helpOSTSThis forum is provided to promote discussion amongst students enrolled in Open Source Tools and Scripting.Please consider offering answers and suggestions to help other students! And if you fix a problem by following a suggestion here, it would be great if other interested students could see a short "Great, fixed it!" followup message. How do I ask a good question? |
There are 155 active topics since dinosaurs roamed the Earth
Showing 446 of 445 articles.Currently 4 other people reading this forum. |
UWA week 26 (mid-year break) ↓ |
Is is acceptable for requesting reevaluation of assignment 2 (both) | ||
8:04pm Fri 28th Jun | ANONYMOUS | |
24 hours later | ANONYMOUS | |
What tool is used to test Project 2? (all 3) | ||
2:00pm Fri 28th Jun | ANONYMOUS | |
1 min later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
68 mins later | Michael W. | |
UWA week 23 (1st semester, 1st exam week) ↓ |
Assignment 2 marks (all 3) | ||
9:03am Sun 9th Jun | ANONYMOUS | |
10 hours later | Michael W. | |
17 days later | ANONYMOUS | |
Regarding final examination (both) | ||
2:55pm Thu 6th Jun | ANONYMOUS | |
12 mins later | Michael W. | |
Pen, Pencil, or Pen + Pencil in Final Exam? | ||
5:43pm Wed 5th Jun | ANONYMOUS | |
Never use KEYDEF like `-k 1nr` when you call `sort`! (all 4) | ||
4:11pm Mon 3rd Jun | 👍x1 | ANONYMOUS |
50 hours later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
71 hours later | Michael W. | |
71 hours later | Michael W. | |
Question about 2022 solution (all 3) | ||
1:54pm Mon 3rd Jun | ANONYMOUS | |
22 hours later | ANONYMOUS | |
22 hours later | Michael W. | |
UWA week 22 (1st semester, study break) ↓ |
Regarding Lab 9 answers (all 3) | ||
9:25am Sun 2nd Jun | Eusha K. | |
4 mins later | Michael W. | |
11 mins later | Eusha K. O.P. | |
Why do we still use the basic regular expressions in grep and sed? (all 3) | ||
11:38pm Tue 28th May | Junyu Z. | |
37 hours later | ANONYMOUS | |
40 hours later | 👍x1 | Michael W. |
Regarding Assignment 2 Marks (all 3) | ||
10:45pm Tue 28th May | ANONYMOUS | |
41 hours later | Michael W. | |
5 days later | ANONYMOUS | |
Doubt regarding the PPT slides (all 3) | ||
5:23am Tue 28th May | ANONYMOUS | |
4 hours later | Michael W. | |
13 hours later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
UWA week 21 (1st semester, week 12) ↓ |
Final Exam (all 6) | ||
12:18pm Thu 23rd May | ANONYMOUS | |
20 hours later | Michael W. | |
24 hours later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
26 hours later | Michael W. | |
54 hours later | ANONYMOUS | |
71 hours later | Michael W. | |
Enquiry about Late submissions (both) | ||
11:41am Thu 23rd May | Ruilei W. | |
20 hours later | Michael W. | |
Lecture of 22 May (both) | ||
11:06am Wed 22nd May | ANONYMOUS | |
9 mins later | Michael W. | |
Sample Final Exam question (both) | ||
9:01am Tue 21st May | ANONYMOUS | |
54 mins later | Michael W. | |
Late submission (all 3) | ||
3:28am Tue 21st May | ANONYMOUS | |
6 hours later | Michael W. | |
56 hours later | Ruilei W. | |
Lecture for Shell Functions and Make/Makefiles (both) | ||
10:44pm Mon 20th May | ANONYMOUS | |
11 hours later | Michael W. | |
Using bc Ass2 (both) | ||
3:58pm Mon 20th May | Evan W. | |
17 hours later | Michael W. | |
Late submissions (all 3) | ||
12:52pm Mon 20th May | 👍x1 | Andre R. |
10 hours later | 👍x1 | Alexandra H. |
20 hours later | Michael W. | |
UWA week 20 (1st semester, week 11) ↓ |
Are we supposed to combine the rows which have same country code and year in each of 3 files (all 5) | ||
8:15pm Sun 19th May | ANONYMOUS | |
13 hours later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
15 hours later | Michael W. | |
15 hours later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
37 hours later | Michael W. | |
Last of the Ass1 marked scripts and results posted (all 4) | ||
7:30pm Sun 19th May | Michael W. | |
3 hours later | Md K. | |
16 hours later | Michael W. O.P. | |
18 days later | Yuang G. | |
Join tsv file (both) | ||
6:08pm Sun 19th May | Yuanhao N. | |
20 hours later | 👍x1 | ANONYMOUS |
Sample1.xlsx Conflicts with Assignment2 Overview (both) | ||
3:29pm Sun 19th May | Kaichao Z. | |
11 mins later | Michael W. | |
Ass2 Cleaned File - Header or No Header (both) | ||
2:34pm Sun 19th May | Evan W. | |
45 mins later | Michael W. | |
Git logs (both) | ||
1:16pm Sat 18th May | ANONYMOUS | |
26 hours later | Michael W. | |
regarding usage of github in assignment 2 (all 4) | ||
11:05pm Fri 17th May | ANONYMOUS | |
12 hours later | ANONYMOUS | |
15 hours later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
40 hours later | Michael W. | |
Pls confirm that sample2.tsv data is correct (all 6) | ||
5:31pm Fri 17th May | ANONYMOUS | |
18 hours later | ANONYMOUS | |
45 hours later | Michael W. | |
47 hours later | ANONYMOUS | |
47 hours later | ANONYMOUS | |
48 hours later | Zexu D. | |
Assignment 1 Feedback (all 5) | ||
5:08pm Fri 17th May | ANONYMOUS | |
18 hours later | ANONYMOUS | |
23 hours later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
46 hours later | Michael W. | |
47 hours later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
1st assignment marks (both) | ||
5:01pm Fri 17th May | 👍x1 | ANONYMOUS |
46 hours later | Michael W. | |
Assignment 2: Data Cleaning Ouput Consultation (all 3) | ||
9:38am Fri 17th May | Kaichao Z. | |
3 hours later | 👍x1 | Kaichao Z. O.P. |
53 hours later | Michael W. | |
Assign2 output after cleaning stage (both) | ||
7:22pm Thu 16th May | 👍x1 | ANONYMOUS |
40 hours later | 👍x1 | ANONYMOUS |
Question about Assignment 2 (all 3) | ||
7:20pm Thu 16th May | 👍x1 | Lyu L. |
75 mins later | Xiaoyu S. | |
54 hours later | 👍x1 | Runzhi Z. |
Doubt regarding carriage return in input files | ||
7:17pm Thu 16th May | ANONYMOUS | |
Doubt regarding stderr (all 3) | ||
6:16pm Thu 16th May | ANONYMOUS | |
41 hours later | ANONYMOUS | |
69 hours later | 👍x1 | Michael W. |
CITS4407 (both) | ||
5:27pm Thu 16th May | Jinyoung L. | |
42 hours later | 👍x2 | ANONYMOUS |
Error handle in Assignment 2 (all 3) | ||
4:10pm Thu 16th May | Zexu D. | |
43 hours later | ANONYMOUS | |
71 hours later | Michael W. | |
Some questions about Assignment2 | ||
3:29pm Thu 16th May | Jingtong P. | |
assignment 1 marks (all 3) | ||
12:10pm Thu 16th May | Eusha K. | |
59 mins later | Michael W. | |
27 hours later | Eusha K. O.P. | |
Numerical values (both) | ||
11:40am Thu 16th May | ANONYMOUS | |
2 hours later | Michael W. | |
display of cleaned output file (all 4) | ||
10:59am Thu 16th May | ANONYMOUS | |
3 hours later | Michael W. | |
27 hours later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
4 days later | Michael W. | |
about assignment 2 data cleaning] (both) | ||
11:50pm Wed 15th May | ANONYMOUS | |
14 hours later | Michael W. | |
AWK Use in Assignment 2 (both) | ||
11:21pm Wed 15th May | Runzhi Z. | |
14 hours later | Michael W. | |
Assign2 questions (both) | ||
8:21pm Wed 15th May | Boya Z. | |
17 hours later | Michael W. | |
About the mark of ass1 (both) | ||
5:45pm Wed 15th May | ANONYMOUS | |
103 mins later | Michael W. | |
Markdown contents (both) | ||
2:37pm Wed 15th May | ANONYMOUS | |
23 mins later | Michael W. | |
submission for assignment 2 (both) | ||
1:12pm Wed 15th May | ANONYMOUS | |
35 mins later | Michael W. | |
About assignment 2 (all 3) | ||
1:04pm Wed 15th May | Eusha K. | |
46 mins later | Michael W. | |
90 mins later | ANONYMOUS | |
Ass 1marks (all 3) | ||
11:25am Wed 15th May | ANONYMOUS | |
2 mins later | Michael W. | |
21 mins later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
Input of best_predictor (both) | ||
8:04pm Tue 14th May | ANONYMOUS | |
15 hours later | Michael W. | |
Some questions about examples (both) | ||
4:14pm Tue 14th May | ANONYMOUS | |
3 hours later | Michael W. | |
Lines With Wrong Number Of Cells (both) | ||
1:50pm Tue 14th May | Evan W. | |
2 hours later | Michael W. | |
sample output values (all 5) | ||
11:13am Tue 14th May | ANONYMOUS | |
12 mins later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
4 hours later | Michael W. | |
5 hours later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
7 hours later | Michael W. | |
tsv, or standoutput , what is the expected input for best_predictor? (all 6) | ||
9:52am Tue 14th May | ANONYMOUS | |
56 mins later | Michael W. | |
2 hours later | 👍x1 | ANONYMOUS |
6 hours later | Michael W. | |
8 hours later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
9 hours later | Michael W. | |
Assignment 2 year data cleaning (both) | ||
9:20am Tue 14th May | ANONYMOUS | |
1 min later | Michael W. | |
Should we ignore the OWID data (both) | ||
7:37pm Mon 13th May | 👍x1 | Chensu Y. |
13 hours later | 👍x1 | Michael W. |
tsv, or stdout , what is the expected input for best_predictor? (both) | ||
6:25pm Mon 13th May | ANONYMOUS | |
14 hours later | Michael W. | |
Clarification inquiry on Data Cleaning - Assignment 2 (all 4) | ||
3:19pm Mon 13th May | ANONYMOUS | |
17 hours later | 👍x1 | Michael W. |
20 hours later | Kaichao Z. | |
24 hours later | Michael W. | |
Ass2 Input Data Column Headers (all 4) | ||
2:40pm Mon 13th May | Evan W. | |
23 mins later | Michael W. | |
23 hours later | Evan W. O.P. | |
25 hours later | Michael W. | |
Consistency of Population and Ladder Score across files (both) | ||
2:01pm Mon 13th May | Evan W. | |
60 mins later | Michael W. | |
Clarification on Output File (all 5) | ||
1:06pm Mon 13th May | ANONYMOUS | |
4 mins later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
8 mins later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
10 mins later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
109 mins later | Michael W. | |
Lab 8 AWK answers (both) | ||
10:03am Mon 13th May | ANONYMOUS | |
4 hours later | Michael W. | |
lab 8 and 9 ans (both) | ||
8:31am Mon 13th May | ANONYMOUS | |
6 hours later | Michael W. | |
UWA week 19 (1st semester, week 10) ↓ |
doubts about temporary file|calculation accuracy (both) | ||
9:35pm Sun 12th May | Zhiyang X. | |
17 hours later | Michael W. | |
What if a country in one file but not a another file (all 5) | ||
9:29pm Sun 12th May | Zhenlong M. | |
13 hours later | Zhenlong M. O.P. | |
14 hours later | Zhenlong M. O.P. | |
17 hours later | Michael W. | |
6 days later | ANONYMOUS | |
Doubt regarding usage of Associative arrays | ||
5:18pm Sun 12th May | ANONYMOUS | |
Project2: Need clarification on reporting lines (both) | ||
4:12pm Sun 12th May | Md C. | |
22 hours later | Michael W. | |
3rd filter in Assignmet (all 5) | ||
1:00pm Sun 12th May | ANONYMOUS | |
11 mins later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
14 mins later | Michael W. | |
26 mins later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
25 hours later | Michael W. | |
About the description of best_predictor (both) | ||
2:51am Sun 12th May | ANONYMOUS | |
7 hours later | Michael W. | |
input tsv file name (both) | ||
1:45pm Sat 11th May | ANONYMOUS | |
20 hours later | Michael W. | |
what's the specific name for the cleaned datafile produced by cantril_data_cleaning (both) | ||
11:54am Sat 11th May | Zhenlong M. | |
22 hours later | Michael W. | |
to include a correlation for any country there be at least 3 predictor-value, Cantril-value pairs (both) | ||
6:39pm Fri 10th May | Zhenlong M. | |
5 hours later | Zhenlong M. O.P. | |
Clarification of Assignment 2's demand (all 3) | ||
1:52pm Fri 10th May | 👍x1 | Zexu D. |
2 hours later | Runzhi Z. | |
44 hours later | Michael W. | |
Usage of GIT in Project-2 (all 3) | ||
12:04pm Fri 10th May | ANONYMOUS | |
57 mins later | 👍x1 | Michael W. |
85 mins later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
Output file (all 4) | ||
11:48am Fri 10th May | ANONYMOUS | |
76 mins later | 👍x1 | Michael W. |
32 hours later | 👍x1 | ANONYMOUS O.P. |
46 hours later | Michael W. | |
Sample1 seems not available (both) | ||
12:11am Fri 10th May | Zhiyang X. | |
8 hours later | Michael W. | |
Assignment 2 clarification 09May (both) | ||
10:27pm Thu 9th May | Zhenlong M. | |
10 hours later | Michael W. | |
Doubt in Project-2 (all 3) | ||
1:00pm Thu 9th May | ANONYMOUS | |
20 hours later | 👍x1 | Michael W. |
4 days later | Evan W. | |
Validity of sample2.tsv file data (all 5) | ||
7:46pm Wed 8th May | ANONYMOUS | |
108 mins later | Michael W. | |
4 hours later | Md C. | |
13 hours later | ANONYMOUS | |
37 hours later | Michael W. | |
Question about input file | ||
3:45pm Wed 8th May | ANONYMOUS | |
Question about file input (all 4) | ||
3:35pm Wed 8th May | 👍x1 | ANONYMOUS |
13 mins later | Michael W. | |
20 hours later | Zexu D. | |
90 hours later | Michael W. | |
Clarity of Statement in Assignment-2 (all 3) | ||
12:50pm Wed 8th May | 👍x1 | ANONYMOUS |
20 hours later | Ming G. | |
92 hours later | Michael W. | |
Clarity Regarding a Statement in Project-2 (all 4) | ||
11:42am Wed 8th May | ANONYMOUS | |
29 mins later | Michael W. | |
43 mins later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
93 hours later | Michael W. | |
wrong or invalid cell value in assignment 2 (all 4) | ||
10:50pm Tue 7th May | Zhiyang X. | |
13 hours later | Michael W. | |
17 hours later | Zhiyang X. O.P. | |
4 days later | Michael W. | |
Assignment Deadline (both) | ||
1:43pm Tue 7th May | ANONYMOUS | |
22 hours later | 👍x1 | Michael W. |
Divide by Zero in Pearson Correlation Calculation | ||
1:42pm Tue 7th May | ANONYMOUS | |
Assignment 2 clarification (all 3) | ||
12:10pm Tue 7th May | ANONYMOUS | |
28 mins later | Ziyuan D. | |
23 hours later | 👍x2 | Michael W. |
UWA week 18 (1st semester, week 9) ↓ |
lab 7 answers (all 3) | ||
11:40pm Sun 5th May | ANONYMOUS | |
11 hours later | Michael W. | |
21 hours later | Michael W. | |
USE of advance function in Assignment 2 (all 4) | ||
4:19pm Sun 5th May | ANONYMOUS | |
18 hours later | Michael W. | |
41 hours later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
42 hours later | Michael W. | |
Assignment data (all 5) | ||
12:51pm Sun 5th May | ANONYMOUS | |
21 hours later | Michael W. | |
22 hours later | Zexu D. | |
32 hours later | Michael W. | |
47 hours later | Zexu D. | |
Using Git for assignment 2 (both) | ||
12:39pm Sun 5th May | Rabea B. | |
22 hours later | Michael W. | |
L9 Shell arithmetic - find (both) | ||
8:11pm Sat 4th May | Suan C. | |
38 hours later | Michael W. | |
Lab8-Q6.4 Data Missing (both) | ||
12:38pm Sat 4th May | Kaichao Z. | |
8 mins later | Kaichao Z. O.P. | |
string concatenation in awk (all 3) | ||
9:31pm Thu 2nd May | Eusha K. | |
85 hours later | 👍x1 | Michael W. |
4 days later | Eusha K. O.P. | |
Assignment 2 (all 4) | ||
8:00pm Wed 1st May | ANONYMOUS | |
64 hours later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
4 days later | Michael W. | |
14 days later | Jingtong P. | |
Optional Online Test (all 6) | ||
10:48pm Tue 30th Apr | Suan C. | |
13 mins later | Michael W. | |
10 hours later | Ming G. | |
93 hours later | Suan C. O.P. | |
5 days later | Michael W. | |
5 days later | Michael W. | |
UWA week 17 (1st semester, week 8) ↓ |
could we get marking details about the optional test? (all 4) | ||
12:27pm Fri 26th Apr | Ziyuan D. | |
16 mins later | 👍x1 | Michael W. |
11 hours later | 👍x1 | ANONYMOUS |
5 days later | 👍x1 | Michael W. |
unable to watch 22 April lecture recording (all 5) | ||
10:34am Fri 26th Apr | 👍x1 | ANONYMOUS |
13 hours later | Eusha K. | |
30 hours later | Zexu D. | |
4 days later | 👍x1 | Ziyuan D. |
4 days later | Michael W. | |
Lab answers (both) | ||
10:27am Fri 26th Apr | ANONYMOUS | |
76 mins later | Michael W. | |
Disappeared Lab7 Directory? (both) | ||
5:27pm Thu 25th Apr | Kaichao Z. | |
18 hours later | 👍x1 | Michael W. |
Exam enquire (both) | ||
8:38am Wed 24th Apr | ANONYMOUS | |
111 mins later | Michael W. | |
Lab 6, Q1: What does is the effect of "-r"? | ||
2:49pm Tue 23rd Apr | ANONYMOUS | |
Should we consider invalid or wrong values in .csv file | ||
3:17pm Mon 22nd Apr | ANONYMOUS | |
Clarification Needed on Submission Requirements for Assign_1 (both) | ||
1:31pm Mon 22nd Apr | Yu A. | |
67 mins later | Michael W. | |
Assignment 1 output (both) | ||
11:09am Mon 22nd Apr | ANONYMOUS | |
7 mins later | Michael W. | |
Country Code case sensitivity | ||
9:21am Mon 22nd Apr | ANONYMOUS | |
UWA week 16 (1st semester, week 7) ↓ |
Queries/output | ||
4:08pm Sun 21st Apr | ANONYMOUS | |
Submission enquire (all 6) | ||
1:14pm Sun 21st Apr | ANONYMOUS | |
7 mins later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
3 hours later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
3 hours later | Michael W. | |
4 hours later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
21 hours later | Michael W. | |
Dependant Script Execution (all 3) | ||
10:21pm Sat 20th Apr | ANONYMOUS | |
10 hours later | Michael W. | |
16 hours later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
Searching csv file (both) | ||
5:43pm Sat 20th Apr | ANONYMOUS | |
3 hours later | 👍x1 | Michael W. |
Clarification on Script Execution Command Format (both) | ||
3:05am Sat 20th Apr | Anandhu R. | |
11 hours later | Michael W. | |
Assessing whether a year is in the past or future (all 4) | ||
11:50am Fri 19th Apr | 👍x1 | Alexandra H. |
2 hours later | Michael W. | |
2 hours later | Michael W. | |
45 hours later | Alexandra H. O.P. | |
CITS 4407 Assignment regard case sensitivity (all 4) | ||
9:27am Fri 19th Apr | ANONYMOUS | |
4 hours later | Michael W. | |
7 hours later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
55 hours later | Michael W. | |
CITS4407 Assignment (all 4) | ||
7:37am Fri 19th Apr | ANONYMOUS | |
66 mins later | 👍x1 | Michael W. |
13 hours later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
34 hours later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
Online test (both) | ||
11:56pm Thu 18th Apr | Zichen Z. | |
8 hours later | Michael W. | |
Week-7 Lab Solutions (both) | ||
1:04pm Thu 18th Apr | ANONYMOUS | |
54 mins later | Michael W. | |
17042024 Lecture11 (both) | ||
10:01pm Wed 17th Apr | Suan C. | |
27 mins later | Michael W. | |
using commands in assignment (both) | ||
4:38pm Wed 17th Apr | ANONYMOUS | |
4 hours later | Michael W. | |
ass doubts (all 5) | ||
4:28pm Wed 17th Apr | ANONYMOUS | |
4 hours later | Michael W. | |
14 hours later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
18 hours later | 👍x1 | ANONYMOUS |
19 hours later | Michael W. | |
Error messages, and case-sensitive related issues. (all 6) | ||
10:26pm Tue 16th Apr | ANONYMOUS | |
21 hours later | Michael W. | |
37 hours later | ANONYMOUS | |
37 hours later | Michael W. | |
39 hours later | ANONYMOUS | |
5 days later | Michael W. | |
Some questions about Sample Queries in Assignment 1 (all 6) | ||
8:52pm Tue 16th Apr | ANONYMOUS | |
17 mins later | ANONYMOUS | |
23 mins later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
37 mins later | 👍x1 | ANONYMOUS |
23 hours later | Michael W. | |
23 hours later | Michael W. | |
Questions about the final exam (inspired by the mid-semester one) (both) | ||
4:42pm Tue 16th Apr | ANONYMOUS | |
27 hours later | Michael W. | |
Midsemester self-assessment test (all 7) | ||
1:52pm Mon 15th Apr | Kaichao Z. | |
1 min later | Michael W. | |
6 mins later | Michael W. | |
15 mins later | Michael W. | |
22 mins later | 👍x1 | Kaichao Z. O.P. |
8 hours later | Eusha K. | |
53 hours later | Michael W. | |
UWA week 15 (1st semester, week 6) ↓ |
How to deal with same values when finding the maximum percentage (both) | ||
5:44pm Sun 14th Apr | Junyu Z. | |
20 hours later | Michael W. | |
"Clarification on Column Order in Assignment 1 Test Files" (all 3) | ||
6:32pm Thu 11th Apr | Aadil V. | |
1 min later | Aadil V. O.P. | |
71 mins later | Michael W. | |
Some Questions about Assignment 1 (all 4) | ||
12:29am Thu 11th Apr | Runzhi Z. | |
9 hours later | Michael W. | |
16 hours later | Eusha K. | |
19 hours later | Michael W. | |
Case Insensitice (both) | ||
12:55pm Wed 10th Apr | ANONYMOUS | |
2 hours later | Michael W. | |
Updated PDF of L8 (while loop) (all 5) | ||
3:56pm Mon 8th Apr | 👍x1 | Michael W. |
41 hours later | Eusha K. | |
47 hours later | Michael W. O.P. | |
54 hours later | Eusha K. | |
69 hours later | Nathan R. | |
FAQ Assignment 1: What is an error, and how are errors to be handled? | ||
3:04pm Mon 8th Apr | Michael W. | |
doubts in assignment (all 4) | ||
9:28am Mon 8th Apr | ANONYMOUS | |
40 mins later | Michael W. | |
9 days later | ANONYMOUS O.P. | |
9 days later | Michael W. | |
Assignment doubts (both) | ||
9:27am Mon 8th Apr | ANONYMOUS | |
45 mins later | Michael W. | |
Assign 1 direcotry naming & script permission (both) | ||
12:47am Mon 8th Apr | ANONYMOUS | |
9 hours later | Michael W. | |
Does Male / Female include both sexes record as well (all 3) | ||
12:42am Mon 8th Apr | Kushan J. | |
9 hours later | Michael W. | |
16 hours later | Kushan J. O.P. | |
UWA week 14 (1st semester, non-teaching week) ↓ |
Inquiry Regarding Example Output Format (both) | ||
9:42pm Sun 7th Apr | Chao D. | |
12 hours later | 👍x1 | Michael W. |
Zip or gz file for assignment1? (both) | ||
2:51pm Sat 6th Apr | ANONYMOUS | |
30 mins later | Michael W. | |
Advanced Linux commands (both) | ||
5:02pm Fri 5th Apr | Rabea B. | |
22 hours later | Michael W. | |
Assignment 1: Use of BC (all 15) | ||
2:30pm Mon 1st Apr | Nathan R. | |
21 hours later | Michael W. | |
21 hours later | ANONYMOUS | |
21 hours later | Michael W. | |
27 hours later | ANONYMOUS | |
30 hours later | Michael W. | |
48 hours later | Suman I. | |
48 hours later | ANONYMOUS | |
49 hours later | Michael W. | |
49 hours later | Michael W. | |
64 hours later | Nathan R. O.P. | |
67 hours later | Michael W. | |
70 hours later | ANONYMOUS | |
72 hours later | Michael W. | |
9 days later | Nathan R. O.P. | |
UWA week 13 (1st semester, week 5) ↓ |
run a DIY script (both) | ||
11:32pm Fri 29th Mar | Baoyue Z. | |
84 hours later | Michael W. | |
Not able to submit assignment (both) | ||
10:33am Wed 27th Mar | ANONYMOUS | |
89 mins later | Michael W. | |
Lab answers availability (both) | ||
1:51am Wed 27th Mar | ANONYMOUS | |
9 hours later | 👍x2 | Alexandra H. |
lab4 (both) | ||
9:54pm Tue 26th Mar | Suan C. | |
14 hours later | Michael W. | |
/dev/.... (all 4) | ||
9:06pm Tue 26th Mar | Suan C. | |
18 hours later | Michael W. | |
9 days later | Suan C. O.P. | |
9 days later | Michael W. | |
Wed 27th. Chat about Ass1 + debugging trick | ||
10:21am Mon 25th Mar | Michael W. | |
Shell: can't run the shell directlly (all 3) | ||
2:15am Mon 25th Mar | Zichen Z. | |
31 hours later | Michael W. | |
46 hours later | Zichen Z. O.P. | |
UWA week 12 (1st semester, week 4) ↓ |
Assignment 1 doubts (both) | ||
11:14am Sat 23rd Mar | ANONYMOUS | |
70 hours later | Michael W. | |
Assignment 1 Questions | ||
4:47pm Fri 22nd Mar | Weng C. | |
datafile | ||
12:49pm Fri 22nd Mar | ANONYMOUS | |
about assignment1 dataset (all 3) | ||
12:10am Fri 22nd Mar | ANONYMOUS | |
9 hours later | ANONYMOUS | |
9 hours later | Michael W. | |
Assignment 1 Query (both) | ||
5:44pm Wed 20th Mar | ANONYMOUS | |
3 hours later | 👍x1 | Michael W. |
Big hint for Assignment 1 | ||
10:43pm Tue 19th Mar | Michael W. | |
L5 Variables (both) | ||
8:56pm Tue 19th Mar | Suan C. | |
98 mins later | Michael W. | |
FAQ Assignment 1: Output form (all 3) | ||
9:55am Tue 19th Mar | 👍x3 | Michael W. |
38 hours later | Eusha K. | |
47 hours later | 👍x2 | Michael W. O.P. |
Lab2 Q8,14 Count in Plaintext (both) | ||
12:33am Mon 18th Mar | Kaichao Z. | |
33 hours later | Michael W. | |
UWA week 11 (1st semester, week 3) ↓ |
Assignment 1 Sample Queries (all 4) | ||
11:00pm Sat 16th Mar | 👍x1 | Weng C. |
18 hours later | Michael W. | |
24 hours later | Weng C. O.P. | |
58 hours later | Michael W. | |
VIM error (all 3) | ||
9:35pm Sat 16th Mar | Suan C. | |
107 mins later | Weng C. | |
20 hours later | Michael W. | |
Welcome to helpOSTS (all 3) | ||
5:24pm Sat 16th Mar | 👍x7 | Michael W. |
10 hours later | Zexu D. | |
24 hours later | Michael W. O.P. | |