It's UWAweek 44 (2nd semester, 1st exam week)


This forum is provided to promote discussion amongst students enrolled in CITS2002 Systems Programming.
Please consider offering answers and suggestions to help other students! And if you fix a problem by following a suggestion here, it would be great if other interested students could see a short "Great, fixed it!"  followup message.
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 UWA week 33 (2nd semester, week 4) ↓
SVG not supported 12:20pm Mon 12th Aug, Christopher M.

Yes; if you view the online manual for strlen - on your computer - with man strlen , you'll see that it states what header file should be included.

SVG not supported 11:59am Mon 12th Aug, Mengxi L.

Hi everyone, For labsheet2 question 5 Luhn credit card algorithm, I think we should add header file " string.h " to use the function "strlen".

 UWA week 32 (2nd semester, week 3) ↓
SVG not supported 8:04am Fri 9th Aug, Christopher M.

Always good advice, thanks Josh, but the lab exercises are NOT assessable. However, the knowledge learnt by completing the exercises will certainly re-appear in the assessed components.

SVG not supported 7:38am Fri 9th Aug, Joshua N.

Hi Guys, I am just reminding you to always keep up to date with the lectures, workshops and labs . If you don't you will struggle with this unit as there is a lot of content. Do not skip the lab exercises they are assessable and build up the fou...

 UWA week 31 (2nd semester, week 2) ↓
SVG not supported 7:52am Sun 4th Aug, Christopher M.

ANONYMOUS wrote It seems that you're unsure where you're working. From any shell prompt, you can issue the command pwd (print working directory) to find out where you are. If you are naming and using files by just providing their filename, witho...

SVG not supported 10:56am Sat 3rd Aug, ANONYMOUS

So I'm trying to do Lab 1 right now, and for that I'm doing the prerequisite tasks with the Unix OS. I'm at the part where it says to save the document to my home directory. When I try to call for it, it says it doesn't exist or there's no filename. ...

SVG not supported 11:48am Thu 1st Aug, Christopher M.

A couple of students have reported a problem trying to install the recommended packages to get started. It appears that their machine (or the default Ubuntu 24.04 LTS in WSL-2 on Windows) was unaware of, or not searching, remote repositories to find...

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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