It's UWAweek 49


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 UWA week 38 (2nd semester, week 8) ↓
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12:29pm Wed 18th Sep, Andrew G.

"Mahit Gupta" <23*9*2*5@s*u*e*t*u*a*e*u*a*> wrote:
> The way I thought of solving this problem was similar to the hints, take all the potions if the remaining hp after the potion is less than a sword. If it isn't skip the potion and take a sword. This doesn't seem to work as in some cases, taking lesser damage in the start is actually benificial. > I don't understand how to interpret this in a greedy way, when to decide if taking a lower hit is better than a higher, I assumed taking a higher hit would always be better in the start and then take a lower one. > > 50 1 1 2 > 30 > 20 > That strategy doesn't seem to work as we would rather have a hit of just 15 in the beginning to get to 15 than to get a hit of 20 and then just get to 21
I encourage you to have a think about this question, which may help you figure out/understand the solution: If we somehow knew the set of potions and swords we would be using, does the order you use them matter?

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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