It's UWAweek 51


This forum is provided to promote discussion amongst students enrolled in CITS3001 Advanced Algorithms.

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57 articles posted by this person
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 UWA week 44 (2nd semester, 1st exam week) ↓
SVG not supported 4:32pm Sun 3rd Nov, Andrew G.

As the above student points out Do not publish content from the exam where students who are yet to sit the exam may be able to see it. This semester I do not remember if there were any students sitting the main exam at a later time, but if there are...

SVG not supported 6:32pm Fri 1st Nov, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote Please try to ask questions like this sooner in future. It is 81 work minutes before the exam and I am technically meant to be on urgent leave, so you are lucky I decided to do one last check in case there was something serious. I will...

SVG not supported 12:03pm Thu 31st Oct, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote A bitset is an implementation detail to represent sets efficiently in memory. I cannot make an explicit statement about the content of the exam, and so cannot tell you whether you will need to be familiar with this, but I believe from...

SVG not supported 8:43pm Wed 30th Oct, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote Technically this depends on what the questions ask for, but you will notice that all the questions in the sample exam ask for a "justification". This is not asking for a formal proof, just an argument to convince the reader that your ...

SVG not supported 8:39pm Wed 30th Oct, Andrew G.

Wrong unit. I think you are looking for CITS3011.

SVG not supported 8:39pm Wed 30th Oct, Andrew G.

We expect the DOMjudge server will stay up over summer, as it will be a useful resource for students with deferred exams, but I am not able to guarantee it in general.

SVG not supported 8:37pm Wed 30th Oct, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote I took some time last night to throw together an editorial and have just got it done up enough for release. Please see the announcement or the Project page on LMS.

SVG not supported 11:56am Mon 28th Oct, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote In certain cases this depends on context, but in general if you are using a named algorithm we covered in lectures for a purpose we investigated in lectures, then you can assume the marker is familiar with it. This is the same sort of...

SVG not supported 11:45am Mon 28th Oct, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote I am sorry, but I am not going to make an official statement giving any guarantee about that. The official directions for any test is to answer the questions to the best of your ability. Having said that, you can probably figure out so...

 UWA week 43 (2nd semester, study break) ↓
SVG not supported 12:46pm Mon 21st Oct, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote Reachability is transitive. s is able to reach d via c. The core point is that the s side of the cut will be exactly those vertices that are reachable from s through the residual graph . That is, the vertices to which s could push fl...

 UWA week 42 (2nd semester, week 12) ↓
SVG not supported 2:16pm Fri 18th Oct, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote Nope As stated in the lecutre, Special Topics is used for supplementary content that is not part of the core material of the unit and is not assessed therefore. Hence the more workshop-style format, just having a chat about some inte...

SVG not supported 4:54pm Thu 17th Oct, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote I aim to have them to you before the exam, yes, but please note that (unless we have to cut any of your answers due to being cited plagiarism or something), you should already know your score It's the number of points you have on DOM...

SVG not supported 12:57pm Tue 15th Oct, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote This comes from that we can define a set of k subarrays as a set of pairs of start and end indices (l1, r1), (l2, r2), ..., (lk, rk) . Each index in this representation has O(N) options, and there are 2k of them, so that give...

SVG not supported 12:32pm Tue 15th Oct, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote I am not going to make an official statement on whether any part of the unit content is in the final exam or not. Officially, anything that was covered in the unit material (including lectures and labs) may be assessed unless explicit...

 UWA week 41 (2nd semester, week 11) ↓
SVG not supported 4:36pm Thu 10th Oct, Andrew G.

Apologies. I was held up after class (CITS3011 Tutorial) and did not get back to my office until a bit before 14 20. There is no need to email ahead of time. As stated elsewhere, my consultation hours are 14 00 to 16 00. If I an unavoidably delayed on ...

SVG not supported 4:33pm Thu 10th Oct, Andrew G.

This issue should be resolved now. It appears to have just been high demand as we are close to the end of the project. Likely exacerbated by several people resubmitting repeatedly rather than waiting for their turn in the queue to clear.

SVG not supported 11:02am Thu 10th Oct, Andrew G.

This is explicitly addressed in the project instructions. Please make sure you have read the project instructions.

SVG not supported 10:55am Wed 9th Oct, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote Hi, Unfortunately, given this unit has never been run before, I have yet to have time to write a second exam to provide as a sample exam. This is currently my second highest priority, however, as I hope to cover it in lectures next wee...

SVG not supported 6:57pm Tue 8th Oct, Andrew G.

By chance, the top video from the latest Summer of Maths Exposition (https announced today is about P vs NP What P vs NP is actually about (https 6OPsH8PK7xM) It's a seemingly well-presented (if informal) dive into how an...

SVG not supported 3:12pm Tue 8th Oct, Andrew G.

8-connected is the standard term for referring to the 8 pixels that share an edge or corner with a given pixel https wiki Pixel connectivity 8-connected

SVG not supported 11:32am Tue 8th Oct, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote cssubmit permits multiple submissions. We will only mark the final submission. Students will not be punished for cssubmit being down. If necessary an alternative will be made available.

SVG not supported 11:31am Tue 8th Oct, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote This has been addressed in the project specification and FAQs. Your submission is marked only on your ability to solve the problems. Code style does not contribute to marks. Having said that, I will encourage you to take the few minute...

SVG not supported 11:27am Tue 8th Oct, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote Apologies for the inconvenience. I have been extremely busy and short on time and the lectures were made available as soon as they were ready for upload. Gozz

SVG not supported 11:23am Tue 8th Oct, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote This is the worst case scenario. Note that Ford-Fulkerson just uses a DFS and provides no guarantees about how it will select a path, so we must consider the worst case. Finding strategies (such as taking the shortest available path) ...

 UWA week 40 (2nd semester, week 10) ↓
SVG not supported 11:02am Fri 4th Oct, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote As you have identified, the specification says "8-connected region". 8-connected is the standard term for referring to the 8 pixels surrounding a given pixel, and so does include diagonals. See (https wiki Pixel con...

SVG not supported 10:55am Fri 4th Oct, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote Reasonable input times are accounted for in the runtime limits, and should rarely if ever be the dominating factor. The time limits and bounds are set so as to distinguish algorithms with acceptable time complexities from those that a...

SVG not supported 1:02pm Wed 2nd Oct, Andrew G.

The previous student is correct. As has been mentioned before in various places, Python normally gives a Run-Error when hitting the memory limit. No, no students will be provided with additional test cases. Exploring test cases and finding bugs yourse...

SVG not supported 2:48pm Tue 1st Oct, Andrew G.

Hi, Exploring the properties of the problem space to find, understand, and fix your bugs is an intended part of the task. A good practice is to explore small, simple solutions and try to find the simplest input for which your algorithm is incorrect, so...

 UWA week 39 (2nd semester, week 9) ↓
SVG not supported 11:46am Fri 27th Sep, Andrew G.

The other student who has replied is correct. It seems you misunderstood the problem statement and need to read it again more closely.

SVG not supported
Project inputs 👍x1  (both)
3:30pm Thu 26th Sep, Andrew G.

The inputs are guaranteed to follow the specification. Cheers, Gozz

SVG not supported 12:02pm Thu 26th Sep, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote Hi, I am hoping to get them done as soon as possible, but there have been some unavoidable delays (running two new units requires writing a lot of new material to very specific deadlines... UCs have to have exam papers submitted in wee...

 UWA week 38 (2nd semester, week 8) ↓
SVG not supported 2:25pm Thu 19th Sep, Andrew G.

Please note that there will be no lecture on Monday 23rd September as it is a public holiday. UWA will be closed.

SVG not supported 12:50pm Wed 18th Sep, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote if dist u is not None is checking whether the vertex has been marked as visited. An unvisited vertex will have a distance of None , while a visited vertex will have some numeric distance. This is explicitly discussed both in lectur...

SVG not supported 12:33pm Wed 18th Sep, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote The defining property of a spanning tree is that it is a tree that contains all vertices in the graph. The defining property of a shortest path tree is that every path starting from the root of the tree is a shortest path in the graph ...

SVG not supported 12:29pm Wed 18th Sep, Andrew G.

I encourage you to have a think about this question, which may help you figure out understand the solution If we somehow knew the set of potions and swords we would be using, does the order you use them matter?

 UWA week 37 (2nd semester, week 7) ↓
SVG not supported 3:28pm Tue 10th Sep, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote There was no lecture this week due to the Mid-Semester test, as noted on LMS. Lecture 13 will be next week.

SVG not supported 2:50pm Mon 9th Sep, Andrew G.

I would encourage you to make sure you are comfortable with the other techniques. In particular, try implementing it with a stack manually, as all the recursive solution is doing is a trick to use the call stack rather than having to make your own. I...

 UWA week 36 (2nd semester, mid-semester break) ↓
SVG not supported 12:08pm Mon 2nd Sep, Andrew G.

Yes, Python has a recursion depth limit that defaults to 1000 in the most common implementation (CPython). This can be adjusted programmatically, but in Python I would generally prefer to just use an iterative implementation. There is no mathematical...

SVG not supported 12:02pm Mon 2nd Sep, Andrew G.

You appear to have misread the problem statement in a couple of ways. Please read it again carefully and see if you can find the parts of the statement that make your solution invalid. I will give you one as a hint, but there is another issue besides ...

 UWA week 35 (2nd semester, week 6) ↓
SVG not supported 7:08pm Tue 27th Aug, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote You will be unsurprised to learn that this is an extant field of study. I am not quite following the "little guy" architecture you are describing, but various models of computation have been studied differentiated by the capabilities a...

SVG not supported 6:17pm Tue 27th Aug, Andrew G.

Details of the Mid-Semester Test including sample questions have been released on LMS. See the Mid-Semester Test (https webapps blackboard content listContentEditable.jsp?content id 3978892 1 course id 90614 1 mode reset) link in ...

SVG not supported 6:15pm Tue 27th Aug, Andrew G.

Details have now been released. See the announcement on LMS or by email.

SVG not supported 6:09pm Tue 27th Aug, Andrew G.

We are aware of the issue, which appears to be an issue due to the size of the file. We will upload the samples to LMS when possible.

 UWA week 34 (2nd semester, week 5) ↓
SVG not supported 2:35pm Thu 22nd Aug, Andrew G.

Counting sort just requires us to be able to count how many of each category of element appear. So we just need a data structure for that. The range 0, n) is easy as that can be done with a list of length n . But for any range lwr, upr) we jus...

SVG not supported 11:02am Mon 19th Aug, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote This is because by doing (1 3) in Python you have turned this int a floating point calculation. There are ways to make this work, but you do not need to. Remember that we encourage you to speak to lab facilitators to help you work...

 UWA week 33 (2nd semester, week 4) ↓
SVG not supported 4:20pm Fri 16th Aug, Andrew G.

We do not intend to release solutions to the labs (yet, at least). We believe that having access to reference solutions will not help students learn the material, as the point is to treat these as problems you have not seen before. If you get stuck, ...

SVG not supported 11:26am Fri 16th Aug, Andrew G.

Please see the previous post https run help3001?p np opt U24

SVG not supported 11:22am Fri 16th Aug, Andrew G.

Hi, I do not like to comment on the relative difficulty of assessments, as difficulty is highly subjective. The assessments will aim to assess your progress towards the learning outcomes. The mid-semester test in particular is also meant to be a format...

SVG not supported 1:10pm Wed 14th Aug, Andrew G.

No, importing third-party libraries is not permitted.

SVG not supported 1:09pm Wed 14th Aug, Andrew G.

Thanks for the reminder. This is now fixed in the slides on LMS, having been replaced with the order I intended, but apparently failed to type properly

SVG not supported 1:48pm Mon 12th Aug, Andrew G.

Should be fixed.

 UWA week 32 (2nd semester, week 3) ↓
SVG not supported 2:37pm Thu 8th Aug, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote Heap sort only uses a single heap, though. Heaps are typically implemented as binary trees with the heap property, so maybe you are talking about the subtrees of the heap? Recall that one of the defining parts of a distribution sort is...

SVG not supported 4:20pm Wed 7th Aug, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote These are not exclusive categories. Indeed, as you say, quicksort is both. Comparison-based sorting algorithms are restricted to only be able to compare elements, and have no other way to get information about their ordering. Quicksort...

SVG not supported 2:44pm Mon 5th Aug, Andrew G.

ANONYMOUS wrote It has (currently, at least) been left on the default of scoring first by number of problems completed, then by time penalty. Time penalty is the sum of your submission time in minutes from the start of the "contest", plus 20 minutes ...

 UWA week 31 (2nd semester, week 2) ↓
SVG not supported 12:39pm Fri 2nd Aug, Andrew G.

Converting the input strings into ints (which is intended), would only take a single linear O(N) scan over the list. It would take this long to even read in the input, so that should not be the dominating factor. Some questions for you to consider tha...

 UWA week 30 (2nd semester, week 1) ↓
SVG not supported 11:05am Tue 23rd Jul, Andrew G.

I am aware of the issue. Unfortunately, I didn't see until after the lecture yesterday an email that came through warning I used the pack mic, which appears to have worked in the room, but not for the Echo recording past the first few minutes. I am pl...

SVG not supported 11:35am Mon 22nd Jul, Andrew G.

Hi all, Welcome to CITS3001 Advanced Algorithms We hope to see you soon in the lectures, but if you need to reach out to us, please first use help3001 for anything that can be asked publicly, and for anything else use the unit email address cit 3 0 - ...

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Computer Science and Software Engineering

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