It's UWAweek 49


This forum is provided to promote discussion amongst students enrolled in CITS3001 Advanced Algorithms.

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How do I ask a good question?
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 UWA week 41 (2nd semester, week 11) ↓
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1:47pm Tue 8th Oct, ANONYMOUS

For the Flip Tool problem, what does it mean by this: The way the flip tool works is by first having the user select a pixel. After this pixel is selected, the flip tool finds the largest 8-connected region of pixels all of the same colour containing the selected pixel, then flips the colour of each pixel in that region (from white to black or from black to white). In other words, the flip tool starts at the selected pixel, then selects each adjacent pixel that shares an edge or corner with it, and which has the same colour as it, then it selects each of their neighbours of the same colour, and so on. All the pixels selected this way have their colour flipped. Does it mean that it will select the neighbour that has the same colour as the selected pixel, the neighbours of that neighbours, and so on, for a total of 8 times? So given a grid with all the same colours, it can flip a 15 * 15 grid if all the colours are the same?

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3:12pm Tue 8th Oct, Andrew G.

8-connected is the standard term for referring to the 8 pixels that share an edge or corner with a given pixel:

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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