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Is the web page allowed to have the station names hardcoded (so user can select from a dropdown menu), but not having information from these stations until they are all started up?
So after running nc -l 4444, I get this output in terminal
Host localhost 4444
Connection keep-alive
sec-ch-ua "Google Chrome";v "123", "Not A-Brand";v "8", "Chromium";v "123"
sec-ch-ua-mobile ?0
sec-ch-ua-platform "macOS"
I think it was when I downloaded the files, the calendar.txt was missing (for some unknown reason), so I went back and downloaded it again and checked the files.
I'm going through the getting started page of the project, and after running
nc -l 4444
for, I can't seem to connect to the localhost 4444.
Also, for the, after making the file executable and running it, it giv...