, Arran S.

No worries Unicode is a bit of a complicated topic, so I've tried to avoid going into it in too much detail (though Wikipedia has a good discussion of Unicode for anyone who's interested, and there's a useful blog post on Java's use of Unicode here ...

SVG not supported 3:47pm Wed 11th Sep, Arran S.

Just to let you know, I've updated the lab 3 worksheet, which I saw had a couple of other portions which were out of date. Cheers Arran

SVG not supported 3:14pm Wed 11th Sep, Arran S.

ANONYMOUS wrote That's a simplifying assumption I'll make a note of that in the lab sheet. Actually, Java chars are 2 bytes (16 bits) in size. They can therefore take on 65,5356 distinct values. (Also, note that you linked to version 8 of the Ja...

SVG not supported 2:15pm Wed 11th Sep, Arran S.

Hi, Yes, that's a mistake in the solution I'll correct it. However, I'll note that if you look at the other paths listed on that same line, and think through what they represent, you should be able to work out both that it's incorrect, and what th...

SVG not supported 2:12pm Wed 11th Sep, Arran S.

Hi Kazi, That's not correct that's not what the definition of "simple path" is. I recommend checking the lecture slides again to see what the definition of a simple path is. Cheers Arran

SVG not supported 2:11pm Wed 11th Sep, Arran S.

Hi, I think you raise too many questions for me to easily answer all of them in a single post. I recommend dropping in on a lab next week, and discussing them with the teaching staff then. Briefly, however the documented behaviour of a method or class...

 UWA week 36 (2nd semester, mid-semester break) ↓
SVG not supported 11:37am Tue 3rd Sep, Arran S.

Hi, No, you don't. Cheers Arran ANONYMOUS wrote

SVG not supported 11:36am Tue 3rd Sep, Arran S.

As per my previous post post , there are no changes. post https run help5501?p np opt B34 year 2024 Cheers Arran ANONYMOUS wrote

 UWA week 35 (2nd semester, week 6) ↓
SVG not supported 2:41pm Fri 30th Aug, Arran S.

Hi, The paper-based exam will have no multiple choice short answer questions, but other than that, the labs and the mid-semester test are still a good guide to the sorts of tasks you might be asked to do. If you look at the "Assessments" page on the C...

SVG not supported 10:12am Fri 30th Aug, Arran S.

Hi everyone, I mentioned in lectures that due to the large class size this year (280 students) and the fact that this would be the first CITS5501 exam run on students' own devices (as the labs now have no computers), there might be a change of exam an...

SVG not supported 9:56am Fri 30th Aug, Arran S.

Hi, It depends what exactly you're being asked for, but in a typical case, you might be asked to come up with test cases that have RACC coverage, and to explain how you derived them. So in that case, you'd probably say something like "We need to make t...

SVG not supported 1:47pm Thu 29th Aug, Arran S.

Hi all, If you're wanting to see me during my consultation time today (2-4 pm), then rather than my office, I will be in CSSE lab 2.05 (filling in for Santiago, who isn't able to be here today). Cheers Arran

SVG not supported 5:30pm Wed 28th Aug, Arran S.

Hi all, I've seen that some students are utilising the anonymous posting feature, which is perfectly fine. This feature is designed to allow you to ask questions or share thoughts without revealing your identity to your peers. I did want to clarify the...

SVG not supported 5:23pm Wed 28th Aug, Arran S.

Hi, For the mid-semester test, it's assumed you've done the prescribed reading on syntax-based testing (Amman and Offutt chapter 9) and at least read through the slides. There won't be any questions on randomised testing, though. Cheers Arran ANONYMOUS wr...

 UWA week 34 (2nd semester, week 5) ↓
SVG not supported 5:16pm Thu 22nd Aug, Arran S.

Hi, Thanks for the feedback. I'd like to clarify a few points regarding the design and intent of the quiz questions. Firstly, the phrasing of the questions is intentional and accurate. When a question states "select one or more" or "select all true," i...

SVG not supported 5:35pm Tue 20th Aug, Arran S.

Hi all, You should now be able to access marks and feedback for the quiz on Moodle (and marks should also be visible in csmarks csmarks ). If you can't access the marks, feel free to post here and let me know. The quiz should have been very straightf...

SVG not supported 6:15pm Mon 19th Aug, Arran S.

Hi all, The lab worksheet and lecture slides for this week are now up on the website at nbsp; https resources Marks for the quiz should be available tomorrow, and I'll discuss them in the lecture. Cheers Arran

SVG not supported 6:13pm Mon 19th Aug, Arran S.

Hi Jinqiang, I'll make the quiz accessible again shortly, when I release results (most likely tomorrow). Cheers, Arran

 UWA week 33 (2nd semester, week 4) ↓
SVG not supported 5:07pm Tue 13th Aug, Arran S.

Hi, So, the lab facilitators are a great resource for answering questions like this. In fact, they're the main resource I've mentioned in the lectures and on the website that if you have questions about the lab material, or are uncertain about how ...

SVG not supported 4:49pm Mon 12th Aug, Arran S.

No worries, thanks for your understanding, and best of luck with the quiz. Cheers Arran

SVG not supported 4:03pm Mon 12th Aug, Arran S.

Hi Josh, The CITS5501 website FAQ (https faq ) states what's examinable for all assessments. I encourage students to read through the website - many questions students may have about the unit are answered there. In general, if inf...

 UWA week 32 (2nd semester, week 3) ↓
SVG not supported 11:41am Thu 8th Aug, Arran S.

ANONYMOUS wrote Just "Arran", thanks. It looks like the test code has got out of sync with the lab worksheet at some point. The tests should be Te t e - m n u s i n t d n s m y h v b u h n t a e a s e e h r . I e e a , i n . . t...

SVG not supported 1:47pm Mon 5th Aug, Arran S.

Hi all, The lab worksheet for this week is now available at https resources labs, together with sample solutions for last week's worksheet. A reminder that you need to register as a Moodle participant by the end of this week in or...

 UWA week 31 (2nd semester, week 2) ↓
SVG not supported 1:26pm Fri 2nd Aug, Arran S.

Hi Chen, Yes, that's fine. Note that to ensure exam integrity, during the final exam we'll be using Moodle's authorised safe exam browser (https 404 en Safe Exam Browser), which restricts what other actions you can do while the exam ...

SVG not supported 10:38am Tue 30th Jul, Arran S.

Hi Gawen, Just "Arran" is fine ) Can you try again? If you still get the same error, send me an email and let me know. Cheers Arran

SVG not supported 6:05pm Mon 29th Jul, Arran S.

Hi all, Just a reminder that labs start this week, and that the materials are available online via the unit website at https resources . Please do work through the lab worksheets, and drop in to a lab if you encounter any problem...

 UWA week 30 (2nd semester, week 1) ↓
SVG not supported 5:02pm Mon 22nd Jul, Arran S.

Hi all, Because there is a larger enrolment this year compared to previous years, I have instituted some changes to the CITS5501 lab material. It has always been the case in CITS5501 that lab attendance is not compulsory; that model answers to exercise...

SVG not supported 10:50am Mon 22nd Jul, Arran S.

Hi all, Welcome to CITS5501 Software Testing and Quality Assurance. I'm your Unit Coordinator, Arran Stewart. The first lecture of the unit is tomorrow, Tuesday 23 July at 11 am in the Robert Street lecture theatre (see the unit website first-lecture ...

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