okay, so I can assume that the arguments will be accessed under the alias arg0, arg1, .... and not under any other name correct? but wouldn't this contradict the statement where identifier names can only include lowercase alphabetic order?
right, I understand that the temporary C files can just be encapsulated like so (correct me if i'm wrong)
int main(int argc, char argv )
converted c code here
but that doesn't really explain how the program can access the arguments, a...
once we finished transcribing the ml language into C code in a separate file, I assume we need to call the system function to run shell commands to run the C file right?
the problem with this is that we require a main function for it before it compile...
Taking this into consideration from the ml language
6. there will be at most 50 unique identifiers appearing in any program
lets just say a variable within a function is introduced, and then is set out of scope when exiting the function. The variable ...
well, not really sure about this either, but in my opinion it really comes down to technicality, since after the fork, the code doesn't terminate, so we can either call fork() again somewhere outside the function, or call the function more than one t...
so, i saw that in the steps to run and execute ml files, we basically turn the ml file into a c file, compile it, and execute the program.
However, it also says to delete the c file and executables after running a program, so does it even matter if i ...
You can find this state in the diagram found in lecture 8, slide page 14,
or alternatively here https teaching.csse.uwa.edu.au units CITS2002 lectures lecture08 14.html
(10) Consider the following code which contains a common error
define N 10;
void function(void)
A) char array N ;
B) int x 2 N;
C) for(int i 0 ; i N i)
printf(" c n", array i );
Which of the follo...
this is a question in the past exam
Roughly, how many standard header files are defined by the C11 standard
A. 10
B. 30
C. 100
D. 300
was this information accessible on the lecture slides?
and if so will these types of questions come out in the midsem?