It's UWAweek 19 (1st semester, week 10)


This forum is provided to promote discussion amongst students enrolled in CITS1402 Relational Database Management Systems.

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 UWA week 19 (1st semester, week 10) ↓
SVG not supported 1:39pm Wed 8th May, Maira A.

Below are my responses. 1. Yes, there are some discrepancies. Following either would be fine. 2. Yes

SVG not supported 1:23pm Wed 8th May, Maira A.

If you have any assumptions, please make them explicit. However, ensure that the logical dependencies remain intact. For instance, if the clinic decides to update how they store client numbers from 6 digits to 12 digits, this update should logically ...

SVG not supported 1:14pm Wed 8th May, Maira A.

Send an email to the unit email address also attach your lab4 files in the specified format. ANONYMOUS wrote

SVG not supported 1:10pm Wed 8th May, Maira A.

A subclass (or a child table) can have a primary key. ANONYMOUS wrote

SVG not supported 1:06pm Wed 8th May, Maira A.

"Bill sent" implies that the invoice has been sent but not yet paid. So consider status bill sent as indicative of pending fees. ANONYMOUS wrote

 UWA week 18 (1st semester, week 9) ↓
SVG not supported 4:09pm Sat 4th May, Maira A.

Yes, you can.

SVG not supported 4:06pm Sat 4th May, Maira A.

Please adhere to the provided specification. While you can include additional attributes such as 'appointment id' for entity identification, ensure that your database maintains all relationships and constraints as outlined in the project sheet.

SVG not supported 2:09pm Sat 4th May, Maira A.

Hi Zhulin, I have copied this from the project sheet "At the end of an appointment, an invoice is generated." So, after every appointment an invoice is generated. Hope this helps.

SVG not supported 2:06pm Sat 4th May, Maira A.

It should be same as project 1, unless instructed otherwise. ANONYMOUS wrote

SVG not supported 2:02pm Sat 4th May, Maira A.

Yes,using underscores ( ) or camel case is fine. So, 'street address' can be represented as 'street address' or 'streetAddress'. ANONYMOUS wrote

SVG not supported 3:56am Tue 30th Apr, Maira A.

Yes, that's fine.

 UWA week 17 (1st semester, week 8) ↓
SVG not supported 10:27pm Fri 26th Apr, Maira A.

It's character string. See project specifications. You need to decide if you want to store fixed length or variable length strings.

SVG not supported
lab 3  (both)
1:29pm Mon 22nd Apr, Maira A.

Send an email to the unit email address and tell about your accidental submission, attaching your SQL queries in a zipped folder, to ensure you have a timely submission. However, I'm unsure if any penalty applies in this scenario. ANONYMOUS wrote

SVG not supported 1:24pm Mon 22nd Apr, Maira A.

Late submissions are permitted with a penalty of 5 per day. ANONYMOUS wrote

SVG not supported 11:50am Mon 22nd Apr, Maira A.


 UWA week 16 (1st semester, week 7) ↓
SVG not supported 12:05pm Mon 15th Apr, Maira A.

Hi Declan, You can find the list of entities by reading the project worksheet. If you need help to get started, come to the labs.

 UWA week 15 (1st semester, week 6) ↓
SVG not supported 3:27pm Sat 13th Apr, Maira A.

Hi, Lab 3 is on the same printing press case study as of lab 2. So please download the corresponding data files under lab 2. ANONYMOUS wrote

SVG not supported 2:07pm Sat 13th Apr, Maira A.

Yes, but there will be 5 penalty per day. ANONYMOUS wrote

SVG not supported 2:06pm Sat 13th Apr, Maira A.

Hi, Check this https run help1402?p np opt B50 year 2024 ANONYMOUS wrote

SVG not supported 9:07pm Fri 12th Apr, Maira A.

Hi Reuben, Absolutely, you can have a composite primary key in the Appointments table if you deem it necessary. For instance, if there's a relationship between appointments, patients, and surgeons, you can designate an attribute (think of which attrib...

SVG not supported 1:02pm Fri 12th Apr, Maira A.

A cover page is necessary only when submitting a physical copy.

SVG not supported 11:06pm Mon 8th Apr, Maira A.

Hi Sammy, A patient customer visits the clinic for the first time, their details are inserted into the system, and a client number is generated. Subsequent visits by the same patient customer would refer to the existing client number. Now back to your ...

 UWA week 14 (1st semester, non-teaching week) ↓
SVG not supported 2:36pm Wed 3rd Apr, Maira A.

Hi, There is a considerable amount of subjectivity involved in the project's conceptual modelling. Therefore, it's acceptable to introduce additional attributes if they contribute to addressing the questions outlined in the project sheet. Also, ensure ...

 UWA week 12 (1st semester, week 4) ↓
SVG not supported 10:14am Thu 21st Mar, Maira A.

We haven't graded the Lab 2 assessments yet. Once the auto-grading process completes, your marks will be released. ANONYMOUS wrote

SVG not supported 5:55pm Tue 19th Mar, Maira A.

Hi, The question is Display the minimum on hand "times" price in a column called min.... I hope you can decipher it from the question. Hint You need to get minimum of (something "times" something) ANONYMOUS wrote

 UWA week 11 (1st semester, week 3) ↓
SVG not supported 8:18pm Sun 17th Mar, Maira A.

Hi Thanh, You are right, Powershell display Null as blank. The shared results are just self-checking hints. Your code will be graded using an auto-grader that will run your queries on Powershell. So you don't need to worry about displaying NULLs as do...

SVG not supported
Lab 2  (both)
1:07pm Wed 13th Mar, Maira A.

Yes, you need to write a SQL query for each question. It's up to you how you like to display your results on your console. Please make sure, while submitting your query file, it should only contain SQL query (i.e., starting from Select and ending with...

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