It's UWAweek 49


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 UWA week 36 (2nd semester, mid-semester break) ↓
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10:49am Wed 4th Sep, ANONYMOUS

Hi, I've got a few questions regarding the first two tasks. 1. How do we prove that both pieces of code work as is asked? Currently I've got it printing out the matrices with smaller sample sizes - like 50 rows and columns, and its providing the correct result. Is this sufficient, since the results matrix generation is random, its hard to verify that its working without printing everything, and if I do that for upwards of 50 rows and columns it starts to be disorderly, even though its all correct. 2. Do you want all the tasks in separate C files for task 1,2,3? 3. For task 2, I've got it filling the matrix with a probability of each entry being a non-zero number at 0.1, is that sufficient for that task? Thank you so much!

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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Written by [email protected]
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