I've got a few questions regarding the first two tasks.
1. How do we prove that both pieces of code work as is asked? Currently I've got it printing out the matrices with smaller sample sizes - like 50 rows and columns, and its providing the correct result. Is this sufficient, since the results matrix generation is random, its hard to verify that its working without printing everything, and if I do that for upwards of 50 rows and columns it starts to be disorderly, even though its all correct.
2. Do you want all the tasks in separate C files for task 1,2,3?
3. For task 2, I've got it filling the matrix with a probability of each entry being a non-zero number at 0.1, is that sufficient for that task?
Thank you so much!
Also for task 3:
Given "You have to find the number of threads that gives the best performance for each of the three cases" regarding the 0.01, 0.02, 0.05 probabilities, is the code we submit supposed to have the functionality for a defined probability such as 0.01 (or whatever)? But in our evaluation we test for each of the probabilities? Just cause it seems like it would be too slow for testing purposes, to submit code that does the calculations for a 100000 sized matrix three times for each probability in the same runtime.
Actually are we supposed to test each schedule and thread count in separate runtimes? And use all the relevant information for each scheduling type, and thread count in our evaluation? If so, in the code we submit do we want it to run the ideal number of threads and scheduling type we concluded was most efficient?
I don't expect this to be answered within the week. The funny thing is, the deadline for our lab report is next Friday, which falls in the same week as numerous mid-semester tests. Alas, best wishes to everyone.