It's UWAweek 38 (2nd semester, week 8)


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Displaying 33 tagged articles
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 UWA week 36 (2nd semester, mid-semester break) ↓
SVG not supported 6:55pm Tue 3rd Sep, Dex J.

Hi, I'm late but I am looking for a project partner to work with on the first project. I have a basic understanding of the project and have made a start. My s id is 21988007. Email me if interested

 UWA week 35 (2nd semester, week 6) ↓
SVG not supported 2:52pm Sat 31st Aug, Tyler M.

Hi, I'm looking for project partner. If you can contact me via email, it'll be greatly appreciated. My email is 239 3 5 t d n . w . d . u t r . M d i 1 8 0 7 m i e i n e e t d

SVG not supported 10:11am Sat 31st Aug, Pranav R.

If you haven't got a partner for the project yet, I'd be up for it. (ID 23736075)

SVG not supported 1:28pm Fri 30th Aug, Josiah V.

Hey guys, just wondering if there are still people who don't have a partner to work with and would like one...just email 233 9 5 t d n . w . d . u i o ' e i t r s e

SVG not supported 9:49am Thu 29th Aug, Jonathan C.

Hi Guys just looking to see if anyone is still looking for a project partner, attempted myself but would be good to have a teammate to bounce off, if interested my ID is 23994848 chuck me an email or reply here and we can get going )

SVG not supported 1:25am Thu 29th Aug, Duc T.

Hi. I just emailed u.

SVG not supported 2:34pm Wed 28th Aug, Suha S.

Hi,looking for a project partner.Email me if interested at 234 1 1 t d n . w . d . u Thanks )

SVG not supported 6:59pm Mon 26th Aug, Aarthi V.

Hello, I am looking for a partner, who can collaborate with me for the work Ping me t a s - 2 3 0 5 t d n . w . d . u ...

SVG not supported 2:10pm Mon 26th Aug, ANONYMOUS

Hello, My name is Harry and was wondering if anyone is looking for a project partner. Email me at 23626175. Cheers.

SVG not supported 1:03am Mon 26th Aug, Felicia S.

Hey everyone I'm looking for a 1st project partner and it would be great if we could pair up If any of you are interested, please send a message through my student email here 232 7 6 t d n . w . d . u ...

 UWA week 34 (2nd semester, week 5) ↓
SVG not supported 2:50pm Sun 25th Aug, Lewis N.

Hey, I'm also still looking for a partner for the project. I'm based close to uni. Email me 225 1 2 t d n . w . d . u e , p e s e d a m s a e t r u h m t d n m i e e 3 ...

SVG not supported 10:54am Sat 24th Aug, Andrew T.

hey guys, sorry for the repeat post, but I was looking for a partner for the project. please email me at 23120296

SVG not supported 10:50am Sat 24th Aug, Andrew T.

hey guys I was looking for a partner for the project. please email me at 231 0 9 t d n . w . d . u t 2 1 0 9 t d n . w . d . u

SVG not supported 8:18pm Fri 23rd Aug, Suha S.

Hi looking for a partner for this project, would prefer to work online discord but happy to meet at uni if necessary ) Can email me at 234 1 1 t d n . w . d . u

SVG not supported 1:57pm Fri 23rd Aug, Jinseok K.

I'm looking for a project 1 partner. Please email me at 24035957

SVG not supported 8:06am Fri 23rd Aug, Josiah V.

I'll be your partner if you don't have one yet do you have discord? 233 9 5 t d n . w . d . u t u i i e e s r ) C n e a l m t 2 4 1 1 t d n . w . d . u ...

SVG not supported 7:50am Fri 23rd Aug, Veljko G.

Hey there, I'm looking for a project 1 partner. Please email me at 23656164

SVG not supported 6:38am Fri 23rd Aug, Yuxuan Z.

Hey - I'm looking for a partner for the project ) Let me know if you are available 24113613

SVG not supported 4:48pm Thu 22nd Aug, Kushan J.

Hey everyone, Seeking for a project partner Can do online but prefer if we can at least meet once a week ) Email me my student id is 24205163 Cheers

SVG not supported 12:40pm Wed 21st Aug, Noah G.

Hi my name is Noah Gibson. I am searching for a partner for the first project. I am no coding genius and am new to c this semester but have done a handful of cits units already. I live very close to UWA and am available most afternoons. Looking for a ...

SVG not supported 10:35am Wed 21st Aug, Thant H.

Hello, I'm looking for a partner for the upcoming project Please email me at 234 4 4 t d n . w . d . u i o ' e i t r s e t r b t h v o e a h n f l o i s u i s a r a y i e v r l s o U A a d a v i a l o t a t r o n . L o i g f r ...

SVG not supported 12:42pm Tue 20th Aug, Liam OB.

Looking for a first project partner, let's discuss the project and work hard together. Partitioning our work in a way that makes it easier for both of us. If you are interested, please email me at 23399936.

SVG not supported 9:13am Tue 20th Aug, Georgia M.

Looking for a project partner. My email is 230 8 1 t d n . w . d . u a d t g t e . P r i i n n u o k i a h t m k s i a i r f r b t f u . f y u a e i t r s e , p e s m i e a 3 9 9 6 ...

SVG not supported 11:45pm Mon 19th Aug, Josiah V.

Hey man, is the project out yet? I don't mind working with you but I'll have to see the project first to see if it's doable by myself.

SVG not supported 10:15pm Mon 19th Aug, Manas R.

Hey , I'm looking for a partner for the project . Let me know if you are available 240 4 2 t d n . w . d . u i ' o b e b y e f ...

SVG not supported 1:40pm Mon 19th Aug, Tyler M.

Hi, I was wondering if there is anyone that is looking for a partner for the 1st project. I'm looking for a partner for the project as I do live a a distance away from campus so it would be great if i can get in contact via email regrading the projec...

 UWA week 33 (2nd semester, week 4) ↓
SVG not supported 2:11pm Sun 18th Aug, Juliana SF.

thank you everyone who emailed we had a few people so I couldn't match with everyone, but if you're still looking for a partner I strongly suggest that you use this thread to reach out to other students that are also looking for partners or contact ...

SVG not supported 1:35pm Sat 17th Aug, Theodosios B.

Also looking for a project 1 partner, can do online or on-campus ID is 23812445 - send me an email if you're interested

SVG not supported 12:31pm Fri 16th Aug, Isabelle OH.

Hey - I'm looking for a partner for the project ) Let me know if you are available 231 8 7 t d n . w . d . u e e t d

SVG not supported 7:23am Fri 16th Aug, Gayathri K.

I am finding a project partner. If anyone available to join with me, please contact me via my student email(24297797)

SVG not supported 4:15pm Thu 15th Aug, Muhammad F.

I am also looking for someone to share work with in projects. 24343452 is my id. send an email

SVG not supported 1:37pm Wed 14th Aug, Joshua C.

Hey all, I'm looking for a project partner. I live a little while from campus so working over discord teams insta is most convenient for me, but I don't mind coming into campus either if needed. Pls get in contact with me 230 7 9 t d n . w . d . u i...

 UWA week 31 (2nd semester, week 2) ↓
SVG not supported 9:38pm Sat 3rd Aug, Juliana SF.

Hello everyone, Currently looking for a project partner, and generally someone to discuss concepts with throughout the semester As I am currently working it is quite hard for me to come to campus everyday but more than happy to jump on whatssap and o...

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Computer Science and Software Engineering

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