It's UWAweek 49


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 UWA week 33 (2nd semester, week 4) ↓
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2:10pm Wed 14th Aug, ANONYMOUS

Hi Gozz, What is the planned difficulty of the mid-sem and exam in comparison to the labs, will they be like the labs but with no hints, or maybe like the lab but enough information such that it would be like we were given hints

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11:22am Fri 16th Aug, Andrew G.

Hi, I do not like to comment on the relative difficulty of assessments, as difficulty is highly subjective. The assessments will aim to assess your progress towards the learning outcomes. The mid-semester test in particular is also meant to be a formative assessment, to give you guidance on where you may currently be struggling. Details for the mid-sem and other assessments will be released with sufficient time before the assessment for students to prepare. Where possible I intend to provide sample questions so you can be aware of the format of the assessment. Since this unit has never been run before, I unfortunately cannot provide previous year's assessments. While this is not a guarantee, of course, in other units we generally see that students who have been studying the material covered in lectures (making sure to understand it, not just remember it), and who have been completing the labs (and understanding how to solve the problems, not just reproducing a solution found online) are statistically likely to do well in assessments, unsurprisingly. Hope that helps. Cheers, Gozz

The University of Western Australia

Computer Science and Software Engineering

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