> Hello,
> I understand that is useful to understand the concept of deterministic turing machines, but am I correct in recalling that we will not be directly assessed on this topic in the exam? Just wondering from a "notes to bring to the exam" perspective.
> Thanks.
I am not going to make an official statement on whether any part of the unit content is in the final exam or not. Officially, anything that was covered in the unit material (including lectures and labs) may be assessed unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Having said this, you are right in saying that DTMs and NTMs are concepts that were used as part of the explanation of the core topics for those lectures, that being complexity classes and reductions. Therefore if you are comfortable in your ability to worth with these concepts, you should have a reasonable guess as to whether you are likely to need to have notes on the exact properties of TMs.
Ultimately, whether you include it in your notes is your own decision of whether you think you will need to to be ready for whatever the exam may ask.