It's UWAweek 45 (2nd semester, 2nd exam week)


This forum is provided to promote discussion amongst students enrolled in CITS2002 Systems Programming.
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9 articles posted by this ANONYMOUS person
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 UWA week 38 (2nd semester, week 8) ↓
SVG not supported 1:49pm Thu 19th Sep, ANONYMOUS

yeah just got an idea, thanks

SVG not supported 11:43am Thu 19th Sep, ANONYMOUS

I would rather not if I don't have to because that would mean passing all file paths to every single function with exit failures

SVG not supported 9:06pm Wed 18th Sep, ANONYMOUS

you can add the -std c11 flag while compiling to enforce the c11 standard, I believe unistd.h and sys wait.h are allowed

 UWA week 37 (2nd semester, week 7) ↓
SVG not supported 9:53pm Sat 14th Sep, ANONYMOUS

So I was thinking that my project would be cleaner if I have separate temp files for function definitions, glabal variables and the main function. At the end I would merge these files, compile and run the final c file and then delete all of them. Jus...

SVG not supported 10:51am Thu 12th Sep, ANONYMOUS

is it okay to not allow defining identifier names of the form "arg number " at all?

SVG not supported 11:27pm Wed 11th Sep, ANONYMOUS

Hi, currently I have all the functions double in the translated c file and it works fine even if the function doesn't have a return statement. I read that the return value is undefined for such functions in c so I just wanted to confirm that the retur...

SVG not supported 10:58pm Wed 11th Sep, ANONYMOUS

Hi, Thanks for replying I have another question, if comment is inside a function definition does it have to start with a tab character? My question was more about if I can completely rely on the tab character to mark the end of function definitions.

SVG not supported 10:54am Tue 10th Sep, ANONYMOUS

Hi, I was wondering if empty lines are allowed in ml and if they are, will the empty lines inside a function definition start with a tab?

 UWA week 35 (2nd semester, week 6) ↓
SVG not supported 7:59pm Mon 26th Aug, ANONYMOUS

Hi, I was wondering if some of the syntax checking can be left for the c compiler to handle. For example, As I understand the requirements, we don't need to check if functions are defined before being called, since the c compiler will check and repor...

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