It's UWAweek 47


This page provides helpful information about many coursework units offered by Computer Science and Software Engineering in 2023.

The information here is not official - for official information please see the current UWA Handbook. Instead, it will help students to prepare for their future units, before the beginning of each semester, and before they have access to UWA's Learning Management System (LMS).

About the unit STAT1400 Statistics for Science (1st and 2nd semester 2023)

Unit description:

This unit provides a solid foundation in statistical methods for students in the sciences (e.g. agricultural, biological, environmental, medical and physical) and social sciences. It covers the principles and applications of statistical reasoning, the use of a statistical software package, and applications of statistical methods. The unit may be taken as part of a major in Applied Statistics. Topics include data exploration and display, modelling univariate data, multivariate data; probability concepts and probability distributions; inference, including point estimation, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing; design of experiments; chi-squared tests, contingency tables; linear regression; and analysis of variance. A widely used statistical package is employed for calculations.

Unit outcomes:

Students are able to (1) appreciate the power of statistical concepts in the interpretation of data; (2) demonstrate knowledge of fundamental statistical tools and computer packages for applying these tools; (3) recognise the appropriate statistical techniques for use in particular real-world settings, and correctly apply these techniques for data analysis; (4) effectively communicate the results of these analyses; and (5) undertake continuous learning and realise that understanding the fundamentals is necessary for effective application.

Unit coordinator:

Assoc. Prof. Adriano Polpo
[email protected]

Unit homepage:


Unit is offered in these majors and courses:

Indicative weekly topics:

week 1 1. Information about the unit; 2. Introduction to the Software; 3. How to download the Lab files; 4. Doing the assignment; 5. Introduction - Examples.
week 2 1. What is data? 2. Types of data; 3. Ways to collect data; 4. Histogram.
week 3 1. Central values; 2. Five Numbers; 3. Spread; 4. Shape of data; 5. Categorical data; 6. Comparing groups; 7. Comparing, Transforming, Standardising.
week 4 1. Association; 2. Linear Regression.
week 5 1. Frequentism; 2. Random variable; 3. Expected value; 4. Continuous random variable.
week 6 1. Transforming random variables; 2. Sampling; 3. Sum of random variables.
week 7 1. Randomness; 2. Conditional Statements; 3. Iteration; 4. Simulation; 5. The Monty Hall Problem; 6. Finding Probabilities.
week 8 1. Sampling and Empirical Distributions; 2. Sampling from a Population; 3. Estimation; 4. Bootstrap.
week 9 1. Confidence Interval; 2. Hypotesis Test (defining a hypothesis).
week 10 1. Hypothesis test.
week 11 1. Using a Confidence Interval to Test Hypotheses; 2. Regression Models.
week 12 1. Differences among group means; 2. Data Analysis.

Indicative assessment:

Weekly Assignments (computer based), and Final Exam

Hardware required for this unit:

Students are able to undertake their laboratory exercises and projects in laboratories in the CSSE building, but most students also complete work on their own laptops.
The following hardware is required to successfully complete this unit:

Standard laptop

Software required for this unit:

Students are able to undertake their laboratory exercises and projects in laboratories in the CSSE building, but most students also complete work on their own laptops.
The following software is required to successfully complete this unit:

R and RStudio

Operating system(s) used in this unit:

Different units will use different operating systems for their teaching - for in-class examples, laboratory exercises, and programming projects.
If an operating system is REQUIRED, it will be used when marking assessments.

ANY reasonable platform

This information last updated 1:50pm Mon 17th Jul 2023

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

CRICOS Code: 00126G
Written by [email protected]
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